
xìn yù
  • reputation;credit;prestige;goodwill;bona fides
信誉 [xìn yù]
  • [credit;prestige;reputation] 诚实守信的声誉

信誉[xìn yù]
  1. QQ小丑从不夸大虚伪,始终贯信誉为先,顾客至上的原则。

    The clown never exaggerated false , QQ , always sequential prestige is first the principle of customer first .

  2. TTI公司获得风险投资的过程,说明业界的信誉、资金实力、运作程序、管理团队都至关重要。

    TTI Company obtain course of risk investment , prove prestige , fund strength , operation procedure , group essential management of industry .

  3. 他们是一家地位稳固、信誉良好的公司。

    They are an established company with a good reputation .

  4. 我的老师同意出庭做我的品德信誉见证人。

    My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court .

  5. 这家公司财务支付信誉不佳。

    The company are not very good payers .

  6. 这个团队的名声、专业技能和信誉都是无可匹敌的。

    It 's a team unrivalled in stature , expertise and credibility .

  7. 我们不想让历经175年树立起来的良好信誉毁于一旦。

    We do not want to lose the goodwill built up over 175 years .

  8. 购房互助协会为信誉良好的客户提供贷款。

    Building societies make loans to creditworthy customers .

  9. 他们在公众中的信誉从未如此之低。

    Their public esteem has never been lower

  10. 在提供资金之前,他们得确认你是不是信誉良好的贷款对象。

    Before providing the cash , they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk

  11. 一位巴西利亚的选民将人们的心情一言概之——“政客们已无信誉可言”,他抱怨道。

    One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — ' Politicians have lost credibility , ' he complained

  12. 说谎是一种可耻的破坏信誉的行为。

    Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust .

  13. 本着讲信誉,为客人服务,求发展为宗旨。

    In speaking reputation , guests services , and development for the purpose .

  14. 再一次申明一下,不要关掉你付款的信用卡,这样会降低你的信誉积分!

    Again , do not close paid off credit cards because it will lower your credit score !

  15. 该公司把其信誉押在这上面了,更不要说它还投入了可观的技术和财务资源,限制斯诺登披露的大规模监听、监视。

    It has staked its corporate reputation , not to mention the investment of considerable technical and financial resources , on limiting the sort of mass surveillance that was uncovered by Mr. Snowden .

  16. 随着CanCandy变得越发成功,摩尔作为一位年轻创业者的信誉也与日俱增。

    As CanCandy 's success grows , so does Moore 's credibility as a young entrepreneur .

  17. 茂物目标事关亚太经合组织的信誉、凝聚力和未来发展。

    The Bogor Goals concern APEC 's credibility , cohesiveness and future development .

  18. 我们用一万英镑买下了这家商店,两千英镑买下了它的信誉。

    We paid £ 10000 for the shop , and £ 2000 for its goodwill .

  19. 想要达到这种效果,你就要花钱雇一个刷信誉团体。过去几年涌现出了数百家专事刷信誉的公司,为那些想要通过非常规手段迅速提升知名度的商家送上大批的“赞”。

    Hundreds of companies have sprung up in the last couple of years specializing in click farming , delivering bundles of online approval to businesses requiring a quick and dirty way to boost their popularity .

  20. 语义Web服务信誉度模型

    A Different Reputation Model of Semantic Web Service

  21. 基于局域网环境下的P2P信誉度问题的研究

    Research of Reputation Degree Question Based on Lan Circumstance of P2P

  22. 基于交互证据广播的P2P信誉系统

    A P2P Reputation System Based on Broadcasting of Proof of Interaction

  23. 基于信誉度的移动P2P安全信任模型的研究

    Research on the Reputation-Based Trust Model in Mobile P2P Network

  24. 复合信誉模型在防P2P文件污染中的应用研究

    Fighting Peer-to-Peer File Pollution with Compound Reputation Model

  25. 基于重复博弈和惩戒机制的P2P信誉模型研究

    Research on Reputation Model Based on Repeated Game Theory and Punishment Mechanism in P2P Environment

  26. 基于聚类的P2P电子商务信誉评价算法

    Aggregation-based Reputation Evaluation Algorithm for P2P E-commerce

  27. 信誉模型的研究为有效的解决P2P网络中资源共享的安全性问题提供了解决方案。

    The research of trust model provides a program that can effectively solve the security of P2P resource sharing .

  28. 加入WTO必须要有良好的国家信誉。它要求成员国遵守世界贸易准则,并积极履行自己的承诺。

    Entering WTO needs good national reputation , and it demands member countries to abide by international trade rules and positively fulfill their promises .

  29. 基于Super-node结构的P2P网络的信誉评价系统

    Reputation Evaluation System for P2P Network Based on Super-node Structure

  30. 此组件负责接收客户DI并确认客户处于良好的信誉状态。

    This component 's job is to receive the customer ID and confirm that the customer is in good standing .