
  • 网络asymmetric information;information asymmetry theory;Asymmetric information theory
  1. 根据信息不对称理论的解释,IPO抑价正是对信息不对称造成的风险进行的补偿,且信息不对称的程度越高,投资者承担的风险越大,IPO的抑价程度也就越高。

    According to the asymmetric information theory , IPO underpricing is the compensation for the risks caused by asymmetric information .

  2. 研究者一般基于信息不对称理论、制度理论和行为金融学理论,试图去解释IPO溢价现象,由此形成了不同的理论假说。

    Researchers generally based on asymmetric information theory , systems theory and behavioral finance theory , trying to explain the phenomenon of IPO premium , thus forming the different hypotheses .

  3. 阐述了外部性理论、信息不对称理论、需求层次论和标准差异论对SPS措施形成的影响并提出可能的解决对策。

    This paper explains the effects of externality , information asymmetry theory , demand hierarchy theory and different standard theory in forming the SPS measures and its possible solutions .

  4. 西方学者对融资的研究始于MM理论,其后许多西方学者从不同的角度研究各类融资方式对公司治理产生的影响,代表性的有代理成本理论、信息不对称理论、产品市场理论等等。

    Western economists studied finance from MM model , then many economists studied finance how to effect corporate governance from a few of aspects . It produced many theories such as agency costs theory , asymmetric information theory and product-market theory .

  5. 国外诸多关于IPO抑价的研究大都是围绕着信息不对称理论、信号显示理论及委托代理理论等角度展开,而我国对新股发行抑价的研究多是以我国的制度因素为背景展开的。

    Many foreign researches of IPO under-pricing are mostly around the asymmetric information theory , signal theory and principal-agent theory , and the research of IPO under-pricing in China are almost in the factors of our system institutions .

  6. Merton(1987)基于信息不对称理论认为:投资者只对自己熟悉的投资机会进行投资选择,公司特质风险难以被分散。

    However , Merton ( 1987 ) based on the information asymmetry theory put forward that investors always concentrate investment choices based on the information they have , so the idiosyncratic risk can not be diversified .

  7. 新经济学的信息不对称理论揭示了失信的可能性;

    Asymmetric information theory indicates possibility of lacking honest and credit ;

  8. 信息不对称理论已经可以解释经济生活很多方面的问题。

    Theory of Information Asymmetry can explain many problems in economics .

  9. 从信息不对称理论看高等教育中的行政干预

    Administrative Interference in Higher Education Seen from Information Asymmetry Theory

  10. 信息不对称理论与中国证券市场信息披露制度

    Information Asymmetry Theory and Information Publicity System of Securities Market of China

  11. 其中,理论分析主要从债务契约理论与信息不对称理论出发。

    The theory mainly contains debt contract theory and the information asymmetry theory .

  12. 信息不对称理论框架下商业银行的组织创新

    Information Asymmetry , Information Technology And the Organizational Innovation of the Commercial Banks

  13. 基于信息不对称理论的人力资源招聘工作研究

    Human Resources Recruiting Based on Theory of Information Asymmetry

  14. 预算松弛:基于信息不对称理论的考察

    Budgetary Slack : A Review Based on Information Asymmetry

  15. 信息不对称理论在工程结算审计中的应用

    Application of the information dissymmetry in the audit of Engineering balance of accounts

  16. 根据信息不对称理论,财务重述会引起市场进行逆向选择。

    According to the information asymmetry theory , financial restatement can cause market adverse selection .

  17. 信息不对称理论在改善医患关系中的应用

    Application of Asymmetric information in Physician-patient relationship

  18. 第四部分为信息不对称理论综述;

    Section 4 reviews asymmetric information theory ;

  19. 中小企业集群的信贷融资优势&从信息不对称理论角度分析

    Analysis of Credit Advantage of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises clusters Based on Theory of Information Asymmetry

  20. 信息不对称理论及实例

    Theory & Example of Asymmetrical Information

  21. 信息不对称理论是当代信息经济学的核心内容,应用范围非常广泛。

    The information asymmetry theory is the core content of contemporary information economics and widely applied .

  22. 运用产权理论和信息不对称理论分析了分时度假市场失效表现形式。

    With the ownership theory and information-dissymmetry theory , the author identifies different manifestations of market inefficacy .

  23. 因此,公司债务管理是在信息不对称理论和公司治理理论下的管理行为。

    Thus , corporate debt management is managerial behaviors under asymmetric information theory and corporate governance theory .

  24. 特别由于发行方、承销商和投资商三方信息不对称理论得到了普遍的认可。

    Especially since the issuers , underwriters and investors , asymmetric information theory has three generally recognized .

  25. 本部分以股权激励计划的理论背景为依据,介绍了信息不对称理论和代理理论。

    Based on the equity incentive theory , this part states the information asymmetry and agency theory .

  26. 因此,信息不对称理论能很好的解释我国上市公司的定向增发行为。

    So the theory of information asymmetry can well explain the private placement phenomenon in China stock market .

  27. 在理论借鉴部分,主要介绍了财务管理目标理论、股利分配理论以及信息不对称理论,并着重介绍了股利分配理论。

    The financial management target theory , dividend distribution policy theory and information dissymmetry theory are introduced primarily .

  28. 其中,对会话合作原则、信息不对称理论、社会分层理论以及社会学习理论进行了重点介绍,因为在之后的理论分析中将会重点用到。

    Among them , the cooperative principles , social stratification theory and social learning theory is mainly described .

  29. 介绍了信息不对称理论的基本内容,并对信息不对称理论进行了评述。

    This paper introduces the basic content of information asymmetry theory and comments on the theory of information asymmetries .

  30. 首先对研究的理论基础&信息不对称理论及客户关系管理理论进行了分析,然后构建了一个医患博弈模型,试图用博弈论方法来分析医患关系。

    In the first place , the paper tries to construct a game model to analysis hospital patient relationship .