
zhōng měi guān xi
  • Sino US relations;Sino-U.S. relation
中美关系[zhōng měi guān xi]
  1. 第五部分主要分析了未来中美关系的发展前景。

    The fifth part analyzes the future prospect of Sino-U.S. relation .

  2. 金融危机促成了中美关系的深刻变革,金融危机对中美关系的影响是一个从无到有,由浅至深的过程。

    Financial crisises make profound changes in Sino-U.S. relation .

  3. 自理查德尼克松(richardnixon)于上世纪70年代恢复美国与中国的外交关系以来,波音就一直处在中美关系的中心位置。

    Since Richard Nixon restored diplomatic ties with China in the 1970s , Boeing has been at the crux of US-China relations .

  4. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,美国贸易代表迈克尔o弗罗曼在于北京举行的亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)峰会会议间隙表示:这对中美关系而言是令人鼓舞的消息。

    This is encouraging news for the U.S. - China relationship , Reuters quoted USTR Michael Froman as saying on the sidelines of meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Beijing .

  5. 今天的JCCT会议为奥巴马总统两星期后的访问奠定了坚实的基础,做了充分的准备,将有助于建立面向21世纪的积极、合作和全面的中美关系。

    Today 's JCCT meeting laid a solid groundwork and made full preparations for President Obama 's visit in two weeks , which will help build the positive , cooperative and comprehensive China-U.

  6. 台湾海峡危机、中美关系与亚洲的冷战

    Taiwan Strait Crises , Sino-American Relations and Cold War in Asia

  7. 集团政治与中美关系&PNTR中的利益集团因素

    Group Politics and Sino-American Relations & lnterest group factor in PNTR

  8. 结构现实主义视角下后冷战时期的中美关系

    Sino-US relation during post-cold war on the view of structure realism

  9. 1969年中苏边界冲突与中美关系缓和

    Sino-American Relation D é tente and Sino-Soviet Border Conflict in 1969

  10. 战后初期美国对华政策与中美关系

    American Foreign Policy on China and Relation between USA and China

  11. 亚太多边安全合作与中美关系:制度的视角

    Asian-Pacific Multilateral Security Cooperation and US-China Relations : An Institutional Perspective

  12. 政治文化差异对中美关系的影响

    Impact of Differences in Political Culture on S in o-US Relations

  13. 冲突还是共治&论中美关系的未来走向

    Conflict or joint governing & on the future of Sino-US relations

  14. 美国军工复合体及其对中美关系的消极影响

    The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex and Its Negative Impact on Sino-US Relations

  15. 也有人认为她的强硬作风或将损害中美关系。

    While some other considered that her strong style will harm Sino-U.

  16. 你如何看待中美关系的现况?

    How do you view the current state of China-U.S. relationship ?

  17. 海权问题与冷战后的中美关系:矛盾的认知与艰难的选择

    Sea-power Issues and Post-cold-war Sino-US relations : Contradictory Perceptions and Difficult Options

  18. 国际环境和中美关系互动:战略思想和政策规划

    International Environment and Interactive Sino-US Relations : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning

  19. 有关中美关系思想实际上已经包含于其中。

    Thoughts on Sino-US relations have in fact included in the report .

  20. 论中美关系中的美国国会因素

    An Analysis of the American Congress Factor in Sino-American Relationship

  21. 美国对台政策演变及其对中美关系的影响

    Evolution of USA policy to Taiwan and its effect on China-America relationship

  22. 关于美国对华政策和中美关系的几点思考

    Some ideas on america 's China policy and Sino-American relations

  23. 中美关系不是,也不应成为零和游戏。

    This is not and should not be a zero-sum game relationship .

  24. 你认为中美关系如何?

    What do you think of the relationship between China and America ?

  25. 在谈到中美关系时,他说:我们不是朋友。

    Of China-US relations , he said : We are not friends .

  26. 这标志着中美关系进入了一个新发展阶段。

    This will mark a mew stage of development in China-US relations .

  27. 能源安全与中美关系的政治经济学分析

    Energy Security and Sino-US Relations : an Analysis from Political Economic Perspectives

  28. 一中原则与中美关系

    " The One China " Principle and China-U.S. Relations

  29. 中美关系的根基在人民,动力源泉也在人民。

    People represent both the foundation and source of strength for China-US relations .

  30. 亨利·卢斯、《时代》周刊与四十年代中美关系

    Henry Luce , time , and sino-u.s , relations in the 1940 's