
  • 网络China Academy of Engineering Physics;CAEP
  1. 中国工程物理研究院主办的一种内部出版的期刊因缺乏活力而停刊,后办的一种期刊改为公开出版后获得了生机。

    A journal published by the China Academy of Engineering Physics has been developing dramatically after its transformation from restricted publishing to open publishing .

  2. 本文结合北京京丰热电有限公司电子束辐照烟气脱硫工程设计,在位于四川省绵阳市科学城的中国工程物理研究院工业试验装置上进行了实验,研究了工艺参数和副产物收集中存在的问题。

    Experimental study on technical parameters of EBP and collecting by-product were carried out on the pilot plant of China Academy of Engineering Physics in Mianyang Sichuan province .

  3. 本课题由中国工程物理研究院工学院基金资助,研究和开发基于B/S结构的学校管理信息系统。

    This thesis is based on a developing project named the B / S Based College Management Information System , which is sponsored by the staff college of China Academy of Engineering Physics .

  4. 介绍了中国工程物理研究院(CAEP)激光聚变研究中心的实验总体情况;

    The experiment setups at the Laser Fusion Research Center in China Academy of Engineering Physics ( CAEP ) are also introduced .

  5. 闪光X射线机技术在中国工程物理研究院(下称CAEP)已有三十年的发展历史在爆轰物理学和y射线辐照效应研究中发挥了重要作用。

    Flash X-ray technology had been rapidly developed at CAEP during the past 30 years . It plays an important role in the researches of detonation physics and transient radiation electronics effects . In this paper the developments of various type of flash X-ray machines are overviewed .

  6. 新型化爆材料动态切削温度测试系统这一课题来源于中国工程物理研究院重大基金项目(项目编号:2001Z0301)。

    The project of the new dynamical cutting temperature measuring system for chemical explosive material is funded by China Academy of Engineering Physical ( NO. 2001Z0301 ) .

  7. 中国工程物理研究院研制技术成果介绍系列之二

    Introducing for China Engineering Physics Academy research production , II

  8. 本项目来源于中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所的型号课题。

    This project is sponsored by the CAEP Institute of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Weapons Development Funds .

  9. 实验是在中国工程物理研究院聚变研究中心的超短脉冲激光装置上进行的。

    Our experiments were carried out at the ultra-short and ultra-intense laser facility in the China Academy of Engineering Physics .

  10. 本文概要地介绍中国工程物理研究院的核物理、核技术及相关学科的研究与发展.内容包括九个方面;

    This paper briefly introduces the research and development of nuclear physics , nuclear technology and related disciplines at CAEP .

  11. 分析了中国工程物理研究院(简称中物院)现行绩效管理方案存在的问题,指出了对其进行改革的必要性。

    Analyzed the question of the original performance management scheme of CHINA ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS ( CAEP ) and stated the necessity to improve it .

  12. 中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所原工作地点(老点)存在两个放射性废物库5371和5372。

    There are waste vault 537 1 and vault 537 2 in former address of Institute of Nuclear physics and Chemistry , China Academy of Engineering Physics .

  13. 中国工程物理研究院的特殊装配装置研究项目就是解决薄壁异型零件的自动装配问题。

    The CAEP ( China Academy of Engineering Physics ) project of " Special Assemble Mechanism Study " is presented for the flimsy and curve parts to be assembled .

  14. 本课题作为中国工程物理研究院科技信息港二期工程中的一个重点项目,是对搭建信息服务机构网络环境下个性化信息服务系统的一次实践探索,并力求达到实际服务的效果。

    As an important part of CAEP Science and Technology information harbor project ( phase II ), this effort is a practice to establish PIS system under the network environment .

  15. 中国工程物理研究院是以发展国防科技为主的理论、实验、设计、生产的综合型科研单位。

    China Academy of Engineering Physics ( CAEP ) is a comprehensive research institution , which mainly develops theory , experiments , designs and products for national defense science and technology .

  16. 介绍了中子散射谱仪用的中子垂直聚焦单色器的基本原理,描述了安装在中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所的中子衍射谱仪的中子垂直聚焦单色器的调节方法。

    The article introduces the basic principle of the vertically focused monochromator used in neutron scattering spectrometer which has been installed in Institute of Nucleus Physics and Chemistry as well as the adjustment method of the monochromator .

  17. 针对中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所(简称:中物院机制所)旧设备的数控化改造和传统数控存在的弊端提出了研究开发开放式数控系统的必要性。

    Aimed at the disadvantage of traditional NC and the need of making over the old equipment of the Institute of Machinery Manufacturing of CAEP , the necessity of research and development of open-architecture NC is put forward .

  18. 中国工程物理研究院在进行某空间装置质量特性综合测量设备的研制中,对该空间装置在低转速下的立式动平衡测量精度提出了很高要求。

    During the developing quality characteristics colligation measuring equipment for the flight equipment in Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics ( CAEP ), high requirements are put forward to vertical dynamic balancing measuring accuracy of the flight equipment at low rotation speed .