
  • 网络middle manager;middle-manager
  1. 认股权在未来会发挥更大的作用,将激发中层管理者的工作热情,使其有更出色的表现。

    Share options will play a bigger role in future , putting zip into the performance of middle managers

  2. 最后在岗位评价的基础上设计出新的W钢铁公司中层管理者薪酬体系。

    Last onthe basis of job evaluation it designs a new payment system for middle managers .

  3. GY公司中层管理者素质模型的构建及其应用

    Construction and Application of the Competency Model for Middle Managers in GY Enterprises

  4. 约瑟夫眠勒(JosephHeller)的《出了毛病》(SomethingHappened)一书中虚构的人物鲍勃斯洛克姆(BobSlocum)便体现了中层管理者的悲惨命运。

    The fictional Bob Slocum in Joseph Heller 's Something Happened embodies middle management misery .

  5. 关于JS企业中层管理者激励问题的研究

    Research on Incentive Issue of JS Enterprise 's Middle Managers

  6. 对于中层管理者OA是信息管理系统,而对于普通管理者,OA又是事物/业务处理系统。

    OA for middle managers is information management system , and for general managers , OA is something / business processing system .

  7. 报告发现,实际上NHS是管理不足而不是管理过度,这对认为中层管理者松懈不力的观点提出了质疑。

    It found that if anything the NHS was under-managed rather than over-managed , disputing the idea of a sagging middle .

  8. 最后结合某高新技术企业N公司,运用集对分析的方法对该公司中层管理者的领导力水平进行评价,以验证这个评价模型,结果表明,评价效果良好。

    Finally , combining the N company case example , using the Set Pair Analysis and evaluating the Leadership Power of Mid-level Managers in the High and New Technology Enterprise to confirms this evaluation model , and the result indicates that the appraisal effect is good .

  9. 大多数IronPort的中层管理者在思科的担子会大幅增加,而这为他们在思科或其他公司担任更高的职务打下了基础。

    Most of the mid-level managers at IronPort had a significant increase in their responsibilities at Cisco and it prepared them to take on even larger roles both in and outside the company .

  10. 在统计与分析调查数据的基础上,本文运用多维尺度分析法(PROXSCAL)从水平结构方向上建立中层管理者胜任力层级结构模型的基础维度结构。

    On the basis of statistical analysis of survey data , this paper used the multidimensional scaling analysis ( PROXSCAL ) from the horizontal direction constructing the base dimension structures of the competency level model .

  11. 在美国,企业的中层管理者被认为是多余的累赘。

    In the US , middle managers are denigrated as cancer .

  12. 企业中层管理者岗位胜任特征模型实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Middle-Level Managers ' Competency Model in Enterprises

  13. 中层管理者执行力问题研究

    Research on the Problem of the Executive Ability of Middle-level Managers

  14. 中层管理者在企业中起着桥梁和纽带的作用。

    Middle managers play the role of bridge in the enterprise .

  15. 中层管理者正是战略的重要执行者。

    It is an important for strategy executives of middle managers .

  16. 代内成长型组织执行力关键:中层管理者

    The Crux of Executive Ability in Intra-Generation Growing Organizations : Middle-Manager

  17. 试论计算系统的能力与性能国有企业中层管理者素质与绩效关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between State-owned Enterprise Manager 's Competence and Performance

  18. 中层管理者们一直在讨好那些老板。

    Middle managers are endlessly sucking up to those bosses .

  19. 民营企业中层管理者目标激励体系的研究

    Objective Encouragement System of the Middle-level Manager in Private Enterprise

  20. 民营企业中层管理者激励影响因素分析

    Analysis on Motivation Factors of Junior Managers in Private Enterprises

  21. 国有企业中层管理者的作用与企业权力结构

    The Role of Middle-level Cadres and the Power Structure in State-owned Enterprises

  22. 企业中层管理者工作倦怠的成因及其干预措施

    The Causes and Interventions of Job Burnout on Middle-level Managers

  23. 现在,舒卡在每年和每季的规划会议上都会让中层管理者参与进来。

    Today he includes middle managers in annual and quarterly planning sessions .

  24. 执行力与胜任力理论对企业中层管理者培养的启示

    The Effect of Competency and Execution Theory on Middle-Level Managers

  25. 构建中型企业中层管理者素质测评指标体系

    Evaluating System of Competence to Mid-Level Manager in the Medium Scale Enterprise

  26. 加强中层管理者的思想教育提高医院管理水平

    Strengthening the ideological education of middle-level managers to raise hospital management level

  27. 企业中层管理者精神激励分析

    Analysis of Moral Incentive for Middle-level Management of Enterprise

  28. 中层管理者角色认知及其职业危机管理

    Roles Cognition and Career Crisis Management on Middle Manager

  29. 北京市IT企业中层管理者胜任力研究

    The Study on the Competency of Middle-level Manager of IT Enterprise in Beijing

  30. 虽然中层管理者的工作量激增,但职位数量却正在缩减。

    As middle managers ' workloads have intensified , their ranks have dwindled .