
  • 网络management level;Layers of Management;managerial hierarchy
  1. 削减管理层级,减少了成本,而欧德宁认为这一点非常重要,因为在这个世界,更小型设备上的更小型芯片意味着更小的利润率。

    Taking out layers of management has reduced costs , which Mr Otellini sees as essential in a world in which smaller chips on smaller devices means smaller margins .

  2. 在精简掉几个管理层级之后,他开始向各种耗费时间的委员会开刀,然后建立了一个集团执行委员会取而代之,将拖拉机和卡车等单独的业务部门聚集到一起。

    Having wiped out several layers of management , he now eliminated time-killing committees , replacing them with a Group Executive Council to bring together disparate operations like tractors and trucks .

  3. bp表示,它正在“削减管理层级”。

    BP said it was " reducing the number of management layers " .

  4. 护士岗位级别分类式排班的护理管理层级管理结合APN排班在重症监护病房中的应用

    Application and management of classified nurse scheduling model Application of level management in combination with APN duty arrangement in ward of intensive care unit

  5. 每一个部门内部,也都存在着管理层级。

    Inside each department , the managerial hierarchy also emerges .

  6. 我们公司没有管理层级过多这样的问题。

    We haven 't seen it be that much of an issue .

  7. 层次模型&所有业务都有代表管理层级的层次结构。

    Hierarchical Model – all businesses have a hierarchical structure that represents the management layers .

  8. 网络的管理层级包括企业级管理层、企业联盟管理层与行业管理层。

    The management levels include enterprise management level , Enterprise alliance management level and industry level .

  9. 企业网络结构分为三级:工业现场级、调度(控制)室级和管理层级。

    The network structure is composed of industrial local level , control center level and administration level .

  10. 委托代理关系广泛存在于一切组织和一切合作性活动中,存在于组织的每一个管理层级上。

    The format of principal-agent widely exists in every organization and cooperative action , also at each level of management .

  11. 在规划管理层级的最高层是规划主管人员和规划管理委员会。

    At the top of the program management hierarchy are the program sponsor ( s ) and the program steering committee .

  12. 多组验证性分析证明了该模型具有行业和管理层级可转移性的特点。

    Multiple group confirmatory factor analysis proves that the meta-competency have the character of transferability cross industry and Management layer class .

  13. 正如上面所讨论的,组织一般有三个管理层级:基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。

    As just discussed , organizations normally have three levels of management : first-line managers , middle managers , and top managers .

  14. 第五,缩短财政管理层级,为合理划分税种事权财权创造条件。

    Fifth , to reduce the level of financial management , for a reasonable division of property tax powers to create the conditions .

  15. 例如,在管理层级的底部,项目经理被分配到整个规划中的不同项目。

    For example , at the bottom of the management hierarchy , project managers are assigned to the various projects within the overall program .

  16. 实践证明,省直管市县的行政体制对于减少管理层级、提高行政效能、壮大县域经济、促进城乡经济融合、加快城市化的进程,都具有重要的意义。

    Evidences proved that province direct-administrated county system has good effect on reducing the level of administration , strengthening county economy , fastening citizen process .

  17. 私人部门的企业近几十年来经历了巨大的变化,实现了管理层级扁平化,提高了员工队伍技能,并且不断试验新的组织形式。

    Private sector companies have undergone huge changes in recent decades , flattening managerial hierarchies , upgrading workforce skills and experimenting ceaselessly with new organisational forms .

  18. 首先,笔者论述了电网企业在经营上存在:投资大、设施分散、资金密集、资产规模庞大、管理层级多等经营特点。

    First , the author discusses the existence of power grid enterprises in the business : investment , facilities scattered , capital-intensive , large-scale assets , management , multi-level and other operating characteristics .

  19. 各部门、各地方再以此为规范背景将自己的职责具体化,从而为在整个管理层级实现政府善治提供体制保障。

    Then , the respective departments and the respective local governments can detail their duties for themselves , through which it may provide a systematic assurance for good governance by the whole administrative levels .

  20. 平衡的一个方面是考试管理层级之间的平衡,即在考试事务上国家、地方和学校的平衡。

    The balance means that the different level in testing governance is balanced , that is to say that the central government , local and the school have the equal right on test business .

  21. 在管理层级的中部是规划经理或主管,2其主要职责是确保工作成果达到在商业和IT策略中所指定的结果。

    At the middle of the hierarchy is the program manager / director , 2 whose major responsibility is to ensure that the work effort achieves the outcome specified in the business and IT strategies .

  22. 现代企业组织中,管理层级制度的存在和日益复杂性,使得外部的监管往往只能起到事后监督的作用,难以有效提前发现企业的舞弊行为。

    Modern business organization , management , hierarchy , and the increasing complexity of existence , making the external monitor often only play a role in post-supervision , can not effectively find corporate fraud in advance .

  23. 省管县体制改革作为我国行政体制改革的重要组成部分,对于减少地方行政管理层级,转变政府职能,推进建设服务型政府、有效政府具有重要的意义。

    As an important part of the administrative reform in China , Province administrating county system reform is of great significance for reducing the levels of local administration , the transformation of government functions and construction of service-oriented government .

  24. 乡镇政府位于我国行政管理层级的末梢,连接着国家和基层社会,承担着执行国家在乡村的政策以及向国家反映基层社会公共需求的职责。

    The township government is located in the most bottom of administrative level , connecting with the state and society , to assume the responsibility of the rural community in policy and reflection of public demands in grassroots community .

  25. 基于2005年的问卷调查数据,本文对新技术商业化过程中项目管理层级差异、管理团队的职业经验差异与项目绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data from questionnaire in 2005 , this paper launches an empirical study of the impact of management level difference and career experience difference of management teams on the performance of project during the course of new technology commercialization .

  26. 构建充分独立的我国企业国有资产的产权关系,建立运转高效的国有资产管理层级,完善我国企业国有资产监管体系,是深化我国企业国有资产管理体制改革的重大举措。

    Building the independent relationship of asset rights of our state-owned assets of enterprises , setting up the operative management echelon and improving the supervision system , which are regarded as great actions for the promotion of reforming management system of state-owned assets of enterprises .

  27. 省直管县后,省与县之间减少了市这个中间管理层级,市的管理幅度大为缩小,市级行政区划的管理模式也将从区域型政府向城市型政府转变。

    After this system , it has reduced the original city-level administration between province and county is cut off . The control span of the city reduced greatly . And the municipal administrative divisions of the management model will also change from the regional-oriented government to urban-oriented government .

  28. 这两个方面都存在很大缺陷:信用风险的计量不够精确、敏感,不利于业务的风险-收益评估;总分制的垂直管理结构层级太多,业务线划分不明等。

    There are big flaw in both areas . The measurement of credit risk is not precise and sensitive enough , which is not good for the risk-benefit assessment of the business .

  29. 根据卷烟质量检验控制的要求,运用统计与系统分析技术结合卷烟质量控制检验目标控制进行分析,结合计算机信息系统技术,对建立分布式管理,层级化的决策分析系统进行了探讨。

    Based on the quality demand of cigarette control , the paper applies the statistics and system analysis technology to control cigarette quality . The distributing and hierarchy decision-making analysis system is established .

  30. 县级政府作为中央政府对地方进行有效管理不可或缺的层级,对历代的国家治理都产生过重大作用和影响。

    As an indispensable hierarchy in the local governance of the central government , county-level government has a significant impact on gems governance .