
  • 网络Project Management;MSc Management;Msc/Ma Management;Major in Management
  1. 由于经常得到项目管理专业人员(ProjectManagementProfessional,PMP)认证的授权,PM发现他们逐渐依赖于具体领域的专家经验了。

    Often empowered by Project Management Professional ( PMP ) certification , PMs find themselves increasingly dependant on domain-specific expertise .

  2. Ken是一名通过PMI认证的项目管理专业人员(PMP),还是一名通过IBM认证的高级技术专家(CATE,IBMSystemp52006),并且是通过Solaris认证的网络管理员(SCNA)。

    Ken is a PMI certified Project Management Professional ( PMP ), an IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert ( CATE , IBM System p52006 ), and a Solaris Certified Network Administrator ( SCNA ) .

  3. 直播营销平台应当配备直播内容管理专业人员,维护互联网直播内容安全。

    Platforms will need to hire professional moderators to “ maintain the safety of livestreaming content ” , according to the regulation .

  4. 但是,工商管理专业多年来一直是德国男女都爱选择的专业。最受女性喜爱的热门专业第二名是德语研究专业,75%的德语研究系学生都是女性。

    Business Administration has for years held the top spot in the ranking of the most popular programs , both for men and women . When it comes to the 2nd place , German Studies is favored by women , and 75 % of German Studies students are female .

  5. 根据中华校友会的信息,通过中国竞争激烈的考试体系被大学录取的学生当中,19.39%的人选择经济学专业,19.06%的人选择商务管理专业,这意味着经管类专业几乎占据了热门专业的半壁江山。

    According to China University Alumni Association , among those who score well enough in China 's highly competitive exam system to get into university , 19.39 % choose to study Economics and 19.06 % select Business Management , which means business & management related majors account for almost half of the popular majors .

  6. MBA教学的目标、理念、方法及其对工商管理专业教学的启示

    Enlightenment of MBA Teaching to Industrial and Commercial Administration Specialty Teaching

  7. 房地产经营管理专业在我院专业整合中的SWOT分析

    SWOT of analyses the actually developmental situation of the specialty how to operate and manage the real estate

  8. 非GIS专业地理信息系统课程实验教学研究初探&以资源环境与城乡规划管理专业为例

    A Study on the Teaching Method of the GIS Experiment Course for Non-GIS Majors & Taking for Example Students Majoring in Administration of Resource Environment and Rural and Urban Layout

  9. 指出MPA教育在我国尚处于起步阶段,课程的设计和教育模式的创建也处在摸索阶段。分析了MPA教育与行政管理专业的区别及我国目前MPA教育课程体系的现状。

    In China , MPA education is still in the beginning period , hence , the curriculum planning and construction of education model are under exploration .

  10. 从CBE模型谈信息管理专业课程体系的构建

    Talking about the Erection of the Course System of the Information Management Speciality from CBE Mode

  11. 高职旅游管理专业课程体系的CBE改革探讨

    A Discussion on CBE Reform on the Development and Establishment of Curriculum System of Tourism Management Speciality in Higher Vocational Schools

  12. 卫生管理专业实施SDSR四阶式教学组织形式探析

    Research on SDSR teaching organizational form in health management teaching

  13. 他的GMAT(研究生管理专业入学考试)成绩是740分,GPA(平均绩点)为3.45。这位印度裔美国人不仅是一位零差点球员,还攀登过珠穆朗玛峰。

    With a 740 GMAT and a grade point average of 3.45 , this Indian-American is not only a scratch golfer , he also climbed Mount Everest .

  14. 1997年在国际水文地质学家协会(IAH)中设立了跨界含水层资源管理专业委员会。

    In 1997 the International Association of Hydrogeologists has established a professional committee on Transboundary Aquifers Resources Management to promote their study and joint international cooperation .

  15. 本研究对旅游管理专业大学生进行了MBTI人格测验,并采用问卷调查与内隐联想测验(IAT)两种方式了解被试的专业认同状况。

    The authors conducted research on college students'personality types by means of MBTI . Using questionnaires and the Implicit Association Test ( IAT ), the present study investigated the students ' professional identification with their major of tourism administration .

  16. 实习在高校旅游管理专业具有重要地位。

    Internship occupies important position in the major of tourism management .

  17. 关于土地资源管理专业不动产估价学科方向的探讨

    Discussion on Real Estate Appraisal Subject of Land Resource Management Major

  18. 旅游管理专业建设若干问题思考

    Several Problems Regarding the Construction of the Major of Tourism Management

  19. 工商管理专业会计学课群优化建设

    Optimizing Construction of Accounting Course for Commercial Management Major Driving Lessons

  20. 工程管理专业人才培养现状分析与对策

    Current situation and countermeasures for talent training of engineering management specialty

  21. 技术经济及管理专业是一门典型的交叉学科。

    The Technology economy and management discipline is a typical interdisciplinary .

  22. 高职旅游管理专业培养计划研究

    Studying the Cultivation Plan for Tourism Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 关于电大工商管理专业教学改革的思考

    Reflections on Teaching Reform of Business Management Major of RTUs

  24. 关于旅游管理专业双语教学的实践与思考

    Practicing and Thinking on Bilingual Teaching of Tourism Management Major

  25. 信息管理专业开放式实验教学模式探索

    Research on the Open Style Experimental Teaching on Information Management

  26. 关于公共事业管理专业建设的思考与设想

    An Envision of the Construction of the Public-Service Management Specialty

  27. 卫生事业管理专业人才培养模式的改革研究

    Reform and Study on the Mode of the Hygiene Talented Person Development

  28. 工商管理专业人才培养的几点思考

    Some Thoughts for Training the Special Talents in Industrial and Commercial Management

  29. 第四,对旅游管理专业的体验式教学模式进行了构建。

    Fourth , the building of experiential teaching mode in tourism management .

  30. 旅游管理专业实践环节实施效果分析

    An analysis of implementing effect on practical link of travelling management profession