
  1. 钱钟书先生对南宋诗人陆游的精彩论述,见诸《管锥编》者,尚多值得开掘探讨之处。

    Qian Zhongshu made some brilliant analysis in his book Guanzhuibian on Lu You , the poet in the Southern Song Dynasty , which is well worth exploring and probing into .

  2. 李商隐诗歌的总体特点及其咏史诗特点&兼论钱钟书先生《管锥编》有关诗乐关系论述

    The Overall Characteristics of Li Shangyin 's Poems and the Characteristics of His Poems on Ode to History & Also on the relationship between poem and music in Guan Zhui Bian by Mr. Qian

  3. 所著多卷本《管锥编》,对中国著名的经史子古籍进行考释,并从中西文化和文学的比较上阐发、辨析。

    Multi-volume book of the " cone for possession of " China 's famous ancient conducted by Shi Dynasty , and from the literature and comparisons of Chinese and Western culture elucidate on , Analysis .

  4. 《管锥编》中钱锺书对诠释理论与方法有明显的自觉,有自己的见解,并将之运用于研究实践之中。认为演化观念应当成为诠释和发展中医理论的一个重要指导思想。

    Qian Zhongshu has clear self-consciousness to annotation theory and methods , and has his own understandings and uses them in his research practice . The ideal of evolution should become an important guidance thinking to annotation theory of TCM as well as to make it progress .