
  • 网络Management Cadre College;colleges for training managerial personnel
  1. 论中国特色的高职环境教育&兼谈中国环境管理干部学院发展之路

    On Environmental Education with Chinese Features in Higher Vocational Colleges

  2. 四川省卫生管理干部学院学报

    Journal of Sichuan Continuing Education College of Medical Sciences

  3. 福建金融管理干部学院科技大楼设计

    Design of the Science and Technology Building in the Fujian College of Financial Manager

  4. 国家林业局管理干部学院绩效考核实践探索与研究

    Research and Exploration on Employees ' Performance Assessment in State Academy of Forestry Administration

  5. 中国环境管理干部学院迄今已整整走过了20年的发展历程。

    Environmental Management College of China has a history of 20 years fo far .

  6. 第四章,辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效评价研究。

    The forth chapter , the Further education performance evaluate of Liaoning economic management cadre college .

  7. 湖北省经济管理干部学院学院简介

    Hubei Institute of economic management

  8. 山西经济管理干部学院人力资源管理专业产学结合的探索

    The Exploration of Practice Going Hand in Hand with Theory of Human Resources Management in Shanxi Institute of Economic Management

  9. 利用熵权多目标评价方法对辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效进行了评价。

    Use entropy weight multiple objective evaluation method evaluate the Further education performance evaluate of Liaoning economic management cadre college .

  10. 本文研究中的受试对象是山东农业管理干部学院商务英语专业一年级的学生。

    The subjects involved in the study were 22 college students majoring in Business English from Shandong Agricultural Administrators ' College .

  11. 环境监理专业是原国家环保局和中国环境管理干部学院共同创建。

    The subject of environment supervise was founded by both the formal National Environmental Protection Bureau and China Environmental Management Carder College .

  12. 这是北京市财贸管理干部学院商业研究所立足北京、开展首都流通产业研究的阶段性成果之一。

    This is one of the phases fruits of Beijing institute of finance and commerce management commerce institute to base itself upon Beijing and study capital circulation industry .

  13. 从对中国环境管理干部学院职业指导者的基本素质要求入手,客观详实地分析了我国高校毕业生的就业形势;

    This article , beginning with the elementary knowledge requirement for vocational counsel in Environmental Management College of China , analyzes the situation of college graduates ' employment .

  14. 中国教育电视台《第一观察》栏目与中国环境管理干部学院联合主办的《可持续发展与环境教育》节目于10月17日播出。

    Leaderette : The program Sustainable Development and Environmental Education , hosted by the column Insight of China Educational Television and Environmental Management College of China , was broadcast on Oct.17th , Maurice F.

  15. 通过更新教育观念,改革培养模式、办学体制和办学机制,打造优势品牌、形成办学特色,使管理干部学院永远立于我国高等教育之林。

    By renewing educational ideas and reforming training models and systems and mechanism of running schools , create advantage brands and form characteristics of running schools to make them become permanent members of higher education .

  16. 本文围绕农业部管理干部学院的在职教育综合管理信息系统(以下简称信息系统)展开讨论。

    The discussion of this article is based on the Integrated Management Information System ( hereinafter referred to as Information System ) established to meet the educational needs of the Agricultural Management Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture .

  17. 并从培育双师型师资队伍、改革课程体系设置、建立科学有效的质量控制体系三个方面研究辽宁经济管理干部学院继续教育绩效的提升策略。

    Through foster " two-qualification " teachers ' team , reform the course system settings ; establish scientific and effective quality control system three aspects to research the strategy about improve the performance of Liaoning economic management cadre college Further education .

  18. 本文通过对中国环境管理干部学院水解酸化工艺+生物接触氧化工艺+曝气生物滤池处理工艺的中水回用工程的调试和运行的研究,证实该工艺应用于校园生活污水处理回用的可行性。

    This article studied recycled water through hydrolysis acidification process + biological contact oxidation process and biological aerated filter process in the Chinese Environmental Management College . It showed that this system was feasible for the campus life sewage treatment and reuse .

  19. 中国环境管理干部学院建院二十五年来,适应形势需要,经历了局长岗位培训、局长岗位培训和成人学历教育并举、普通高等教育的高职高专三个阶段。

    During the past 25 years after its foundation , EMCC ( Environmental Management College of China ) lived with the situation and experienced three phases : post training for directors , simultaneous development of post training and adult education , higher vocational education of advanced education .