
fǎ rén dēnɡ jì
  • Legal person registration;registration of a legal person;registration of an artificial person
  1. 单位法人登记证明。

    The legal person registration certificate of the work unit .

  2. 《企业法人登记营业执照》。

    The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License ;

  3. 商事登记管辖权应相对集中,按法人登记与营业登记划分,省级登记主管机关负责企业法人登记;

    Business registration jurisdiction should be centralized relatively , and be classified as registration of ArtificialPerson and Operation .

  4. 未经登记主管机关批准,其他单位不得发布企业法人登记公告。

    No other organ shall be entitled to issue such announcements without the approval of the registration authority .

  5. 浅谈过程管理、制度管理与人本管理企业法人登记管理实行年度检验制度。

    A system for conducting annual check-up shall be instituted to administer the registration of enterprises as legal persons .

  6. 登记主管机关应当对企业法人登记的主要事项进行审查。

    The registration authority shall check up the major items contained in the registration of the enterprise as a legal person .

  7. 企业办理企业法人登记,由该企业的组建负责人申请。

    The application of an enterprise for registration as a legal person shall be filed by the person responsible for establishing the enterprise .

  8. 负责学生登记的管理人。申请企业法人登记领

    The administrator responsible for student records . Those enterprises applying for registration as legal persons shall be given Business Licenses for Enterprises as Legal Persons

  9. 企业开业、变更名称、注销,由登记主管机关发布企业法人登记公告。

    The registration authority shall issue registration announcements whenever an enterprise as a legal person starts operations , changes its name or cancels its registration .

  10. 同时在《企业法人登记管理条例》中规定了对法人从事越权行为时的相关行政处罚。

    Meanwhile had stipulated in " Business entity Registration Act of administration " is engaged to the legal man exceeds authority time the behavior related administrative sanctions .

  11. 第8条会员制证券交易所收到本会发给许可之核准通知后,应于三十日内持凭核准通知向地方法院依照有关之规定,申请办理法人登记手续。

    Article8a membership stock exchange shall file with the district court for the juristic person registration within thirty days after receiving the notice of permission issued by the commission .

  12. 依法需要办理法人登记的,经核准登记,取得法人资格

    " if according to law it does need to go through the registration procedures , it shall be qualified as a legal person after being approved and registered . "

  13. 企业法人登记主管机关是国家工商行政管理局和地方各级工商行政管理局

    The authorities in charge of the registration of enterprises as legal persons are the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and administrative departments for industry and commerce at various levels

  14. 有关资料请咨询有执照的管道工或当地管道主管部门。登记主管机关应当对企业法人登记的主要事项进行审查。

    Contact a licensed plumber or the local plumbing authority . The registration authority shall check up the major items contained in the registration of the enterprise as a legal person .

  15. 为建立企业法人登记管理制度,确认企业法人资格,保障企业合法权益,取缔非法经营

    To establish a system for controlling the registration of enterprises as legal persons , confirming their status as such , safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests , stamping out illegal business operations

  16. 第六部分,我国商事登记制度的改进构想。即统一商事登记立法,建立主体资格与营业资格相分离的现代企业法人登记制度。

    Chapter 6 , the reform conception of china registration system , it focuses on uniform Commercial Registration legislation and build modem business entity registration system that departed the principle right and business qualification .

  17. 登记主管机关应当根据社会需要,有计划地开展向公众提供企业法人登记资料的服务。

    Registration authorities hall offer , in a planned manner and according to the needs of society , the service of providing the public with data about the registration of enterprises as legal persons .

  18. 登记主管机关依照《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》,对企业名称实行分级登记管理。

    In accordance with the Regulations of the People 's Republic of China for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises as Legal Persons , the competent registration authorities shall carry out gradation administration of registration of enterprise names .

  19. 依法需要办理企业法人登记的,未经企业法人登记主管机关核准登记注册那批交易尚未登记。

    Those enterprises , which are required by law to register as legal persons but which have not gone through the procedures of examination and approval registration by the authorities in charge of the registration of enterprises as legal persons That transaction was not booked yet .

  20. 非公司企业法人注销登记制度的缺陷与完善

    The Valuation on Minor Shares of Non - Listed Companies Defect and Perfection of Registration Cancellation System of Unincorporated Business Entity

  21. 申请企业法人开业登记的单位,经登记主管机关核准登记注册,领

    When the application filed by an entity for starting operations as an enterprise as a legal person has been examined and approved by a registration authority and a Business Licenses for Enterprises as a Legal Person is received

  22. 前项政党法人之登记及其它事项,除本法另有规定外,准用民法关于公益社团之规定。

    The registration of a party as legal person and other matters as referred to in the above paragraph shall be applied to the provisions set forth in the civil code on public welfare associations unless otherwise prescribed in this act .

  23. 针对严重违反法律的企业法人,企业登记机关往往以吊销企业法人营业执照的方式来实施处罚,以求达到市场主体的规范化和市场秩序的有序化的目的。

    The office usually revokes the business license of those enterprises that violate the law to standardize and legalize the market order .

  24. 企业法人办理开业登记,申请注册的资金数额与实有资金不一致的

    When an enterprise as a legal person registers for starting operations , the discrepancy between the sum of capital it applies for registration and the sum of capital it actually possesses

  25. 企业法人应当按照登记主管机关规定的时间提交年检报告书、资金平衡表或者资产负债表。

    An enterprise as a legal person shall submit its annual check-up report , its balance sheet or statement of assets and liabilities to the registration authority at the time it prescribes .

  26. 企业法人办理开业登记、变更登记、年度检验,应当按照规定缴纳登记费、年检费

    An enterprise as a legal person shall pay registration and annual check-up fees according to the rules when it registers for starting operations and applies for making changes in its registration and when it receives the annual check-up

  27. 企业法人应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。

    3.An enterprise as a legal person shall conduct operations within the range approved and registered .

  28. 这种由工商行政管理机关对企业的法人资格和经营资格进行一体登记认定的制度,作者将其称为企业法人登记的一体制。

    These two qualifications are registered by the administrative departments for industry and commerce in a single procedure .

  29. 学校在民事法律关系中是以法人的身份出现,公立高等学校依行政命令设立,自成立之日起就取得法人资格,私立高等学校则必须经过法人登记后才能取得法人资格。

    A public college is funded under the administrative order and possesses the qualification of a corporation from the founded day on Only by the law registration can a private college possess the lawful qualification The common corporations besides its own peculiarities .