
fǎ lǜ fān yì
  • legal translation
  1. 法律翻译不仅需要大量实践,还需要指导性的翻译理论。

    Legal translation needs both much practice and guiding translation theories .

  2. 法律翻译始终受限于法律文化和法律语言。

    Legal translation is constrained by legal culture and legal language .

  3. 第二部分是全文的重点,即法律翻译的语用分析。

    The second part constitutes the main body of this thesis .

  4. 然而,法律翻译理论的历史,却发展相对晚一些,从最初严格的字对字的翻译到后来的意义翻译,经历了一个漫长的过程。

    However , the history of legal translation theory is comparatively shorter .

  5. 第二章回顾了中外法律翻译理论。

    Chapter Two briefly reviews legal translation theories at home and abroad .

  6. 文件必须经过法律翻译员翻译成利比亚语。

    The documents must he translated in Libya through u legal translator .

  7. 大部分的法律翻译都是由受过外语培训的律师完成的。

    Most legal translation is done by lawyers with foreign language training .

  8. 功能对等理论视角下的法律翻译&论法律翻译中效力对等原则的理论依据及其实现

    Translation of Legal English in the Perspective of Functional Equivalence

  9. 法律翻译:法律机制下的交际行为

    Legal Translation : An Act of Communication in the Mechanism of Law

  10. 汉英法律翻译将成为一个重要的研究课题。

    The study of Chinese-English legal translation will become an important research topic .

  11. 试论法律翻译原则

    A Tentative Study on Principles of Legal Translation

  12. 法律翻译中的文体问题研究

    A Study on the Translation of Legal Style

  13. 但遗憾的是中国对法律翻译的研究起步却很晚。

    It is a pity that the study of legal translation started fairly late .

  14. 法律翻译就其本质而言被视为法律体制下的跨文化交际行为。

    Legal translation is by nature a cross-cultural communication within the mechanism of laws .

  15. 法律翻译与一般性文件的翻译既有相通之处,又有其自身特点。

    Legal document translation has a lot in common with the translation of other documents ;

  16. 此外,本文也为法律翻译工作者提出了一些实际可行的建议。

    The present study also proposes some practical suggestions for the training of legal translators .

  17. 法律翻译工作者在翻译过程中不可避免要遇到的字结构英译。

    The legal translators unavoidably deal with the English translation of the construction in china .

  18. 其次,笔者把理论与实践联系起来,将归化应用到法律翻译中。

    Secondly , the author links theory with practice and applies domestication into legal translation .

  19. 因此,照应翻译的正确与否在法律翻译中有着举足轻重的作用。

    Therefore , the appropriate translation of reference plays an essential role in legal texts .

  20. 法律翻译决策过程中译者的主体性研究:功能观

    A Study of the Translator 's Subjectivity in Legal Translation Decision-making : A Functionalist Perspective

  21. 但是目前法律翻译的质量却不是尽如人意。

    However , legal translation today is hardly up to expectations in terms of quality .

  22. 法律翻译中的读者反应

    Reader 's Response in Legal Translation

  23. 目前,法律翻译作为法律机制内的交流这种概念已被广泛接受。

    It is widely accepted that legal translation is communication within the mechanism of the law .

  24. 对于法律翻译的需求日益增多,对于翻译质量的要求日益严格,而高质量的法律翻译来自于对法律语言的系统全面的了解。

    However , high-quality legal translation comes from the systematic and overall understanding of legal language .

  25. 笔者从词汇层面和句法层面来证明归化策略在法律翻译中的实用性。

    The practicability of domestication in legal translation is proved from the lexical level and syntactical level .

  26. 法律翻译如果不能有效的保障读者有一致的理解和反应,将严重地影响读者行为的法律效力。

    Failure to achieve the same understanding or response will affect the validity of the legal acts .

  27. 然而,相对于文学翻译理论而言,法律翻译理论还非常欠缺。

    However comparing to theory of literary translation , the theory of legal translation is rather underdeveloped .

  28. 法律翻译要求语言功能上的对等和法律功能上的对等。

    The legal translation must follow the rules of both lingual function equivalence and legal function equivalence .

  29. 法律翻译的准确性

    On Precision of Legal Translation

  30. 目前,随着国际合作的不断加强,法律翻译正日益影响着我们的生活。

    At Present , legal translation exerts the influence on our life with the increasing international cooperation .