
yuán lín jiàn zhù xué
  • landscape architecture
  1. 园林建筑学现今被公认是美术的一种。

    Landscape architecture is today recognized as one of the fine arts .

  2. 新世纪高职高专园林建筑学教学改革研究

    Study on the Teaching Reform of Landscape Architecture in Higher Vocational Colleges in New Century

  3. 园林建筑学中第一个主要的公共场所案例是美国纽约的中央公园,有弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德和卡尔弗特·沃克斯于1857年共同设计而成。

    The first major public example of landscape architecture in the United States was Central Park in New York City , designed in1857 by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux .

  4. 学生一旦完成了所有的功课和作业,经院系允许后可以进入第二年的园林建筑学硕士课程,该课程是有职业资格认证的。

    It is possible for students who successfully complete the coursework to join the second year of the professionally accredited MA Landscape Architecture , with the approval of the Head of Department .

  5. 通过对我国风景园林与建筑学专业现状的比较分析,阐明了加强建筑学专业的风景园林教育的观点,并提出针对建筑学专业学生的风景园林具体教学方略。

    : After analyzing and comparing present situation of landscape architecture and architecture in China , the author emphasizes the importance of strengthen the LA teaching in architectural department and put forward some suggestions of LA teaching for architectural students .

  6. 这种学科设置也从一个侧面反映了园林和农学、建筑学的紧密联系。

    This kind of subject setting reflects the close relation between gardening , agriculture and architecture from on aspect .