
yuán lín shè jì
  • landscape design
  1. 介绍了向量绘图软件CorelDRAW在绘制园林设计图中的实际应用情况,并通过在实践中的体会,分析了其应用的优缺点,提出了绘制园林图的新方法。

    This paper introduced the application of CorelDRAW ( a vector drafting software ) in landscape design . By using CorelDRAW in practice , we discuss its advantages and drawbacks and present a new way of landscape drafting .

  2. 最后,用MEL脚本开发了一个三维植物模拟系统,然后对用该法建立的三维植物模型的实际应用性进行了研究,证明本研究方法在园林设计领域有一定的适用性。

    Finally , a three-dimensional plant simulation system was developed by with MEL script . Further the study of practical application of these three-dimensional models which is established by this system was making to prove that the research method has some certain applicability in the field of landscape design .

  3. AutoCAD软件在园林设计二次开发中的应用

    The secondary exploitation of specific AutoCAD software for landscape architecture design

  4. 目前,园林设计大多使用没有经过专业开发的Autocad通用软件,缺乏园林菜单,树木图标多为设计人员临时自制或从其他图形中引用,很不方便。

    Most of landscape designers use the software AutoCAD that is not developed professionally and inconvenient .

  5. 试论当代西方现代主义园林设计的思想内涵

    An Explanation on Thoughtful Essence of Modernism Landscape De-sign in West

  6. 深圳鸿景园园林设计心得浅谈

    A Discussion on the Garden Design of Hongjing Garden in Shenzhen

  7. 园林设计中重要的一项内容就是空间设计。

    Space design is very important part of landscape architecture design .

  8. 在园林设计中,园林材料是传达设计理念的客观载体。

    Materials are the supporters to the ideas of landscape design .

  9. 浅谈园林设计中的景观植物配置

    A Brief Account on Disposition of Landscape Plants in Gardening Design

  10. 东北地区园林设计中秋季观赏树木的选用

    Selection Of Autumn Ornamental Trees In Garden Design In Northeast District

  11. 现代风景园林设计越来越科学化、人性化,其核心就是引入了生态科学的系统思想和方法。

    Modern landscape architecture becomes more and more scientific and human .

  12. 浅释《园冶》的古典园林设计理念

    On The Design Concepts of Classical Garden in Yuan Ye

  13. 中国古代园林设计中的自然理想观

    The concept of ideal nature in the design of Chinese ancient landscapes

  14. 谈欧洲古典园林设计中的版画插图艺术风格

    The Styles of Illustrations Used for Classical European Garden Design

  15. 当前,主题是园林设计中极为常用的词语。

    The word of theme is frequently used in current landscape design .

  16. 园林设计中忽视游人行为需求的几个问题

    On Neglect of Visitors ′ Behavior Needs in Landscape Design

  17. 风景园林设计原理课程是园林专业重要的理论课。

    Landscape design principles is an important theoretical course to landscape major .

  18. 广东园林设计及生态花园城市建设问题研究

    Study on Landscape Design and Ecological Landscape Urban Construction in Guangdong Province

  19. 有机设计&基于自然原型的风景园林设计方法

    Organic Design & Landscape Design Method Based on Natural Prototype

  20. 中国的住宅和园林设计项目倾向直观化。

    Chinese residential and park design projects tend to be very straightforward .

  21. 项目的园林设计采用了法式新古典园林设计风格。

    Landscape design project with a French classical garden design .

  22. 中国传统造园思想在现代园林设计中的应用

    Application of Chinese Traditional Landscape Idea in Modern Garden Design

  23. 增加园林设计演示的真实感;

    Increases the landscape architecture design demonstration the third dimension .

  24. 以色列风景园林设计先驱&施罗墨·阿龙森

    A Pioneer of Landscape Design in Israel & Shlomo Aronson

  25. 论中国古典园林设计中的曲线意识及其形成

    The Sense of Curve Design in Chinese Classical Garden

  26. 试论中国园林设计的创新意识

    Discussion on the New Consciousness of Modern Garden Design

  27. 现代园林设计中文化内涵的探索

    The Exploration of Cultural Connotation in Modern Landscape Design

  28. 从中国古典园林设计中窥探文人思想的影响

    Essay on the Influence of Literators ' Thought over Chinese Classic Gardens Design

  29. 精神的图式:室内园林设计中的文化传承

    Spiritual Schema : On the Cultural Heritage in the Development of Indoor Garden

  30. 对低碳、园林设计以及一些相关概念作出了界定,以便论题的展开。

    For low carbon , landscape design and the related concept made defined .