
  • 网络sustainable ecosystem;Sustainable ecological system
  1. 指出草地是国家重要的生态屏障,草是复合型可持续生态农业系统的枢纽。

    The grassland was the important ecological shelter of country .

  2. 甜高粱可持续农业生态系统研究

    Studies on Sustainable Agro-ecology System of Sweet Sorghum

  3. 可持续农业生态系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Sustainable Agroecosystem

  4. 需要建立一个能应对火灾、疾病以及冬季局部寒冷气候的可持续的生态系统。

    A sustainable ecosystem needs to be able to cope with fires , disease and icing over of parts of the ground in the winter .

  5. “建立一个包罗万象而且可持续的创新生态系统的手段与方法必须在根本上是我们自己的&也就是说,是印度的,”他说。

    " The approach and methodology for creating an inclusive and sustainable innovation ecosystem has to be essentially our own & that is , Indian ," he said .

  6. 从司法实践角度来看,比较统一的认识为:生态补偿制度是以保护和可持续利用生态服务系统为目的,以经济手段为主,调节相关利益关系的制度安排。

    From the views of judicial practice , more consistent recognition is that : Eco-compensation system is based on the purpose of conservation and sustainable use of ecological services , mainly by economic means , and regulates the relevant interests ' arrangements .

  7. 重庆都市圈可持续发展面临的生态系统健康问题及保障措施

    Analysis on Problems of Ecological System Health of Chongqing Metropolis and Their Countermeasures

  8. 关于可持续发展的县域生态系统的探讨&县域生态系统的特征和构造

    Research on County Ecosystem 's Continuous Development & County Ecosystem 's Character and Construction

  9. 绿色城市不是可持续发展城市&生态系统观念在城市发展研究中的重要性

    Green City Isn 't Sustainable City : The Importance to Apply " Homeostatic Balance " in Urban Development Research

  10. 森林资源可持续性是森林生态系统满足人类需求的支撑能力和维持能力的综合体现。

    The sustainability of forest resources reflects the sustained and maintainable capacity of forest ecosystem meeting the demand of mankind .

  11. 本文在草地生态系统可持续利用及草地生态系统健康的理论框架下,主要研究了几种广泛分布的野生豆科牧草在我国天然草地中的种群分布格局及群落内种间关联特性;

    This paper focused on the natural population distributing pattern and interspecific relations of some extensively distributing wild legume grass .

  12. 为此,我们需要更多地了解海洋,更好地依靠科学来制定可持续的、以生态系统为基础的海洋和海岸政策。

    For this , we need to know more about the ocean and draw on stronger science to craft sustainable , ecosystem-based policies for the ocean and coasts .

  13. 通过水体生态系统的结构设计,实现城市环境水体的生态功能和目标,构建良性的、完整的及可持续利用的水体生态系统。

    The structure designing of the eco-system makes the ecological functions and aims of environment water in cities come true and establisles a complete and sustainable water eco-system .

  14. 指出生态安全评价是一个多学科交叉的研究领域,其评价理论基础涉及可持续发展理论、生态系统服务功能理论、生态承载力理论、时空论和系统工程论等;

    Then , this paper discussed the theoretical basis of regional ecological security assess-ment , such as sustainable development theory , ecosystem services theory , ecological capacity theory , temporal-spatial theory and systematic engineering theory .

  15. 第2章,对研究的理论基础进行梳理,主要有旅游可持续发展理论、生态系统服务理论、旅游环境影响理论、环境意识理论和制度经济学理论;

    The second chapter is to build this paper 's theory foundation , it includes tourism 's sustainable developmental theory , ecosystem 's services theory , tourism 's environmental effect theory , environmental awareness theory and institutional economics theory .

  16. 退耕还林是一项以生态效益为主,兼顾经济和社会效益,以防止水土流失和耕地沙化为目标的林业可持续发展的社会生态系统工程。

    Conversion of cropland to forest is a social ecosystem engineering of forestry sustainable development , which is regarded the ecological benefit as principle , looking after the economic and social benefit , in order to prevent from the soil erosion and the cropland sands .

  17. 人类的可持续发展必须建立生态系统的持续承载基础之上,因而开展生态承载力理论的研究具有重要的现实意义。

    Human sustainable development must be built up on the foundation of the ecosystem ecological resilience , and the research of ecological carrying capacity ( ECC ) theory has important realistic meanings . This paper elaborated the origin , evolution and development of the connotation of ECC .