
  • 网络The National Library of Russia;Russian State Library;Russian National Library
  1. 一个拥有电脑的人可以拥有与俄罗斯国家图书馆(RussianStateLibrary)等量的信息,但这种技术也可被用于制造严重伤害。

    A human being with a computer can hold the same amount of information stored in the Russian State Library , but that technology can also be used to do great harm .

  2. 由此开始,该馆历经几代,发展为如今的俄罗斯国家图书馆,年流通人次达100万。

    The National Library of Russia evolved from this beginning , and now receives a million visitors every year .

  3. 在现阶段,先进研究项目基金会实验室把诸如版本图书馆和俄罗斯国家图书馆在内的国家性机构,作为该技术的第一批使用者。

    At the current stage , the FARP laboratory regards state organizations , such as the Book Chamber and the Russian State Library , as the first users of the new technology .