
  • 网络Russian Style;in Russian style
  1. 哈尔滨的一些老建筑具有俄罗斯风格。

    Some of the old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style .

  2. 《俄罗斯风格的建筑》在哈尔滨的大街上,看到很多的俄罗斯风格建筑。

    Russian style buildings There are many Russian style buildings in the street of Harbin .

  3. 但是那种轻佻的无意义感则是彻底的俄罗斯风格。

    But the sense of giddy pointlessness is Russian to the core .

  4. 然而,这将是一种俄罗斯风格的公司治理。

    This will be corporate governance Russian-style , however .

  5. 这座城市有欧洲的痕迹,有一些老式建筑是俄罗斯风格的。

    There is some European influence in the city , and a lot of the buildings are Russian .

  6. 2005年主题为“中俄友谊”到访的游客,所有的作品都是俄罗斯风格。

    In2005 , the theme was " Friendship between China and Russia ", with all the sculptures fashioned in a typical Russian style .

  7. 今年在哈尔滨的冰雪节上,新手法很酷:有俄罗斯风格的冰雕。

    And there 's a cool twist to this year 's ice and snow festival in harbin : the show has sculptures fashioned in a Russian style .

  8. 这种发动机将使飞机能从俄罗斯风格的滑跃式飞行甲板起飞并减小飞机的着陆速度和距离,这是对舰载飞机安全性的一种重要考虑。

    The TVC would enable the fighter to take-off from a Russian-style ski-jumping flight deck and to reduce the aircraft 's landing speed , an important safety concern for carrier aircraft .

  9. 在公司位于广州的工厂,很多工人用显微镜观察宝石,看上去就像一个科学实验室,他们现在专注于俄罗斯风格,这意味着采用更多的黄金、红宝石和珐琅。

    The Guangzhou facility , which has so many microscopes for workers poring over precious stones that it looks like a science lab , now concentrates on Russian styles , which means using more gold , red stones and enamel .

  10. 力图阐述拉赫玛尼诺夫兼具浪漫主义与俄罗斯民族风格的音乐创作特征,并通过对《悲歌三重奏》的分析,阐释其重奏作品的创作风格。

    This paper tries to explore the features of romanticism and Russian style in his musical creation , and analyzes the style of his ensemble works through the study of " Elegiac " Piano Trios .

  11. 该设计沿袭了俄罗斯拜占庭建筑风格的传统。

    The design is in the tradition of Russian Byzantine architecture .

  12. 他的作品中常有的俄罗斯气质与风格是其他作曲家所难以相比的。

    His works often Russia temperament and style is compared to other composers .

  13. 但是,没有借口把无窗户的“俄罗斯-北欧风格”餐厅称为Bystro(在俄语中意为“快速”)。

    There are no such excuses , however , for calling its windowless " Russian-Nordic " restaurant Bystro , which means " quickly " in Russian .

  14. 涅姆佐夫有着独特不羁的黑色卷发、迷人的微笑和风趣的言辞,广受欢迎,是俄罗斯最接近西方风格的政客。

    And with his distinctive unruly black curls , engaging smile and colourful language , he was the closest thing Russia had to a popular , western-style politician .

  15. 这是俄罗斯真正的俄罗斯建筑设计风格独特的大型木制房屋。

    It was a unique to Russia style of building large wooden houses of genuine Russian design .

  16. 在与俄罗斯的交界处,松树林和白桦林越来越浓密,浓郁的俄罗斯风格的文化和艺术也随之而来。

    As you get closer to the Russian border , the forests of pines and birches get thicker and you come across frequent examples of Russian culture and art .

  17. 18至20世纪的俄罗斯诗歌继承和发扬了罗马诗人贺拉斯《纪念碑》的传统,形成了独特的俄罗斯风格,纪念碑情结随之成为俄罗斯诗歌的重要主题。

    Influenced by the tradition that originated from Monument by Horace , a Roman poet , the Russian poetry from the 18th through 20th centuries developed their unique style . The " Monument Complex " had since been an important theme in Russian poetry .