
guān dǐ
  • residency;official residence;chancellery;official mansion;praetorium;big house
官邸 [guān dǐ]
  • (1) [official residence;official mansion]∶权贵的住所

  • (2) [chancellery]∶高级官员办事处所在的房舍

官邸[guān dǐ]
  1. 唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸。

    10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister 's official residence .

  2. 他去过那位大使的官邸。

    He has been to the ambassador 's official residence .

  3. 1527年,帝国军队洗劫了位于罗马的法国大使官邸。

    In 1527 Imperial troops sacked the French ambassador 's residence in Rome .

  4. 他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。

    He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace .

  5. 她在英国首相官邸外发表讲话时宣称她将继续斗争下去。

    Speaking outside Ten Downing Street , she declared that she would fight on

  6. 警方试图迫使向艾尔沙德总统官邸进发的抗议者原路返回。

    Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad .

  7. 总统官邸区域在下午6点钟后禁止进入。

    The area of the President 's residence is a no-go area after six p.m

  8. 那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为1,750万英镑。

    The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £ 17.5 million .

  9. 作为一家建筑公司的主管,李明博建造了韩国总统官邸青瓦台(BlueHouse)。

    As a construction boss , he built the presidential palace , the Blue House .

  10. 卡扎菲上校官邸所在的社区浓烟不断升起。AndrewNorth从的黎波里发回报道。

    Columns of smoke rose above the neighbourhood where Colonel Gaddafi 's residential compound is located , as Andrew North reports from Tripoli .

  11. 英国外交大臣将在复活节宴会上向伦敦的外交官们发表演说,而英国财政大臣将于明年6月在金融城市长官邸(MansionHouse)举行的银行家宴会上,发表一年一度的演讲。

    The foreign secretary will address London 's diplomats at the Easter banquet , and the chancellor of the exchequer will give the annual Mansion House speech at the bankers ' dinner in June .

  12. 新任保守党党魁特丽莎‧梅(TheresaMay)本周三成为英国第二位女首相,在退欧公投三周后入主唐宁街10号官邸。

    Theresa May , the new Conservative Party leader , will become Britain 's second female prime minister on Wednesday , entering 10 Downing Street three weeks after Britain voted to leave the European Union .

  13. Kelly称,英国首相官邸寄来的贺卡非常漂亮。

    " And the card that comes from No.10 Downing Street , is a nice card ," he said , referring to the residence of the British prime minister .

  14. 保守报纸《东亚日报》(DongA)以一张夏季暴风密云笼罩青瓦台的图片纪念总统就职百天。青瓦台是总统的办公场所和官邸。

    Dong A , a conservative newspaper , marked Mr Lee ' s100 days in office with a picture of summer storm-clouds louring over the Blue House , the office and residence of the president .

  15. 在他晚间外出,有时是清晨早早归来时,我常常注意到他会拐到K街,停在国防部长宏伟气派的官邸门前,在那里开会。

    Often I notice as he goes out evenings-and sometimes in the morning , when he returns early he turns off and halts at the large and handsome residence of the Secretary of War , on K street , and holds conference there .

  16. 本周一,在保守党领导权的角逐中,内政大臣特丽莎·梅(TheresaMay)获得了突如其来的胜利,将首相卡梅伦置于了尴尬境地——他需要在大约48小时的时间里搬离唐宁街的官邸。

    The sudden victory of Theresa May , Britain 's home secretary , in the Conservative Party 's leadership contest on Monday put Prime Minister David Cameron in the unenviable position of having to vacate his residence in about 48 hours .

  17. 这座场馆不仅有酒吧、餐厅和商店,还会有一座模仿这位创始人的著名官邸修建的休•M•赫夫纳别墅(HughM.HefnerVilla)。

    This will feature not just bars , restaurants and shops but also a Hugh M. Hefner Villa modelled on the famous mansion built by the company 's founder .

  18. Bakiyev在防卫部长的陪伴下,已经抵达了南部城市Osh,住在他的总统官邸。

    Bakiyev , who was accompanied by the country 's defense minister , has arrived in the southern city of Osh , where he stays in a presidential residence .

  19. 网住了艺术家在Khoj国际艺术家协会在新德里的官邸为2007表演艺术居留。

    Nikhil was artist in residence at Khoj International Artists'Association in New Delhi for the2007 Performance Art Residency .

  20. 中部地区拥有大量的热点,包括首都温得和克建造大型官邸,Swakopmund的海边城市。

    The central region boasts a great number of highlights , including Windhoek and the seaside town of Swakopmund .

  21. 他意识到唯一能说通Kira的方式就是贿赂,于是他收集了所有的钱,当晚便骑马前往Kira的官邸。

    He realized that the only way to get through to the official was with a bribe so he collected all the money he could and rode off that night to Kira 's mansion .

  22. 早日参观白宫官邸,奥巴马停止国之外餐厅考虑亚伦Shikler著名的画像约翰肯尼迪。

    On an early tour of the White House residence , Obama stops outside the State Dining Room to consider Aaron Shikler 's famous portrait of John F.Kennedy .

  23. MsLethbridge向我们展现了截然不同的生活场景——从公爵官邸里忙碌的大扫除到僻静的郊区住宅,从贵族男管家到Barnardo(创办孤儿院的英国慈善家)的孤儿,从衰落的贵族、兴起的中产阶级到外国保姆,如今的清洁工。

    This is the extreme end of Ms Lethbridge 's survey - a vivid sweep from ducal palace to suburban villa , from lordly butler to Barnardo 's orphan , from decaying gentry and aspiring middles to the foreign nannies and cleaners of today .

  24. 源自首相官邸所在地伦敦的唐宁街。

    From the street in London where the prime minister lives .

  25. 当时占据报纸头条的是卡扎菲官邸惊现赖斯相册的新闻。

    The headline was Gaddafi 's scrapbook of Condoleeza Rice photos .

  26. 你该回官邸换身礼服。

    You should be heading back to the residence to change .

  27. 总统官邸的名称是什麽?

    What is the name of the President 's official home ?

  28. 总统官邸又一次遭到炮火的集中袭击。

    The presidential palace has been hit again by concentrated artillery fire .

  29. 白金汉宫是女王的官邸。

    The official residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace .

  30. 问题是,谁将居住在唐宁街10号首相官邸?

    Question is , who is going to live at10 Downing Street ?