
  1. 一般说来,中国建筑包括官式建筑与民间建筑两大类。

    Generally , Chinese ancient architecture consists of government architecture and civil architecture .

  2. 试论唐至明代官式建筑发展的脉络及其与地方传统的关系

    Official Building and Local Architecture

  3. 不论官式建筑,还是民间建筑都运用了庭院的组合手法来达到各类建筑的不同使用要求和精神目标。

    Either the official architecture or the folk one employs the group combination to meet the different requirements and spiritual goals of different architectures .

  4. 故宫是我国古代宫殿建筑的集大成者,在建筑技术和建筑艺术上它代表了我国古代官式建筑的最高水准。

    Beijing Forbidden City is a representative of Chinese ancient palace building on behalf of the highest level both of Chinese building technologies and arts .

  5. 官式建筑的产生和秦汉以来高等级建筑采用井干式与多层木楼阁有关,并受到穿斗式的影响。

    The beginning of public structures was related to the well framed construction method of the high class multi-storied wood structures after the Qin-Han era and influenced by the through-jointed frame method .