
  1. “对于过去四年内辛苦工作、帮助公司重新盈利的员工而言,失业是件非常痛苦的事情。”总裁兼首席执行官门绨-布鲁沃在一份声明中说。

    " The loss of jobs is painful in view of our employees'hard work in bringing the airline back to profitability over the past four years ," president and CEO Montie Brewer said in a statement .

  2. 检察官锁住房门走出去。

    The procureur went out , after having double-locked the door .

  3. 过去几年间,他已从一位经验丰富、成就卓著的首席执行官沦为了一门信口开河的大炮,多数时间都在收回、解释自己从前的一些言论;当然,有时候他也只能一笑了之。

    In the past few years , Schmidt has transitioned from a seasoned and successful CEO to something of a loose cannon who spends most of his time retracting , or explaining or laughing away his previous statements .