
  1. 官方人员表示Tony现年62岁,是在周日跳桥后的几个小时被发现的。

    authority says 62 years old body was discoveried several hours after a jump sunday afternoon . 4 .

  2. Onconova官方人员表示,Ex-Rad疗法在动物实验中已初现输光,但仍需多年的研究。

    Onconova officials say Ex-Rad has shown promise in tests on animals , but several more years of research are needed .

  3. 官方人员几乎一言不发地听着这种言论。

    The officials hear this kind of talk in virtual silence .

  4. 官方人员就是否要建一个新的停车场展开辩论。

    The authorities debated whether to buim a new car park .

  5. 索马里官方人员称更强大的经济实力对维护和平来说是极其重要的。

    Somali officials say a stronger economy is extremely important to peace .

  6. 官方人员暗示道,总统参选人的突变是跟时局变化相一致的。

    Officials hint that the switch of candidate corresponds to changing times .

  7. 官方人员不在场上是不能够进行脚误的判罚的。

    Officials standing off-court are not allowed to make foot fault calls .

  8. 当地的官方人员评估潜在危险的最佳人选。

    Local officials are the best persons able to assess potential danger .

  9. 官方人员因他撞倒一位运动员而取消他参赛资格。

    The officials disqualified him from the race for knocking down another runner .

  10. 但是官方人员暗示,中国拥有航母指日可待。

    Officials hint it will not be long before China has some of these too .

  11. 战队顾问:官方人员,协助战队发展以及相关活动的开展;

    Consultant team : the official staff to assist the team development and related activities ;

  12. 预计风暴莱斯利不会给当地带来大的影响。官方人员表示北卡莱罗纳州林肯县的火灾已经烧毁32公顷土地。

    Officials say scars of wildfire in North California 's Lincoln county has burnt 32 hectares .

  13. 官方人员声称此次袭击目的在于暗中破坏两国之间的和平进程。

    Officials said the attack was aimed at undermining the peace process between the two countries .

  14. 官方人员称,一名在加州苗必达市的加州站顾客获得大奖。

    Officials say a customer at this gas station in Milpitas , California hit the jackpot .

  15. 官方人员已抵达现场,救援人员正在使用气体切割机进入火车。

    Officials have arrived at the scene and rescuers are using gas cutters to enter the train .

  16. 官方人员透露,飓风艾萨克登录造成超过10万用户供电中断。

    Officials say more than 100000 customers are still without electricity in the wave of hurricane Isaac .

  17. 当地政府对这一地区实行宵禁,官方人员表示近期抓获了十几名抢劫犯。

    The officials put curfew in place , and say there were more than a dozen looting arrests .

  18. 但在这个国家海龟蛋却受到严重的破坏,每年官方人员会在市场上查收到大量的海龟蛋。

    But turtle eggs are considered a delicacy in that country and each year officials seize thousands from markets .

  19. 官方人员称至少有124名中国籍淘金客因涉嫌非法淘金被扣留加纳。

    At least 124 Chinese nationals suspected of illegal gold mining have been detained in Ghana , officials say .

  20. 她被起诉亵渎神明,官方人员称一名阿訇计划控告这名女子。

    She had been charged with blasphemy but now officials say a Muslim cleric planed evidence to incriminate her .

  21. 联络当地官方人员、国家地理探察或天然资源部门及大学地理学系。

    Contact local officials , state geological surveys or departments of natural resources , and university departments of geology .

  22. 坎大哈官方人员称,从沙波萨监狱中逃出来的囚犯中很多都是塔利班武装分子。

    Officials in the city of Kandahar said many of those who escaped from Sarposa jail were Taliban insurgents .

  23. 对于“解体”的担心,官方人员总是对国外末世论者的过度担心嗤之以鼻。

    As for the fear of " disintegration , " officials are used to pooh-poohing the overheated fears of foreign doom-mongers .

  24. 负责调查此事的官方人员,大卫菲尔警探称:无论是谁,这样丢弃这些非法植物都是极不负责任的。

    Investigating officer Detective Constable David Fair said : It is extremely irresponsible for whoever dumped these illegal plants in this way .

  25. 据官方人员周一透露,以色列本周计划建造一新核反应堆,该计划旨在使本国能源产业多元化。

    Israel will announce plans this week to build a new nuclear reactor to diversify its energy sector , officials said Monday .

  26. 官方人员表示,鲸鱼迁徙是由于磷虾等虾类大丰收造成的,而这些是鲸鱼最喜爱的食物。

    Officilas say the invasion is due to a bumper harvest of shrimp like critters know as krill , their favorite food .

  27. 官方人员表示,在迈阿密在建停车场倒塌,一名建筑工人从碎石堆中被营救出来,目前还未度过危险期。

    Officials in Miami say a construction worker pulled from the rubble of a collapsed parking garage is in extremely critical condition .

  28. 官方人员表示,在阿富汗北部一座清真寺外的自杀式爆炸袭击中,至少35人死亡,70人受伤。

    Officials say at least 35 people are dead and 70 wounded in a suicide bombing attack outside a mosque in northern Afghanistan .

  29. 但是官方人员,特别是海事局的管理人员,也因为在六月份没有快速的处理和公开透明而受到指责。

    But the authorities , especially maritime regulators , are also under fire for failing to act more quickly and openly in June .

  30. 而且官方人员暗示,他甚至威胁,如果他没有得到运动捐款,他会拒绝给儿童医院资金。

    And officials suggest that he even threatened to deny state money to a children 's hospital if he did not get a campaign donation .