
mǐ ɡé zhàn dòu jī
  • Mig fighter
  1. 每天晚上,我们等待着米格战斗机来轰炸我们。

    And every night we look for the MiGs warplanes to shell us .

  2. 俄罗斯有出口武器到缅甸的历史记录,包括米格29战斗机,并协助缅甸进行核技术和导弹技术的军官培养训练。

    It also has a track record of selling weapons , including MiG-29 fighter jets , and conducting officer training regarding nuclear and missile technology .

  3. 尽管阴谋论者和飞碟爱好者一直以来都宣称并且希冀截获的飞碟和俘获的外星人就被关押在该区域,雅各布森称,秘密飞行器实际上是对截获的前苏联的米格喷气式战斗机的反向工程研究。

    While conspiracy theorists and UFO devotees have long claimed and hoped that captured alien spacecraft are housed at the base , Jacobsen claims the secret craft were actually reverse - engineered from a captured Soviet MiG fighter jet .