
  • 网络KEMI;KAEMI;Cammy
  1. NPR新闻,来自康尼狄克州的凯米报道。

    From NPR news . I am Keomi Getes . in Conneticut .

  2. 是郁郁不乐的凯米艾拉的高声悲号。

    The loud lament of the disconsolate chimera .

  3. WSHU的凯米报道,近日在有两起由暴风造成的死亡,超过60万的家庭仍然没有电力使用。

    WSHUs Keomi Geser reports at least two confirmed storm related death in Conneticut , and more than 600 000 households still without electricity .

  4. 以“启发与关爱”为理念,凯米宝贝早教重视宝宝与家长的同步学习与体验。

    Bearing " inspire & care " as the motto in mind , Kmybaby Early Education attaches the greatest importance on the synchronous learning and experiencing of both the kids , and the parents as well .