
yuǎn chénɡ dǎo dàn
  • long-range missile
  1. 针对朝鲜4月份发射一枚飞越日本的远程导弹,以及5月份引爆一枚核弹头的行为,联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)已对其实施制裁。

    The UN Security Council imposed sanctions on North Korea for firing a long-range missile over Japan in April and for detonating a nuclear warhead in May .

  2. 同在2006年十月,北韩还试射了一枚远程导弹。

    That same month it also test-fired a long-range missile .

  3. 经在远程导弹精度仿真中运用,取得了理想效果。

    It has achieved ideal results in missile accuracy simulation .

  4. 远程导弹精度仿真中大气干扰的处理研究

    Study for atmospheric interference in accuracy simulation of long-range missile

  5. 他们会用潜艇发射带核弹头的远程导弹把美国炸翻。

    But they have enough nukes to take us out .

  6. 它们分别为洲际导弹、远程导弹、中程导弹、近程导弹。

    They are classified as intercontinental , long-range , medium-range and short-range missiles .

  7. 分析人员说,看上去这颗卫星是为了试射远程导弹而建造的。

    Analysts say it appears designed to accommodate test launches of long-range missiles .

  8. 五角大楼还说中国的远程导弹力量有限。

    It said china 's ability to project power over long distances remained limited .

  9. 我们总是假定北朝鲜不会装备这样的远程导弹。

    We 've always assumed North Korea would never deploy a long-range missile like this .

  10. 他说,间接的证据显示,这次发射的其实是一枚远程导弹而不是什么卫星。

    He says circumstantial evidence indicates the launch involves a long-range missile rather than a satellite .

  11. 会谈集中讨论了北韩被怀疑准备试射远程导弹的问题。

    The talks were centered on North Korea 's suspected preparations to test-fire a long-range missile .

  12. 是你口袋里装着一枚远程导弹,或只是你很高兴见到我?

    Is that a long-range missile in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me ?

  13. 在此之前,联合国安理会谴责平壤试射远程导弹违反了安理会的决议。

    N.Security Council condemned Pyongyang 's launch of a long-range rocket , in violation of a council resolution .

  14. 但是把核武器装到远程导弹上,并使这些导弹精确地命中目标,要复杂得多。

    Mounting a nuclear weapon on a long-range missile and delivering it accurately is a far more complex task .

  15. 没有法律禁止导弹试验,即便是那些引起全球神经紧张的远程导弹。

    THERE is no law against testing missiles , even far-flying ones intended to rattle nerves around the globe .

  16. 平壤表示,北韩2002年同日本签署的一项协议不妨碍北韩进行远程导弹试验。

    North Korea says that a2002 agreement with Japan does not prevent it from conducting long range mi ile tests .

  17. 朝鲜在12月试射了一枚远程导弹,随后二月份进行了第三次核试验。

    North Korea tested a long range missile in December , it conducted it 's third nuclear test in February .

  18. 中文媒体纷纷预测对韩国的导航系统和细致的远程导弹的大规模生产的消息。

    The Chinese media buzzed about the news of South Korea 's mass production of long-range missiles with meticulous navigation systems .

  19. 令人不安的迹象包括一个远程导弹基地相关活动的报道和核试验场所的活动迹象。

    Tell-tale signs include reports of activity at a long-range missile site and hints of activity at a nuclear test site .

  20. 西方国家担心,伊朗可能把它的卫星发射技术用在能够装载核弹头的远程导弹上。

    Western nations have expressed concern that Iran could use its satellite-launching technology for long-range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads .

  21. 在导弹方面,中程及远程导弹的各个控制系统几乎都采用液压伺服系统。

    In the missile area , the various control system of medium-and long-range missile control system are almost using hydraulic servo system .

  22. 液压舵机具有动态特性好,输出精度高、输出功率大等优点,因而主要应用于中、远程导弹。

    Hydraulic actuator is mainly used in long-distance missile for its fine dynamic performance , high precision and high power level output .

  23. 伊朗国家媒体报道称,军方成功试射了远程导弹。

    Iran Tests Long-Range Missile Ahead of Nuclear Talks Iranian state media report the military has successfully test fired its longest-range missile .

  24. 那次远程导弹试验后几个月,北韩进行了第一次核武器试验。

    That long-range test took place just a few months before North Korea conducted a test explosion of its first nuclear weapon .

  25. 而当这里不再受联合军袭击后,这个中队就被指派装上远程导弹到遥远的战场上作战了。

    But when the Allied attacks no longer came , the squadron was assigned long-range missions that took them to distant battlefields .

  26. 印度国防部说,这枚烈火三型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。

    India 's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler island , off the eastern Indian state of orissa .

  27. 他们要求美国允许韩国发展自己的远程导弹,而美国担心这样做会引发地区军备竞赛。

    They are demanding Seoul be allowed its own long-range missiles , a step the US fears could spark a regional arms race .

  28. 但是美国和其它一些国家谴责了朝鲜的行动,说它实际上利用这个借口来进行联合国禁止的远程导弹试射。

    But the U.S. and others condemned the move , saying it was a pretext for long-range missile testing prohibited under U.N. sanctions .

  29. 报道推测,这个政治上与世隔绝的北朝鲜也正在筹备另一个中远程导弹的发射试验。

    The report comes amid speculation that the isolated regime also is preparing to test-fire another , longer-range missile capable of hitting Alaska .

  30. 他指出,北韩上个月发射远程导弹,并且一直在警告说,它可能会进行第二次核试验,但却没能使美国对北韩政策发生改变。

    He points out that North Korea launched a long-range rocket last month and has since warned it may conduct a second nuclear weapons .