
  • 网络distance open education;open and distance education;distance and open education
  1. 为此,笔者提出了基于企业资源规划(ERP)的远程开放教育的教育管理信息系统(MIS)的建构。

    Therefore , the author proposes the structure for MIS ( management information system ) with ERP-based ( enterprise resource planning ) for distance open education .

  2. 远程开放教育机电类实践教学途径探索

    Investigation into Practical Teaching Approaches in Mechatronics of Distance Open Education

  3. 浅谈远程开放教育VISUALBASIC程序设计课程考核模式改革

    Views on Curriculum Inspection Reform of Distance Opening Education Visual Basic Programming

  4. WAPPush技术及其在远程开放教育中的应用初探

    A Basic Research of the Application of WAP Push Technology In Distance Education

  5. 建构基于ERP的远程开放教育MIS

    Structuring ERP-based MIS for Distance Education

  6. 在《微计算机技术》课程教学中,基于TC动机模式,对适合现代远程开放教育“以学生为中心”的教学模式进行了探索。

    The paper , based on TC motive mode and with focus on the course of " Microcomputer Technology ", tries to make an exploration and practice of the " learner-centered " teaching mode in order to be suitable for the modern distance and open education .

  7. 广州电大借鉴ISO9000系列标准的内涵,按照体系完整、目标具体化和结构层次化的原则,在实践中探索建立了适应电大远程开放教育特色的教学质量体系。

    Referenced to the connotation of ISO9000 serial standard , according to the principle of intact system , specific goal and leveling structure , Guangzhou Radio & TV University has constructed the teaching quality system to adapt to the characteristics of distance and open education .

  8. 远程开放教育自主学习方式的探讨

    Under the long-distance opening education the independent study way searches discusses

  9. 远程开放教育小组学习面临的问题和对策研究

    The Problems and Countermeasures Of Group Learning in Distance Open Education

  10. 试论远程开放教育会计专业实践教学的深化

    On Deepening the Practice Teaching for Accounting Major in Open Education

  11. 基于远程开放教育网络课程的开发与设计

    Research and design based on the distant learning internet education course

  12. 对办好电大远程开放教育的思考

    A Meditation on Doing Distance Open Education Well in TV University

  13. 论远程开放教育环境下教师的使命

    On Teachers ' Mission under the Circumstance of Distance Open Education

  14. 略论远程开放教育质量控制中的社会因素

    On Social Factors in the Quality Control of Open Distance Education

  15. 远程开放教育推行学分制教学管理之我见

    My Opinion on Implementing Credit Hour System in Distance Open Education

  16. 远程开放教育形成性考核模式架构探析

    On the Framework of Forming Examination Model for Distance Open Education

  17. 论远程开放教育资源库的编辑

    Discussing the Compilation Work for Resource Warehouse of Distance Open Education

  18. 现代远程开放教育中教师角色定位的研究

    Research on Teachers ' Role Orientation in Modern Distance Open Education

  19. 构建现代远程开放教育考试体系初探

    On the Structure of Testing System of Modern Distant Open Education

  20. 现代远程开放教育提升教育质量的实践与思考

    Reflection on the Improvement of Quality of Modern Distance Open Education

  21. 现代远程开放教育的教学手段应因地制宜

    Teaching Methods of Distant Open Education Should Suit the Local Conditions

  22. 远程开放教育应该深层次研究的几个问题

    Several Issues of Distance and Open Education Should be Researched Deeply

  23. 上海电视大学现代远程开放教育人才培养模式的改革和构建

    The Use of Open and Distance Learning in Shanghai Television University

  24. 学习型社会背景下现代远程开放教育研究

    A Research on Modern Distance Opening Education in a Learning-Orientated Society

  25. 关于电大远程开放教育电算化会计实践教学的探讨

    Regarding the Discuss about Practice Education of Accountancy 's COBOL Turns

  26. 构建适应现代远程开放教育的基层电大运行机制

    Constructing the Operation Mechanism that Adapts to Modern Open Distance Education

  27. 自主性学习是远程开放教育的核心理念。

    To opening long-distance , independent learning is the center theory .

  28. 正确把握远程开放教育的可持续发展方向

    Sustainable Developing Orientation to be Correctly Adhered in Distance Open Education

  29. 论现代远程开放教育和高职教育的沟通与合作

    On the co-operation between modern open education and higher vocational education

  30. 关于电大远程开放教育教学资源建设管理组织体系研究

    On Building Management Organization System of Long Distance Open-education Teaching Resources