
wài jiāo bù
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;Foreign Ministry;Foreign Office
  1. 外交部已经坚决否认参与过此事。

    The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement

  2. 大使馆表示已通过电传将他们的要求发送给外交部了。

    The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry

  3. 他在外交部有过一段光辉的事业。

    He had a very distinguished career in the Foreign Office .

  4. 两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。

    They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office .

  5. 位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶。

    The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations

  6. 外交部驳斥该报道为恶意报道,不符合事实。

    The Foreign Office dismissed the story as mischievous and false .

  7. 他向外交部请了一年的假。

    He took a year 's sabbatical from the Foreign Office

  8. 殖民部被并入了外交部。

    The Colonial Office was absorbed into the Foreign Office .

  9. 他称外交部的决议令人不齿、见利忘义。

    He described the Foreign Office 's decision as sickening and cynical .

  10. 外交部消息人士对有可能派出英国军队的报道不屑一顾。

    Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent .

  11. 外交部官员帮助解决运输和经费问题。

    Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems

  12. 斯大林坚持与德国外交部的无线电联系应该保持开放。

    Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open .

  13. 她指责说,外交部未能给在海外被捕的英国公民提供支持是可耻的。

    She accused the Foreign Office of disgraceful failure to support British citizens arrested overseas .

  14. 外交部的声明称法国政府很高兴看到事件得到圆满解决。

    A Foreign Ministry statement said that the French government rejoiced at the happy outcome to events

  15. 外交部愿意向海运公司支付将该船改道至百慕大的一切费用。

    The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda .

  16. 英国外交部作出决定现在可以向该地区派驻第一位女大使。

    The British Foreign Office has decided the time is ripe to send its first female ambassador to the region .

  17. “你开始在外交部干的时候感觉很不一样吗?”——“我想是更糟一些。”

    ' Was it much different for you when you started at the Foreign Office ? ' — ' Worse , I 'd expect . '

  18. 外交部出现了危机。

    A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office .

  19. 他在外交部任过职。

    He once held a post in the Ministry of foreign affairs .

  20. 在这件事情上我们仍旧跟外交部势不两立。

    We are still at daggers drawn with the foreign ministry over this .

  21. 大学毕业后,他就分到外交部工作。

    After his graduation from college , he was assigned to work at the foreign ministry .

  22. 全国范围内国旗全部降半旗,中国外交部以及中国在全世界范围内的使领馆均设置了吊唁簿。

    Flags throughout the country were also lowered to half-mast and condolences books were opened in china 's foreign ministry and Chinese embassies and consulates around the world , xinhua reported .

  23. 公安部和外交部在必要时,可以改变各自授权的机关所作出的决定。

    The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may , when necessary , alter decisions made by their respectively authorized agencies .

  24. 当时我将这部剧提交给国家广电总局去审,他们让我带着作品去找六个部门咨询,其中竟然还有外交部和能源部。

    When I proposed the drama to the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television , they asked me to consult and get approval from six ministries1 , including the Ministry2 of Foreign Affairs and the National Energy Administration .

  25. 英国外交部(foreignoffice)最近公布,2006年至2007年,有2032名英国人在西班牙被捕,较前一年增长33%。

    The foreign office reported recently that 2032 British citizens were arrested in Spain in 2006-07 , an increase of 33 per cent over the year before .

  26. 挪威文化部与外交部(MinistryofForeignAffairs)筹集了资金,于2001年成立了OCA,它被库兹玛戏称为“好奇心的产物”。

    The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs pooled money to start OCA in 2001 ,

  27. 例如1944年,英国外交部(ForeignOffice)出版了小册子《在法英国军人指南》(InstructionsforBritishServicemeninFrance)。

    In 1944 , for instance , the UK 's Foreign Office issued the booklet " Instructions for British Servicemen in France . "

  28. 英国《卫报》(theguardian)昨日报道称,英国议会和外交部曾遭受黑客的攻击。

    The guardian yesterday reported that Parliament and the foreign office had been attacked by hackers .

  29. 2009年5月5日下午,外交部发言人马朝旭主持例行记者会。就甲型H1N1流感疫情有关涉外问题等答记者问。

    On the afternoon of May5,2009 , Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference and answered questions on issues concerning influenza A H1N1 , and etc.

  30. 一位外交部官员表示,外交大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(PhilipHammond)已被中国提出的治理和政治干预方面的防护措施所劝服。

    Philip Hammond , the foreign secretary , had been persuaded by the safeguards offered by China over governance and political interference , an FO official said .