
wài yuán
  • outer rim ;outer margin;outer limit
外缘 [wài yuán]
  • [outskirt;outer fringe;outer edge] 远离中心的部分

  1. 船舶沿狭水道或航道行驶时,只要安全可行,应尽量靠近本船右舷的该水道或航道的外缘行驶。

    A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable .

  2. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰。

    The crater is like an inverted " sombreo ", and the principal morphological features include the outer rim , annular trough , peak ring ( inner rim ), inner basin and central peak .

  3. 他用手指顺着她的下巴外缘抚摸。

    He traced the line of her jaw with his finger .

  4. 只在外缘做一些小修小补是不够的,我们的目标必须是重建整个系统。

    It is not enough to tinker at the edges ; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system .

  5. 也有些鱼,能偶尔成功的在纳特龙湖待上一段时间,因为咸度较低的泻湖是在流入纳特龙湖的温泉外缘形成的。

    Some fish , too , have had limited success vacationing at the lake as less salty lagoons form on the outer edges from hot springs flowing into Lake Natron .

  6. 东海外缘碎屑矿物的物源解释&基于BP神经网络的判识分区人工神经元网络用于复方氯丙嗪的含量测定

    Zonation of detrital sediments distribution on the outer East China sea & determined by using BP artificial neural network analysis

  7. X线片及CT显示肿物位于骨旁,外缘不规则,可见放射状骨针影;

    X - ray and CT scan showed that the tumors located at periosteum with irregular rim and visible radiated shadow of bone substance .

  8. Si和Ti含量在陆坡低、陆架外缘和深海高;

    Si , Ti concentrations are higher on the outer shelf and in the deep-sea than on the slope ;

  9. 肱骨小头关节面外缘内移量之间差异,有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Humerus small head articular surface move quantity in outer are statistically significant differences , between ( P 0.05 ) .

  10. 第25~30天,MRI显示4只骨膜新生骨及其外缘增厚的骨膜。

    On the 25th to 30th day , periosteal new bone was detected on MRI in 4 tibias with thickened periosteum attaching to the outer surface .

  11. 东海东南陆架外缘冬、夏季实测海流FFT分析

    FFT Analysis of the Observed Current Data in the Southeastern Shelf Edge Area of the East China Sea in Winter and Summer

  12. L4神经位于骶丛外缘。

    L_4 nerve located on the lateral border of sacral plexus .

  13. 骨间背神经最外侧分支穿拇长展肌处至桡骨外缘的距离(DSP)。

    The distance from the point where the most lateral branch of the PIN enters the abductor pollicis longus muscle to the lateral margin of the radius ( DSP ) .

  14. RT线测量:上下椎体外缘的切线至钩突关节最外侧点垂直距离,即RT线。

    RT line was measured from cutting-line of lateral cortical margins of the cervical vertebra to outer cortical margines of Luschka 's joints .

  15. 当κ0.05时,粒子弥散分布在涡街中心区,由涡核区演化到涡街外缘区分布,主要依赖于Stokes数。

    When κ 0.05 , the patterns of particle dispersion only depend on Stokes number and distribute in the central region of vortex street .

  16. ACP和AKP在吞噬细胞和外缘上皮细胞中活性较强,其它部位较弱。

    The activeness of ACP and AKP are strong in phagocytes and outer epithelial cells but weak in other cells .

  17. 东开普流水体出现在库克海峡峡谷水深200m附近和陆架外缘。开普。

    East Cape Current water occurred deeper than 200 m in the Cook Strait Canyon , and beyond the shelf edge .

  18. 对于位流问题,涡只存在于边界层内,可以导出边界层外缘处切向速度等于-x,x为涡强。

    For potential flow , vorticity only distributes in the interior of boundary layer , then the tangential velocity at the outer edge of the boundary layer equals - χ, where χ is the strength of the vortex .

  19. 以尺寸稳定型聚酯(DSP)和改性锦纶66帘线作为轿车和轻型载重子午线轮胎的胎体骨架材料,对比分析轮胎外缘尺寸和静负荷特性。

    The dimension-stable polyester ( DSP ) and modified nylon 66 cords were applied in the carcass ply of PCR tire and LTR tire , and the overall diameters and static loading capacities of test tires were compared .

  20. 他出生并成长于离科帕卡巴纳海滩不远处的贫民窟ChapéuMangueira。过去他曾是一名渔民,现在他正在贫民窟外缘经营着一家广受赞誉的餐馆。

    Born and brought up in the favela of Chap é u Mangueira , not far from Copacabana , and a former fisherman , he now runs an acclaimed restaurant on its edge .

  21. 置器后B超测量IUD上缘至宫底外缘的距离。

    The length from the upper end of the vertical arm of the IUD to the external uterine fundus was measured with B ultrasound after the bladder was filled .

  22. 在边界层外缘涡扰动与壁面凸起物的相互作用下,在边界层内找到了T-S波,证实了感受性现象及其中波长转变机制的存在。

    Under the interaction of the vortical disturbance and the local roughness element , T-S waves was detected in the boundary layer , thus confirming that a wavelength conversion mechanism and local receptivity existed .

  23. 到了附睾尾部,精子的Ca2+集中于顶体囊的外缘,而Ca2+-ATPase活性却又升高,推测其与维持Ca2+浓度的动态平衡有关

    In cauda , Ca 2 + concentrated at the outer edge of acrosome , the Ca 2 + ATPase activity increased again . It was suggested that Ca 2 + ATPase acted as a regulator in balance of Ca 2 + concentration

  24. TA2Mδ2.0钛合金外缘翻边成形过程中的形状畸变现象

    Shape Distortion in Curve Flanging Forming Process with TA2M δ 2.0 Titanium Alloy Sheets

  25. 通过PCR扩增、Southern印迹和GUS检测分析表明,PMI标记基因和抗虫GNA基因同时被转入部分植株中并得到了表达,其外缘基因主要以单拷贝的方式插入水稻基因组中。

    Results indicated that the pmi and gna gene have been expressed and transferred into some rice cultivars with PCR analysis , southern blotting and GUS detection , and the gna gene was mainly integrated into rice genome in manner of single copy .

  26. 另在复合桥组和肌桥组,切取股二头肌外缘纵行肌束,置于60℃水浴变性5min。

    A vertical bunch from the exterior margin of femoral biceps was severed and putted into the 60 ℃ water for 5 minutes in complex and muscle bridge groups .

  27. 成品轮胎室内试验表明轮胎充气外缘尺寸符合TRA标准和设计要求,且性能良好。

    It is confirmed by the in-door test of finished tire that the overall diameter of inflated tire meets the requirements of the TRA standard and the design , and the performance of test tire is very good .

  28. 树冠投影区域(0.5r区和1r区)的土壤平均含水量低于其外缘区域(1.5r区和2r区)。

    The average soil moisture content in the vertical projection area of the tree crown ( 0.5r plot and 1r plot ) was lower than the outside area ( 1.5r plot and 2r plot ) .

  29. 75名病人,(男68,女7;年龄12~62岁)接受颅骨修补术,其中外伤性69人,病理性6人。手术方法:在颅骨缺损区外缘1cm处切皮;

    Prosthesis of skull were carried out in 75 patients ( including 68 men and 7 women of 12-62 years old ) in which 69 patients were traumatic and 6 patients were pathological in nature .

  30. 采取的主要措施是:减小轮胎外缘尺寸,外直径由808mm减至798mm,断面宽由198mm减至195mm;

    The main measures are as follows : the overall diameter is reduced from 808 mm to 798 mm and the cross section width is reduced from 198 mm to 195 mm ;