
  1. 专科层次预防医学专业设置与开发的SWOT分析

    The SWOT Analysis of Development and Setting of Preventive Medicine for the College Students

  2. 高等师范教育(highernormaleducation)属于高层次的师范教育,指专门培养基础教育学校教师的高等教育,它包括本科层次和专科层次的高等教育。

    The higher normal education belongs to the high level normal education , which specializes in educating teachers for basic schools , it includes both the undergraduate level and college level education .

  3. 开源技术在专科层次开放式网络教学中的应用研究

    Research on Applying Open Source Technology in College Level Online Instruction

  4. 浅议医学专科层次文献检索课的教学

    On Teaching of Gradational Literature Retrieval Course of Medical Specialism

  5. 医学专科层次解剖教学改革的思考

    The thought about a reforming in medical college anatomical teaching

  6. 专科层次临床医学专业面向社区的教学改革效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of Community-Orientated Teaching Reform for Clinical Medicine in Junior College

  7. 专科层次的高职生不宜写毕业论文

    It 's Not Suitable for Professional Students to Write Thesis

  8. 专科层次基础医学课程整合的实践与思考

    Practice and reflection of curriculum integration of basic medicine

  9. 专科层次医学机能实验教学改革的实践

    Practice on Reform of Experiment Teaching of Medical Function on Medical Academy Levels

  10. 本论文的研究对象是专科层次、正规学历高等职业教育的课程开发。

    The thesis is on curriculum development of higher vocational education in junior college .

  11. 本专科层次小学教育专业课程设置问题研究

    On the Curriculum Structure of Elementary Teaching Majors

  12. 专科层次《医学心理学》课程教学改革研究

    Study on the teaching reform of the course of medical psychology at college level

  13. 目前国内高等学校开设的会计电算化专业主要集中在专科层次。

    But computer-based accounting major at today 's domestic undergraduate college is mainly orientated on specialized level .

  14. 论专科层次的应用型电子技术专业人才的培养

    Train men for applied electronic technology profession to meet the needs of the market based on Polytechnic characteristis

  15. 近年来,许多专科层次的院校经教育部批准先后改建成普通本科院校。

    In recent years , many junior colleges have promoted common undergraduate colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of Education .

  16. 抓住市场契机开办特色专业&关于湖北职院开办专科层次康复治疗学专业的可行性分析

    To Establish the Distinctive Specialized Subjects & A Feasibility Study on Establishing the Major of Rehabilitation Treatment in Junior College Level

  17. 临床医学专业是实践性很强的专业,如何在专科层次下做好临床教学工作,是医学院教师研究的新课题。

    Clinical medicine specialty is strong practical and how to improve specialized clinical teaching is a new issue for medical faculty .

  18. 我国的医学护理教育已经实现了从中等职业层次向高等专科层次的转换。

    Our country medicine nurses the education already to realize from the medium professional level to the higher faculty level transformation .

  19. 《计算机组成原理》课程在专科层次教学中的特点和改革

    The Characteristics and Revolution in the Education for the Academic School Level Via the Course of " The Principle of Computer Organization "

  20. 本研究主要采用调查法和访问法对广西区内5所专科层次、正规学历的高等职业院校的学生心理健康教育进行了研究。

    The thesis focuses on the psychological health education of students from professional training schools and higher vocational schools in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  21. 五年制高等师范学校经过二十多年的探索与实践,已经成为我国培养专科层次小学、幼儿园教师的骨干力量。

    Through 20 years ' exploration and practice , five-year-course normal colleges have become a backbone force in cultivating nursery teachers and primary school teachers .

  22. 地方新建本科院校是高校重新调整后由专科层次的学校合并或升格而形成的。

    The new local undergraduate colleges and universities are formed by the merging or upgrading of college-level schools in the wake of the readjustment of institutions of higher education .

  23. 以湖南省第一师范学校的学科专业建设为例,着重对培养专科层次小学教师的学科与专业建设问题进行了探究。

    Following the model of subject contraction in Hunan First Normal College , this paper discusses the construction of subject and major for cultivating primary school teachers on college level .

  24. 高职院校体育教育专业,是专科层次的学历教育,培养面向基层中小学或社区体育指导员的体育专业专门人才,不能等同于体育院校本科的人才培养规格。

    It trains PE majors for primary and junior schools of grass roots level or guiders for community physical education , which is different from the talent training standards of four-year universities .

  25. 在此背景下,小学教育专业在我国也经历了前所未有的飞速发展和变化,小学教育专业从原来的中师、专科层次的培养模式逐渐的转变成现在的本科学历的高层次培养模式。

    In this context , the Primary education major in our country has also experienced an unprecedented rapid development and changes , from original Normal school to three-year normal college level , and finally transit into the four-year undergraduate level .

  26. 随着本科师范院校的持续扩招和中小学师资队伍的饱和,以及国家对中学师资队伍学历要求的提高,专科层次教师教育专业毕业生的就业正面临着困境。

    With the sustained enlargement of undergraduate normal college and saturation of primary and secondary school teachers , and the education requirement of state for middle school teachers is improving , professional education specialist-level graduates are facing difficulties in finding jobs .

  27. 应用型本科院校是贯彻国家科教兴国战略,适应市场发展需要,近几年新建或从优秀专科层次升格到本科的院校,是高等教育大众化的产物。

    Some new applied undergraduate university upgraded from excellent Specialist to the undergraduate college-level institutions in order to implement the national strategy through science and education and to meet the development of the market , it is a product of higher education in recent years .

  28. 医院从整体学历考虑,在招聘时基本不考虑专科层次的毕业生。社区卫生服务站、餐饮企业等因考虑到成本问题,大部分没有医学营养专业相应的岗位。

    In general , hospitals do not recruit the medical nutrition students from higher vocational school because of the overall academic level of hospital . In consideration of the cost , most community health service stations and catering enterprises have no positions for these graduated students .

  29. 关于高等医学专科教育层次的几个问题

    Some Problems Relating to 3-Year Professional Medical College As an Academic Education Level

  30. 此外,虽然我国高等职业教育自20世纪80年代重获发展以来取得了一定的成就,但高等职业教育的发展定位至今仍停留在三年制专科教育层次,而本科教育层次则长期缺失。

    In addition , although Higher Professional Education ( hereafter HPE ) in china has made some achievements since its second development in 1980s , its orientation is still on three-year college level rather than undergraduate level .