
  • 网络Specialty store;Special Store;Category Store
  1. 我们只使用优质面料为这些服装是要孩子的专业商店。

    We use only quality fabrics as these garments are going to Children 's Specialty stores .

  2. 达尔文城市广场和包围区域为几提供专业商店和食物法庭,当方形的购物中心将适合所有你的购物的装有空调的木麻黄属的各种常绿乔木在一个房顶下面需要时。

    The Darwin City Mall and surrounding areas offer several speciality shops and food courts , while the air-conditioned Casuarina Square Shopping Centre will suit all your shopping needs under the one roof .

  3. 这附近有专业的商店吗?

    Is there a pro-shop around here ?

  4. 使用我们的免费购物车模板禅你这个引擎将在建立一个专业的在线商店,发现在管理一个成功的网上商业缓和的方式普遍。

    Using this engine in common with our Free Zen Cart Templates you will be on the way to establishing a professional online store and discovering the ease in managing a successful online business .