
  • 网络professional translation;Professional Translator
  1. 第一部分简要介绍了专业翻译的现状及特点。

    It begins with a brief introduction of professional translation .

  2. 作为一家专业翻译及本地化服务商,准噶尔翻译有限责任公司。

    As a professional translation and localization service providers , Junggar translation limited liability company .

  3. 同时,总结笔者对专业翻译的认识,希望本论文可以为今后的MTI同学和中式菜肴英译的研究者起到启发和借鉴的作用。

    The author hopes that this thesis could play a role of inspiration and reference to the following MTI students and those researchers of English translation of Chinese dishes .

  4. 56名独立学院英语专业翻译方向二年级学生参与了此项研究。数据通过访谈、问卷、前测和后测试题进行收集,并利用EXCELL相关函数对数据进行分析。

    The participants in it are 56 English sophomores majoring in translation in an independent college and the data in this study are collected by interviews , a questionnaire , a pre-test paper and a post-test paper .

  5. 英语专业翻译教学新论

    New approaches to translation teaching for undergraduate English majors in China

  6. 好家伙!这是什么?你买了辆新车合肥专业翻译公司?

    Holy mackerel ! What 's this ? A new car ?

  7. 对英语专业翻译教学的思考

    On Teaching and Learning of Chinese-English Translation Course for English Majors

  8. 商务英语专业翻译课程考试的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice on Translation Examination for Business English Majors

  9. 高职高专英语专业翻译课堂教学模式建构

    Constructing Translation Classroom Teaching Mode for English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

  10. 支架式教学法在英语专业翻译技能教学中的应用初探

    On Scaffolding Teaching Mode in Training of Translation Skills for English Majors

  11. 外语人才与体育专业翻译有着明显的区别。

    There is a clear difference between foreign language translators and sports translators .

  12. 我明白是我引发了这个问题太仓专业翻译公司。

    I see how I contributed to the problem .

  13. 使用语料库促进英语专业翻译教学的方法研究

    On the Ways of Applying Corpus to Translation Pedagogy Aimed at English Majors

  14. 外语专业翻译课教学主体参与模式探析

    Student-involved Teaching Model in Translation Class for English Majors

  15. 高职商务英语专业翻译教学的现状及教法

    On Situation and Method of Translation Teaching in Business English Class in Vocational Colleges

  16. 呆板再智能,也准确不到一位专业翻译的程度。

    Machines just cannot give you the accuracy a professional human translator will deliver .

  17. 我们发现,潍坊专业翻译这标志着这些酒庄极有个性。

    We have found that this is a sign of a highly personal winery .

  18. 外语专业翻译课的定位问题

    Reorienting Translation Class in the Foreign Language Specialty

  19. 不要听别人怎么说你桐乡专业翻译公司,走自己的路。

    Don 't listen to what other say about you , lead you own life .

  20. 编写专业翻译工具书;

    Compiling specialty translation reference books ;

  21. 我们自己的专业翻译有英语、德语和日语。

    Our own translators are specialized in english , german , french , Japanese and chinese .

  22. 会员信息,选择指南,并与专业翻译,常见问题,联系工作。

    Membership information , Guide to Selecting and Working with Professional Translators , FAQ , links .

  23. 案例教学在高职英语教育专业翻译教学中的应用

    On Case-based Teaching in the Translation for the Students Major in English Education in Vocational Colleges

  24. 转换生成语法与专业翻译

    TG Grammar in ESP Translation

  25. 汉英文化翻译瓶颈及其对高校本科英语专业翻译教学的启示

    Bottleneck in Chinese-English Culture Translation and its Implications in Teaching Practice for English Majors at Tertiary Level

  26. 大学学历,具备三、四年专业翻译经验。

    A university degree and three or four years ' experience as a translator in a professional environment .

  27. 周明指出,当前,机器翻译面临着各种挑战,这使得其无法达到专业翻译的标准。

    Machine translation currently faces challenges that prevent it from reaching the standards of professional translation , Zhou noted .

  28. 英语专业翻译教学,就是指为了培养英语专业学生翻译能力而进行的教学与实践等活动。

    Translation teaching for English majors is teaching and practicing activities which aim to develop the students ' translation competence .

  29. 我学过很多种语言,不过我并不能像专业翻译那样掌握这些语言。

    I have learned many languages , but I 've not mastered them the way a professional interpreter or translator has .

  30. 案例教学有利于高职英语教育专业翻译课程教学改革,本文探讨了案例教学法在高职英语教育专业翻译教学中的应用。

    This paper mainly deals with the application of case method to translation teaching of English education major in high vocational colleges .