
zhuān kuǎn zhuān yòng
  • A fixed sum is for a fixed purpose;earmark a fund for its specified purpose only
专款专用[zhuān kuǎn zhuān yòng]
  1. 专款专用,不得任意腾挪。

    Designated funds are not to be transferred at will .

  2. 政府性基金收入按规定专款专用。

    Revenue from government-controlled funds was used exclusively for its intended purposes .

  3. 基金要专款专用,留有一定的风险储备金。

    Fund wants special fund special , take the risk reserve with have certain .

  4. 基金运作的基本原则是保值增值,公开透明、专款专用。

    The basic principles of the operation are value preservation and increment , open and transparent and earmarking .

  5. 政府应该加快对航海院校的政策的倾斜,在设施设备的投入上应该建立专项资金,专款专用;

    The Government should work out a favorable policy for navigation schools or colleges in exclusive founds of equipments and facilities .

  6. 社保基金被视为退休职工的“养命钱”必须专款专用,不可乱动。

    Social security fund is regarded as the " lifeline " of the retirees and should not be diverted for other purposes .

  7. 森林生态效益补偿基金必须专款专用,不得挪作他用。

    The forestry ecological efficiency compensation fund shall be used exclusively for its designated purpose and shall not be used for any other purpose .

  8. 失业保险基金专款专用,不得挪作他用,不得用于平衡财政收支。

    Unemployment insurance funds shall be used for their specific purposes , and may not be misused for other purposes or used to balance financial expenses and receipts .

  9. 各地要切实加强对财政专项经费的管理,专款专用,严禁挪作他用。

    Each locality shall conscientiously tighten the control of special financial funds ensuring special funds for special purpose , and appropriating them for other use shall be prohibited .

  10. 为世界各国银行,政府,财团,企业提供专项资金支持,并监督专款专用。

    Provide special fund hold out for every state 's bank , government , financial group and enterprise of the world , and monitor usage on specified purpose .

  11. 公路收费不论纳入国家预算与否,都应充分考虑公路资金的需求规模特点,专款专用,以便于资金的计划和管理。

    In order to have good plans and management , highway fees must regard enough highway funds demand size characteristic , special fund must be expended on special project .

  12. 各级政府部门要加大体育经费投入,同时做好监督工作,专款专用,逐步完善学校的场地器材设置。

    Government departments at all levels should strengthen the sports funds , while doing a good job of supervisory work , dedicated , and gradually perfect the school playground and equipment set .

  13. 代表执行职务所需的经费,应当依法列入本级财政预算,专款专用。

    The funds that representatives need to perform functions shall be included in the financial budget of the governments at the corresponding levels , and shall be used for the special purpose .

  14. 我们同时需要加强学术工程的监管和专向科学基金的审查以保证基金的专款专用。

    " We also need to strengthen supervision of academic projects review and intensify the audit of funds allocated for scientific projects to guarantee the proper use of the funds ," it said .

  15. 并提出了我国构建绿色税收体系应遵循的五个基本原则,即可操作性原则、专款专用原则、协调原则、循序渐进原则和税收中性原则。

    And proposed building green tax system in China should follow five basic principles , you can operational principles , the principle of earmarking , coordination principle , the principle of gradual and tax neutrality .

  16. 医疗保险统筹基金属于全体参保人员,实行专项储存、专款专用,任何单位和个人都不得挪用。

    Medical treatment is sure to plan as a whole fund belongs to all ginseng to keep staff , execute special store , special fund is special , any units and individual do not get divert .

  17. 并从贷款的预算管理、保证贷款资金的专款专用及加强对贷款投资项目的管理等方面提出了对高校贷款管理的看法。

    It also provides some views on how to manage the loan in colleges and universities by means of budget management , ensuring earmarking the fund for its specified purpose and strengthening the management of loan investment items .

  18. 资金方面的原因主要体现在重前期资金一次性投入,轻后期运维经费;缺乏经费专款专用;投入经费渠道单一;缺乏经费专业人员管理。

    The main reason funding is reflected in a one-time heavy upfront capital investment , operation and maintenance funding for the late light ; lack of funding earmarked ; into a single channel funds ; lack of funding for professional management .

  19. 社会保险基金被纳入财政专户,实行收支两条线管理,专款专用。使用电话专线提供资讯、谘询及代祷。

    These funds have been orbited into special accounts and a system has been set up , whereby revenue and expenditure are managed separately and the funds are used for specified purposes only . Provide information , consultation , and prayer support through information hotline .

  20. 分析了专款专用的公路建设资金被中标施工企业挤占挪用的原因,以及挤占挪用后对建设项目所造成的不良后果和给社会带来的负面影响。

    The analysis on causes for diverting funds of special use for highway construction by construction companies being acceptance of the bid are carried out in this article , with indicating the harmful consequences to construction project and adverse effect on society due to diverting funds .

  21. 农村社会养老保险基金必须坚持专款专用的原则,任何部门、单位和个人都不得平调、挪用、截留;也不得使用基金直接投资以及拆借、抵押担保。

    Fund of rural society endowment insurance must hold to principle of special funds appropriative , any branches , unit and individual do not get flat regulation , divert , hold back ; also must not use fund direct investment and short-term loan , guaranty assures .

  22. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据国务院的有关规定,可以决定开征用于教育的地方附加费,专款专用。

    Pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State Council , the people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government may decide to levy local extra charges for educational purpose , which shall be used exclusively for education .

  23. 土地出让金同样是需要改革的重点,文章提出将土地出让金纳入财政预算并专款专用、建立土地年租金收取体制。

    Land transferring fees is also a key of reform . It is provided in the paper that land transferring fees should be brought into financial budget and earmarked for its special purpose only and the collection system of yearly rental of land should be established .

  24. 设计一事一议的项目应该尽量利益相容,尽量维持小规模格局,采用有选择性的激励方式,同时要确保资金专款专用、财务公开、群众评估和农民参与维护等。

    Designing the items of case-by-case should make benefits compatible , maintain the small scale setup as far as possible , adopt a selective incentives pattern and ensure the funds for its specified purpose only , open the financial affairs , the masses evaluation and farmers participating in upholding , etc.