
  • 网络political decision;political decision-making
  1. 那时也紧接着出现了政治决策迟缓的情况。

    That , too , was followed by a slowdown in political decision-making .

  2. 政治决策既是一个理性化的过程,同时非理性因素也在其中起着重要的作用。

    Political decision-making is arational process , but irrational factors also play an important role .

  3. 我们也会用facepalm或facepalmmoments(捂脸时刻)来形容许多遭遇败绩的电影、企业和政治决策。

    business , and political decisions have been described as facepalms or " facepalm moments " .

  4. knockdown击倒;撞倒;击落;使屈服comedownto归结为,简化为为什么我的料理能力这么差劲。政治决策有时候可归结为个人的判断和睿智。

    Political decisions sometimes come down to the judgement and wisdom of individuals .

  5. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼(Gyurcsany)说,匈牙利得到的贷款不会限制匈牙利的政治决策权,也不会限制改革进程。

    He says the loans Hungary receives will not restrict the country 's right to make its own political decisions and introduce reforms .

  6. 政治决策的成本和风险分析

    The Analysis of Cost and Risks for Political Decision - making

  7. 政治决策冲突是萨托利冲突理论的重要组成部分。

    Conflict of political decision is important part Sathles theory of conflict .

  8. 这么说,是把政治决策权交给政治家。

    Say this , and leave the political decisions to the politicians !

  9. 现在让我们看看对内的艰难政治决策吧。

    Now show us the difficult political decisions at home .

  10. 记者们感觉他们是一项政治决策的无辜受害者。

    The reporters felt they were innocent victims of a political decision .

  11. 为政治决策提供合法性基础上的责任性。

    Deliberative democracy after decision-making & responsibility based on validity .

  12. 中国方面必须进一步做出政治决策。

    Further political decision on the Chinese side is necessary .

  13. 大部分与公民利害攸关的政治决策都影响他们所在的地区。

    Most political decisions of concern to citizens affect their immediate locality .

  14. 同时,许多政府的政治决策也是由他在运筹帷幄。

    Mr Osborne also does much of the government 's political thinking .

  15. 政治决策制度受政治文化的影响。

    Policy-making system is influenced by political culture .

  16. 当代中国政治决策中的社情民意反映制度

    The System of Reflecting Social Conditions and Public Opinions in Contemporary Political Decisions of China

  17. 美联储完全独立运作,并不关心政治决策。

    The Fed operates completely independently , because the Fed doesn 't care about politics .

  18. 我认为,我们需要你们在座的每一个人来改变政治决策的过程。

    Let me suggest that we need each of you to raise the level of debate .

  19. 而原因则是许多国家周而复始的糟糕政治决策。

    And a cycle of bad political decision-making , across many countries , is the reason .

  20. 它们本身就是政治决策。

    They are political in themselves .

  21. 政治决策中的性别意识

    Gender Consciousness in Political Decision Making

  22. 在过去几天里,各方没有再做出艰难的政治决策。

      is that over the past few days , we stopped making the tough political calls .

  23. 当然,增税是一项政治决策,而非科学举措。

    The higher tax is , of course , a political decision , not a scientific one .

  24. 官僚政治决策模式则强调,它是以总统为首的行政机构与国会之间及其内部各官僚政治机构之间较量的结果。

    The bureaucratic model emphasizes that it is the outcome of dispute between administration institution and Congress .

  25. 政治决策作为一种重要的政治行为,是政治学的重要研究领域之一。

    As an important political action , policy-making is one of the valuable fields of political science .

  26. 不幸的是,在经济和政治决策方面女性还远未实现完全的融合和平等。

    Unfortunately , women are still far from full integration and parity in economic and political decision-making .

  27. 如果各国政要不做出艰难的政治决策,这一轮谈判不会有什么结果。

    This round isn 't going to be concluded without difficult political decisions by people in capitals .

  28. 外交决策,作为政治决策的有机组成部分也自然也受到了网络媒体的影响。

    As an integral part of political decision-making foreign policy decisions are naturally affected by the online media .

  29. 易学术数的发展对政治决策的影响。

    Affects of the development of the techniques and figure-ology of the Yi learning to political decision making .

  30. 另外一个是授权给女性,让他们参与商业和政治决策活动的必要性。

    The other is the need to women and let them take part in business and political decision-making .