
zhèng qǐ bù fēn
  • No distinction between government and enterprise;integration of government administration with enterprise;government department's running
政企不分[zhèng qǐ bù fēn]
  1. 较之于发达国家的企业而言,我们铁路企业正经历着从计划经济向市场经济转型的痛苦,政企不分、产权不明、责任不清等弊端影响着国有企业经营效率提高。

    Compared with developed countries , our railway enterprises are experiencing a painful transition from planned economy to market economy , but the integration of government administration with enterprise , the indeterminacy of property right , undefined responsibility and other disadvantages often influence the efficiency improvement of state-owned enterprises operation .

  2. 国企开始打破政企不分的模式,剥离企业办社会、进行股份制改造。

    SOE began to break down the seperation of mode , split enterprise social , reformed .

  3. 在建立和完善现代企业制度过程中,国有独资公司治理暴露出很多问题,如出资人职责不清,政企不分,公司治理结构不健全等。

    While establishing and improving the modern enterprise system , a lot of solely state-owned corporate governance issues are exposed .

  4. 由于政企不分、财务挂账积累、政策补贴不到位等多种原因,使得国有粮食购销企业亏损严重,举步维艰,难以承担粮食流通市场化条件下有效配置粮食资源及执行粮食宏观调控的使命。

    Due to various reasons , state-owned enterprises are suffering serious losses and are unable to effectively take macro-control of the market .

  5. 国企改革步伐滞后于整个经济体制改革的主要原因是政企不分。

    The main reason that reform of State-owned-enterprises lagged behind the overall economic reform was that government and business functions are mixed together .

  6. 中国保安服务业存在着明显的问题:政企不分是中国保安公司的最大问题;

    There are obvious problems of Chinese safeguard service business : of which , the mixture of executives and enterprises is the largest problem ;

  7. 其次,表现在种业管理和产业服务方面,如政事不分、事企不分和政企不分;

    The second is seed industry administration and industry service , such as no distinction between government administration , enterprises management and public institution administration ;

  8. 在市场经济条件下,提高企业的核心竞争力是企业成功的关键。针对我国铁路垂直一体化管理;政企不分,行业性垄断;

    Under the condition of market economy , improving the core competitive power of the enterprise is the key for the success of the enterprise .

  9. 解决政企不分,没有明确区分责、权、利三者之间关系的问题。

    And solution the problems which are the government and enterprises are not clear and there is no clear distinction between the responsibilities , rights , and benefit .

  10. 主要表现在:政企不分、行政垄断、价格形成机制不合理、多数机场长期亏损等;

    Such as the mix-up of the government and the enterprise , the monopolization of public administration , the unreasonable price mechanism and longterm deficit of most civil airports .

  11. 老工业基地国有企业单一的产权结构带来了企业效率低下、政企不分等一系列问题,严重影响了老工业基地经济的发展。

    The state-owned enterprises ' simplex property rights in old industrial bases lead to many problems , such as bad performance , confusion of government function and enterprise affairs , etc.

  12. 目前我国国有商业银行产权主体单一,政企不分,责权不明,这种现状严重制约了商业银行的进一步发展。

    There only has a single property right in our state-owned commercial banks , which lead to the indifference between authority and enterprise and can 't clarify the right and duty .

  13. 伊春国有林区林改前存在着政企不分、资金及计划管理职能不清等问题。

    The state-owned forest areas in Yichun City , currently stationed there capital program management , unclear functions , without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises .

  14. 而国有企业的性质决定如果政府对企业干预过多,将难免带上行政色彩,导致政企不分;

    As far as state-owned enterprises are concerned , if the government intervene the enterprises ' affairs more than needed , the result is the ambiguity between the government and the enterprises .

  15. 铁路行业作为国家基础性产业,是中国政治体制和经济体制中政企不分的最后一个堡垒。

    As a national basic industry , the railway industry is the last " fortress " in the mix-up of the functions of the government and enterprises in Chinese political and economic system .

  16. 其结果,要么是政府变成市场主体去跟企业竞争,乃至搞垄断经营,政企不分的后果进一步恶化;要么是企业滥用政府信用资源,用于谋取商业利益,而把风险留给政府。

    The result is that the government has become the market players , competed with enterprises , or enterprises abuse of government credit resources to seek commercial interests , left risks to the government .

  17. 改革开放以来,我国铁路系统先后经历了六次改革,前五次仅局限于铁路企业内部资产经营模式上的变革,但一直没有未对铁路政企不分的管理体制给予改变。

    The Chinese Rail Industry has experienced six times innovation since the Reform and Opening up . However , the previous five times ware confined to change the model of the Railway internal assets business .

  18. 外部因素主要表现在产权关系模糊,政企不分,税收过重等。(2)在分析热林中心传统经营管理的基础上,进行了经营决策分析。

    External factors refer to fuzzy property rights , un-clear between government and enterprises and over-tax , etc. ( 2 ) The research proceeds management decision analysis on basis of analyzing traditional management of ECTF .

  19. 同时我国的国有独资公司也一直被所有者缺位、政企不分、经营者缺乏有效监督等问题所困扰,多年来理论、实践上的探索虽有成就,但仍未能取得良好的效果。

    At the same time , wholly state-owned company having been puzzled by the trouble , such as absence of proprietor , confusion of government with enterprise , and shortage of effective supervision to operator .

  20. 另外,政府在对高速公路产业的市场管制方面,存在多头管理、政企不分的现象,缺乏竞争机制和发展动力。

    Moreover , in the aspect of government regulation , it has multi-thread management phenomenon and has no clear line between the government functions and enterprises ones and lacks the competitive system and the development power .

  21. 本文在考察我国广播媒介经营现状、发展特点及趋势的基础上,深入分析了我国广播媒介经营中存在的问题,如体制不顺导致政企不分,层次过多;

    On the basis of researching on the present situation and analyzing the problems of broadcast management in our country , which mainly include : functions of enterprises and government is not separated , excessive levels ;

  22. 认证行业问题产生的主要原因在于认证机构与政府政企不分,规范认证业的法律法规不够完善,存在政出多门、多重标准、监管不力等问题。

    The main causes of these problems may be attributed to the interference of the government and enterprises , inadequate laws and regulations , which may be represented by the multiple criteria of certification and lack of supervision .

  23. 只有不断深化国有企业公司制改革,彻底改变政企不分状况,并培养高素质的企业家,才能建立科学的公司治理结构。

    Only by deepening the corporate reformation of state owned enterprises with consistent efforts , putting an end to the situation of mixing administration with enterprise management and cultivating high quality entrepreneurs can the scientific company management structure in China be established .

  24. 理清这个思路后,我们试图探讨国有企业困境的根本原因&政策性负担,政企不分,政资不分。

    Straighten out this line of thought , we will try to explore the fundamental reason of the predicament of State-owned Enterprise & the burden of policy , regardless of the difference between government and State-owned Enterprises , capital and State-owned Enterprises .

  25. 分析了当前我国市政部门权力结构状态,探讨了市政部门权力结构中存在的问题:市政建设和管理中政企不分;

    The article analyses the present state of power structure of municipal government department in our country , discusses the problems existing in power structure of municipal government department . Government and enterprise share together in construction and management of the municipal administration .

  26. 从市场结构、市场行为、市场绩效三个方面对中国民航运输业放松管制的效果进行了总体性评价,指出所存在的问题并对产生这些问题的根源&政企不分做了进一步的剖析;

    We also comment the effects of Deregulation in CATI from three aspects & Market Structure , Market Conduct and Market Performance . By this evaluation for processing of Deregulation we summarize that the firms supervised by government is the syndrome of these problems .

  27. 我国的石油产业存在国家垄断性强、政企不分、监管混乱等弊端,这种政府对微观经济的过度干预会严重削弱市场竞争机制,使作为资源性产品价格改革重要环节的成品油价格改革难以为继。

    Our petroleum industry features high monopoly by the government and the chaos of supervision , which will weaken the free market mechanism severely and make the refined oil price reformation which is a core part of the resource products price reformation difficult to continue .

  28. 造成这一局面的原因主要有以下几方面:1.铁路部门政企不分的管理体制没有发生根本性变化,在铁路基本建设过程中,铁路部门建、管、用三位一体的建设模式还很常见。

    This situation was caused by the following factors : 1 . the confusion management system between government and enterprise did not change fundamentally in railway sector . In the construction process of railway infrastructure , the model " construction , management , utilization " is still very common .

  29. 摘要我国的生产资料国家所有制,是在社会主义革命过程中建立起来的,随着社会主义建设的发展,它们与社会主义市场经济体制就不相适应了,出现了政企不分、地区壁垒和条块分割等现象。

    Established during socialist revolution , china 's state ownership of the means of production no longer adapts to socialist market economic system as the development of socialist construction , which results in such phenomena as non-separation between the government and the enterprises , regional barrier and market fragmentation .

  30. 在改革过程中,所有权主体缺位、多头管理、政企不分等问题始终伴随着风景名胜区的发展或多或少地呈现出来,资源保护让位于经济开发,对风景名胜资源造成了极大的破坏和影响。

    No matter how the reform , issues such as the ownership of the subject becomes vacant , bull management , witch hunt is always accompanied by the development of scenic spots , resource protection given way to economic development , and caused great damage and impact on scenic resources .