
  • 网络political conflict;political strife
  1. 泰国工业联盟(TheFederationofThaiIndustries)表示,反政府抗议者和安全部队之间血腥冲突的画面在全世界播放之后,这场政治冲突可能给泰国旅游业造成超过10亿美元的损失。

    The Federation of Thai Industries says the political conflict could cost the tourism industry more than $ 1 billion , after images of deadly clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces were flashed across the world .

  2. 该广告表明,美国零售商准备采取强硬态度,可能在阿里巴巴开通其最热门网站淘宝(Taobao)的英文版之前将其拖入一场政治冲突。

    The ad suggests that the US retailers are ready to play hardball and threatens to suck Alibaba into a political conflict before it launches an English-language version of its most popular site , Taobao .

  3. 这种方式上的差异已经导致了几场政治冲突。

    This difference in approach has led to several political skirmishes .

  4. 西方评论人士同样视FIFA丑闻为一场宏大的地缘政治冲突。

    Western commentators have equally viewed the FIFA scandal as a grand geopolitical confrontation .

  5. n.深坑或裂缝;利害冲突两国间的政治冲突几乎导致战争。

    chasm There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war .

  6. 上周早些时候,华侨银行(OCBCBank)分析师巴纳巴斯o贾恩曾写道:历史上,军事干预一直都是结束政治冲突和建立合法政府的有效方法。

    In a note earlier this week , Barnabas Gan , an analyst with OCBC Bank , wrote , Historically , a military intervention has been effective in ending political strife and establishing a legitimate government presence .

  7. 但是EricPallant在给《科学》杂志的一封来信中指出,与困扰该地区的正在发生的军事和政治冲突相反,科学界正在合作应对这个问题。

    But in contrast to the ongoing military and political conflicts that plague the region , the scientific community is collaborating to tackle the issues , says Eric Pallant in this letter to Science .

  8. 政治冲突是政治过程中不可避免的现象。

    Political conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in the political process .

  9. 政治冲突是政治理论研究的重要课题。

    Political conflict is an important issue for political theory study .

  10. 在多重权力博弈中的摄政难免陷入各种政治冲突和权力斗争中。

    The Regent inevitably came into political conflict sand power struggles .

  11. 当代俄美地缘政治冲突:原因、特点和影响

    Contemporary Russia-US Geopolitical Conflicts : Causes , Characteristics and Impacts

  12. 管辖权冲突是政治冲突的常态;

    The jurisdiction conflict is the normality of political conflict ;

  13. 观点的冲突为严重的政治冲突埋下了伏笔。

    The clash of perceptions carries the seeds of serious political conflicts .

  14. 第一章探讨了政治冲突的涵义及特点。

    Chapter 2 discusses the forms of different levels of political conflict .

  15. 政治冲突与整合理论的产生和发展

    On the Emergence and Development of the Theory on Political Conflicts and Conformity

  16. 政治冲突与文化隔阂:杨名时案透视

    Political Conflict and Cultural Estrangement : Perspectives on the Case of Yang Mingshi

  17. 政治冲突的调控是内力和外力共同作用的结果。

    Political conflict regulation is the result of internal forces and external forces .

  18. 潜在的政治冲突亦延伸到了国境之外。

    The potential for political conflict extends abroad too .

  19. 中国古代政治冲突思想研究

    A study of political conflict thought in ancient China

  20. 政治冲突与整合理论是政治学理论的重要组成部分。

    Political conflict and conformity theory are important component parts of theory of politics .

  21. 在实践中,政府对政治冲突的调控不是压制而是控制。

    In practice , the government regulates political conflict not by pressing but controlling .

  22. 论政治冲突的功能

    Research on the Function of Political Conflict

  23. 论政治冲突的表现形态

    On the Expressive Forms of Political Conflict

  24. 马克思主义政治冲突思想研究

    Studying on Marxism about Political Conflict Ideas

  25. 我个人并不相信的是:战争总是政治冲突的解决方式。

    I personally don 't believe that war is ever a solution to political conflict .

  26. 政治冲突与西方政体设计

    Political Conflict & Western Regime Design

  27. 在奴录制向封建制社会转型的时期,政治冲突频繁发生。

    Political conflict took place frequently in the period of slave society turning into feudal society .

  28. 如果经济持续萎缩,我们将面临社会动荡和政治冲突的危险。

    A protracted period of economic contraction risks the spread of social disorder and political conflict .

  29. 内部政治冲突越来越多。

    Internal political conflicts are increasing .

  30. 但穆斯塔法对于政治冲突问题旁敲侧击,现在已经是第三个年头。

    But Mustafa deflected questions about the politics of the conflict , now in its third year .