
rén cái wài liú
  • the brain drain
人才外流[rén cái wài liú]
  1. 由于人才外流,英国缺乏医生。

    As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors .

  2. 在人才外流阶段发展中国家的发展可能会陷入停滞。

    And a developing country may become stalled at the brain drain stage .

  3. 主要表现为地方工业萎缩、人口增长缓慢甚至绝对减少、人才外流严重、GDP等主要社会经济指标与主流地区的差距拉大、社会运转方式及地方社会心理滞后于时代。

    Marginalization means that local industries shrink , population increases slowly or even decreases , talents drain , gaps in terms of main social economic indexes like GDP between the mainstream regions and local cities are enlarged , operating ways and social mentality of local cities lag behind the time etc.

  4. 经济欠发达地区和企业人才外流分析

    An analysis of the outward flowing of talents in underdeveloped areas

  5. 人才外流一直困扰着落后国家的政策制定者。

    This brain drain has long bothered policymakers in poor countries .

  6. 这是人才外流的一个讽刺性转变。

    It 's an ironic twist of the so called brain-drain .

  7. 问:为什么人才外流会影响全球卫生?

    Q : Why is migration a problem for global health ?

  8. 另外一个造成人才外流的原因是职业招聘机构数目的增加。

    Another stimulus to migration is the growth of professional recruitment agencies .

  9. 对人才外流的经济学思考

    Research and Think for the West Economic Theory about a Talented Person Outflow

  10. 现今,人们对中国的人才外流有着广泛的关注。

    Nowadays , there is a widespread concern over brain drain in China .

  11. “人才外流”还可能破坏未来的医疗培训。

    The " brain drain " may also undermine medical training in future .

  12. 这种“人才外流”的现象长期困扰着穷国的政策制定者们。

    This " brain drain " has long bothered policymakers in poor countries .

  13. 台湾地区人才外流与回归成因分析及启示

    An Analysis on the Reason for the Brains ' Drain and Return in Taiwan

  14. 论军事人才外流成本的控制

    Cost control of military manpower 's dropping out

  15. 针灸医师收入低下使大量人才外流;

    Income of acupuncturists is low so as to a large number of talent outflow ;

  16. 当前军队医院人才外流现象分析及对策探讨

    Analysis and Solutions on a Phenomenon of the Outflow of Special Talents in Military Hospitals

  17. 供需的错位导致人才外流,资源浪费。

    The disequilibrium of supply and demand results in brain drain and waste of resources .

  18. 到目前为止,尚无任何就如何停止这个所谓的反向人才外流情况达成任何协议。

    So far no agreement has been reached on how to stop this so-called reverse brain drain .

  19. 有人称之为人才外流,并认为这是我国的重大损失。

    Some people call it a talent outflow and consider it a great loss for our country .

  20. 就人才外流而言,各国可以被分成几大类。

    Within the context of brain drain , countries can be grouped into a number of broad categories .

  21. 由于国内学术环境恶劣,出国留学造成人才外流的现象已经初显萌芽。

    The brain-drain effect of studying abroad has started to burgeon due to flaws in the domestic academic environment .

  22. 当今,我国体育人才外流的热头有增无减。

    At present , the outflow of sports talents from China is gathering momentum , but not losing it .

  23. 中篇结合成飞曾经出现的人才外流的实际,深入探究了企业的内、外部环境对人才流失的作用,并从企业员工个人的角度出发,总结出个人离开企业的种种原因;

    Union Two discusses common causes of brain drain in CAC from the internal , external and individual angle .

  24. 安杰拉获得了计算机学科的学位,她决定加入人才外流的行列,到加利福尼亚去工作。

    Angel got her degree in computer science and decided to join the brain drain and go and work in California .

  25. 优秀人才外流情况严重,使政府人才短缺的现象日益严峻。

    ( 4 ) It were serious phenomenon increasingly that the excellent brain drain and the shortage of qualified personnel in government .

  26. 不过,这位经济学家可能还是看到对人力资本外流征收一种人才外流税的种种优点。

    Still , the economist is still likely to see the merits of a brain-drain tax on the outflow of human capital .

  27. 人才外流和职业技术工人缺乏等,都严重影响了中国制造业的整体竞争力。

    The talent drain and lack of vocational technical workers seriously affect the overall competitive power of the manufacturing industry of China .

  28. 从当代技术管理人员对事业、对工作的具体观念及心理出发,分析了人才外流的几个主要原因。

    And from the analysis of the psychology and conception of the technological managers the main reasons of labor outflow are analyzed .

  29. 遗憾的是,人才外流已给许多发展中国家的工业和经济造成了困难。

    It is a pity that the brain drain already has caused the difficulty in industries and the economy for many developing nations .

  30. 在20世纪90年代之前,“人才外流”这一概念在此类讨论中占主导地位(但也有争议)。

    Until the early1990s , the " brain drain " was the predominant ( if controversial ) concept used to frame such discussions .