
  • 网络Permanent migration;permanent immigration
  1. 我国农村劳动力非永久性迁移形成机制分析

    Analysis of Formation Mechanism about China 's Non-permanent Migration of Rural Labor Force

  2. 国外对非永久性迁移的研究及其对我国流动人口问题的启示

    Overseas Research on Non-permanent Migration and Its Implications for the Issues of Floating Population in China

  3. 农民工永久性迁移意愿影响因素分析&以理性选择理论为视角

    Permanent Migration Intention of Peasant Workers and the Determinants & Based on the Perspective of Rationalism Theory

  4. 理性选择与农民工永久性迁移意愿&基于武汉市的实证分析

    Rational Choice and Rural Migrant Workers ' Will of Permanent Migration : An empirical analysis on Wuhan

  5. 第六,探讨了促进中国农业劳动力永久性迁移的对策措施。

    The sixth part aims to work out suggested measures to promote permanent migration of agriculture labor in China .

  6. 复制后就可以进行常规的解决方案升级工作了,就好像永久性地迁移到新版本的VisualStudio上了。

    Once the copy is made you can perform the usual solution upgrade as if you were permanently moving to a new version of Visual Studio .

  7. 已有的研究表明,农村女性永久性的迁移属于婚姻迁移。

    The previous research has shown that the permanent migration of rural female is belonging to marriage migration .

  8. 改革开放以来,由于统计资料的欠缺,我国每年到底有多少农村人口永久性地迁移城镇成为城镇常住人口,一直是个谜。

    Since the reform and open to outside and because of the short of statistics materials , how much population permanently emigrates from rural areas to urban areas yearly is a riddle .

  9. 当今永久性国际人口迁移现状及其特点

    Status and Characters of Current International Permanent Migration

  10. 改革的第二个主要领域是支持面向城市的更成功的永久性的人口迁移,以培育劳动力密集型、服务业导向和以消费为基础的增长。

    The second main area of reforms is supporting more successful , permanent migration to the cities , to foster more labor-intensive , service sector-oriented , and consumption-based growth there .