
  • 网络Sustainability;Sustainable development
  1. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  2. 永续发展是资源型城市经济转型的重中之重

    Sustainable Development is most Significant in Economy Transition of Resource-Dependent Cities

  3. 如何避免决策失误所产生的环境影响,达到永续发展,战略环境评价(SEA)已被认为是最为有效的方法和工具之一。

    How to reduce or avoid negative environmental impact caused by decision-making , and push decision-making towards sustainability , strategic environmental assessment ( SEA ) was considered one of the most effective approaches and tools .

  4. 高技术企业的权变治理、管理者更替与企业永续发展

    Tact Governance , Governor Replacement and Sustained Development of High-tech Corporation

  5. 社会模式设计体现了人们永续发展的思想。

    The social mode design embody the lasting development thought of human .

  6. 不断提高自主创新能力是企业永续发展的源泉

    Continuously Improving Independent Innovation Is the Source of Enterprises ' Sustained Development

  7. 台湾土地资源永续发展策略

    Sustainable Development Strategies of Land Resources for Island Taiwan

  8. 此项高峰会的正式名称为联合国世界永续发展开峰会。

    It is formally known as the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development .

  9. 传承绿色文明、缔造永续发展。

    Green civilization heritage and create sustainable development .

  10. 企业战略变革是不确定环境下企业做大做强和永续发展的重要生存法则。

    Business strategic transformation is important for the growth of enterprises under uncertainty environment .

  11. 论小企业的永续发展

    On the Continuous Existence of Small Businesses

  12. 这是一个必要的警醒&攸关人类的生存和永续发展。

    This is a necessary awakening – vital for the survival and sustainable development of mankind .

  13. 企业永续发展的制度安排

    Institutional Design of Business Permanent Development

  14. 树立独特的品牌形象,激发品牌永续发展成为企业的生存之道。

    Creating a unique brand image and stimulating sustainable development has become the way to survive to branding .

  15. 因此,覆率是非常值得长期推广的都市永续发展作法。

    Therefore , the policy of increasing green coverage ratio is worth to carry out for urban sustainable development .

  16. 从而为大卖场建立永续发展的生存利基。这篇论文对提高大卖场各项营运管理及成本控制和经营决策具有很高的实用和指导价值,更有启发意义。

    This thesis is very useful to improve the operation management and cost control and decision-making in the hypermarket management .

  17. 核心粘性的存在,使基于核心能力的企业永续发展理论受到了质疑。

    The existence of core stickiness greatly challenges the theory of enterprise continuous development that is based on core competence .

  18. 如果以放慢经济增长速度为代价去求得资源和环境的完整,也就没有了真正的发展,更没有了人类的永续发展和进步。

    Can we defend the integrity of resource and environment at the price of slowing down the economic growth speed ?

  19. 但从企业长期发展来看,高技术企业必须平衡权威治理和企业永续发展的关系问题。

    However , in the long run , the high-tech corporation must balance the relation between authoritative governance and sustained development .

  20. 特别是我国是一个矿业大国,矿区土地复垦与生态重建工作是我国资源枯竭型城市永续发展的重中之重的核心工作。

    Especially since China has rich mineral resources , land reclamation and eco-reconstruction are essential in sustainable development of resource-scarce cities .

  21. 现代企业必须采取战略性人力资源管理新模式,才能获得可持续竞争优势,使企业永续发展。

    So modern enterprises should adopt the new model of SHRM to get the sustainable competitive advantage and make enterprises lasting .

  22. 这个概念具有发展成真正指标性大使馆的最大潜能,在永续发展设计上也居领先优势。

    The concept holds the greatest potential for developing a truly iconic embassy and is on the leading edge of sustainable design .

  23. 共同朝向开发高值化及建立聚落制造行销模式的目标永续发展。

    Jointly towards the development of high value manufacturing technology and the establishment of settlement patterns in the target marketing of sustainable development .

  24. 本实习课的重点是运用永续发展原理改善佛山市中心河滨地区的生活品质与活动。

    This practicum focuses on applying the principles of sustainability to improve the quality of life and activity along the Foshan downtown riverfront .

  25. 所以,只有源于台州本土的山魂海魄,才是台州民营经济迅速崛起和永续发展文化基因。

    Consequently , only the local humanistic spirit is the cultural factor for the rapid rising and constant developing of Taizhou individually-run economy .

  26. 地球村的时代已经到来,企业要想适应竞争,永续发展,必须积极地开展国际间的交流与合作,面向国际。

    In the face of economic globalization , a company shall actively develop international exchanges and cooperation to cope with competition and sustainable development .

  27. 麻省理工学院的佛山规划研习著重于运用永续发展原理来回应这个转变应如何实现。

    The MIT Foshan Planning Workshop focuses on applying the principles of sustainability to answer the question of how this transition should take place .

  28. 创新是企业获取竞争优势的最主要来源,先进的创新管理是企业永续发展的关键。

    Innovation is the most important source for enterprise to gain competitive advantage , and advanced innovation management is critical to enterprise 's sustainable development .

  29. 并提出未来在永续发展国土保育面上可能遇到的困难及可从环境伦理角度提出的发展方向。

    And propose the possibility difficulties in future sustainable development of land conservation , and raise a direction of development in the angle of environmental ethics .

  30. 实现经济与社会的永续发展是世界各国寻求的路径,也是面临的难题。

    The realization of economic and social sustainable development is the path which the countries around the world to seek and the problem they also face .