
  • 网络Materialism;materialistic
  1. 为建设生态文明,必须普及生态学知识,树立生态价值观,实现“良心的革命”,摒弃物质主义、经济主义和消费主义价值观。

    To build eco-civilization , we must popularize ecological knowledge , set up ecological value , carry out a " revolution of conscience ", and abandon materialism , economism and consumerism .

  2. 在过去20年中,随着马克思(Marx)让路给赤裸裸的物质主义,很多受过教育的中国人开始希望孔孟学说能够填补他们眼中的精神空虚。

    With Marx having given way to crude materialism over the past two decades , many educated Chinese have begun to look to Confucius to fill what they see as a spiritual void .

  3. 她呼吁人们摒弃以iPhone为核心的物质主义价值观。

    She urged repudiation of materialistic iPhone-centric values .

  4. 上述研究的联合作者、霍夫斯特拉大学(HofstraUniversity)心理学助理教授弗罗(JeffreyFroh)说,物质主义产生的效果与感恩刚好相反。

    Materialism had just the opposite effect as gratitude -- almost like a mirror , ' says study co-author Jeffrey Froh , associate professor of psychology at Hofstra University .

  5. 它沉浸在佛罗里达中部华丽的物质主义之中,布鲁克琳·普林斯(BrooklynnPrince)欢乐的天性为它注入了活力,威廉·达福(WillemDafoe)的高超演技为它奠定了基石,令影片给人一种永恒的感觉。

    Steeped in the gaudy materialism of Central Florida , animated by Brooklynn Prince 's gleeful spontaneity and anchored by Willem Dafoe 's deep craft , the movie already has a feeling of permanence .

  6. 这首单曲在7月中旬发布,反映出当今韩国泛滥的物质主义和对外貌的看重,特别是在富人聚集的江南区,PSY将这里比作首尔的比弗力山庄。

    The song , released in mid-July , was meant as a commentary on the rampant materialism and emphasis on appearance of today 's South Korea - particularly in relation to Gangnam , which Psy terms Seoul 's Beverly Hills .

  7. 非物质主义与中国设计的发展

    The Relationship between Immateriality and the Development of Design in China

  8. 与之相反,美国人信奉物质主义文化。

    In contrast to Europe , Americans believe in materialistic culture .

  9. 这是西方,露骨的物质主义的家乡。

    This is the West , the home of blatant materialism .

  10. 何时候都更供应充足:美国式物质主义的批判者却拥有位于南安普顿的

    Ample supply : the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer

  11. 结论:大学生物质主义价值观、感恩与主观幸福感有关系,感恩在物质主义价值观和主观幸福感间起部分中介作用。

    Gratitude played a partial mediating role between materialism and subjective well-being .

  12. 在这些所研究的婚姻中,夫妻均为非物质主义者婚姻占14%。

    Of the marriages studied , 14 percent were matches between two non-materialists .

  13. 物质主义在任何方面都像现代主义一样危险。

    Materialism is every bit as dangerous as modernism .

  14. 拜金主义和物质主义才是现实,她解释说。

    Money worship and materialism is the reality , she explained last week .

  15. 难道物质主义、物质上的成功是我们这代的唯一目标吗?

    Is materialism , material success , the only goal for our generation ?

  16. 研究二分为两个部分探讨感恩与物质主义的关系。

    Study 2 explored the relationship between gratitude and materialism form two parts .

  17. 这是物质对意识的入侵,这是物质主义对灵性高度的入侵。

    It is the invasion of matter against consciousness .

  18. 潮人抗拒物质主义,嘲笑主流文化。

    Hipsters reject materialism and mock mainstream culture .

  19. 第三章进一步从盲目的物质主义追求和清教主义对人性的压抑两个方面分析美国这种普遍悲剧性的社会根源。

    Chapter Three further digs at the root of such a universal American disease .

  20. 大学生物质主义总分及其各维度与感恩呈不同程度的显著负相关。

    College students ' materialism and its dimensions were significantly negative correlated with gratitude .

  21. 这一章分为三节,分别是反服从主义,反物质主义和反理性主义。

    It is further divided into three sections : anti-conformity , anti-materialism and anti-rationalism .

  22. 它同样也质疑了物质主义的道德观。

    It also questions the morality of materialism .

  23. 大学生物质主义价值观、社会支持和心理健康的关系研究

    The Study on Relationship among Materialism Social Support and Mental Health of Colleage Students

  24. 越来越多的人开始相信整体论,因为他们发现物质主义不能令人满意。

    More and more people are laking holism seriously because they find materialism unsatisfying .

  25. 这群人被认为是传统物质主义者。

    This group is called Traditional Materialists .

  26. 如果物质主义与假日的欢愉,两者决斗,谁会赢?

    If materialism and holiday cheer were to duke it out , which would win ?

  27. 他说这部共有5集的系列小说后面几本会揭示物质主义如何摧毁理想主义。

    He says later novels in the five-part series will chart how materialism destroys idealism .

  28. 尊贵世家的阔绰生活,就是如此超脱了物质主义的平淡。

    The graceful life in the noble family is just the simplicity beyond the substance .

  29. 运用问卷调查法探讨了物质主义价值观、金钱态度与薪酬满意度的关系。

    This study explores the relationship between material value , money attitude and pay satisfaction .

  30. 物质主义价值观是一种强调以物质拥有为重心的个人价值观。

    Materialism is the kind of personal value which emphasizes on the occupying of mater .