
  • 网络physical entity
  1. 逆向工程是将物理实体转化为CAD模型的数字技术,几何模型重建技术以及产品制造技术的总称。

    Reverse engineering is the integration of the digital technology for converting physical entity into CAD model , the reconstruction technology for geometric model and the manufacturing technology .

  2. 因为实现是物理实体,所以可以调用它。

    As it is a physical entity , the realization can be invoked .

  3. 最后,利用OpenGL搭建了机器人本体仿真模型,使控制器在缺少机器人物理实体的情况下可以进行机器人系统软件的实时联调,提高了调试工作效率,也避免了调试过程中对机器人本体可能的损伤。

    Finally , a robot body simulation model was built using OpenGL so that the controller system could be debugged in the absence of physical robot . In this way , it can improve debugging efficiency and avoid possible damage to the physical robot during the debugging process .

  4. 园区网物理实体安全与可靠性的实用规则及实现

    The Practical Rules and Realization of Physical Entity Security and Reliablity in Campus Network

  5. 以数据中心网络为基础的分布式存储是构建云计算的物理实体。

    The distributed storage built on data center network is one of the necessary infrastructure of the cloud computing .

  6. 宽带:要对宽带或通过物理实体特定的数据总量进行考虑。

    Bandwidth : Provide consideration to the bandwidth , or a particular quantum of data passing across a physical entity .

  7. 虚拟空间是以物理实体为基础的技术,它是由信息构成,信息只是物质的一种属性;另外虚拟空间与现实空间是不可分割的。

    The virtual space made of information , which is merely a property of substance , is based on the physical entity .

  8. 引入面向对象思想分析交通仿真系统中的基本物理实体、基本逻辑实体和仿真环境实体,使用交通领域中的术语弥补模型和实际系统之间的差距,增强了仿真建模的直观性和易理解性。

    The idea of Object-Oriented is introduced to analyze the basic physical entities , basic logical entities and simulation environment entities in traffic simulation system .

  9. 这些问题源于虚拟行为?(网购)和物理实体?(衣物)之间的矛盾。

    These problems stemmed from the contradictions between " the virtual activity " ( online shopping ) and " physical entities " ( clothing ) .

  10. 肯尼斯·哈里森也感到非常吃惊,因为他经常与艾伦交谈,他非常了解,这位纯数学家是在符号世界中工作的,而不是与物理实体打交道。

    Kenneth Harrison had been much amazed , for he well knew from conversations with Alan that a pure mathematician worked in a symbolic world and not with things .

  11. 这是唯物论的看法,它不会将逻辑模式与物理实体混淆,人们经常会把这搞混。

    It was a materialist view of mind , but one that did not confuse logical patterns and relations with physical substances and thing , as so often people did .

  12. 分布仿真计算基础上的本地实时回放技术则为仿真软件和物理实体的实时动态调试以及分布实时仿真的研究提供哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位论文一了有效途径。

    On the basis of distributed simulation computing , local real-time replay provides new ideas for dynamic debugging of simulation software and physical entity and study of distributed real-time simulation .

  13. 其中传感器建模充分考虑了噪声干扰、非线性度、零位偏差和输出相移等因素,保证了模型与物理实体之间最大可能的一致性。

    Measurement noise , nonlinear degree , bias of zero point and the phasic move of output is considered here to ensure that the model is consistent with the actual sensor .

  14. 他从纠正我们习惯上对城市的错误认识出发,提出:城市不是物理实体而是我们获取城市经验的有机语境的观点。

    By pointing out of the traditional misconception of " city ", Berleant argues that " city " denotes not a physical entity , but an organic context in which people obtain urban experience .

  15. 随着今年创纪录的高温,东亚海域周围的海洋已经提供了充沛的暖度,由此催生出的超级海浪已经重创菲律宾等国,遭受打击的不仅仅是物理实体,还包括这些国家的经济。

    With record high temperatures this year , the oceans around the East Asian Seas have supplied such warmth in abundance , generating megastorms , which have hit nations like the Philippines hard , both physically and economically .

  16. 这个类比中有一个关键之处,对所有关心思维奥秘的人来说都非常重要,那就是图灵机模型是不依赖物理实体的。

    One important aspect of this comparison , important to anyone who was concerned with the mystery of mind , the apparent paradox of free will and determinism , was that the Turing machine model was one independent of physics .

  17. 任何物理实体的运动都遵循一定的物理运动规律,在图形学中采用基于物理的模型,不仅保证实体运动的真实性,而且还可以自动地生成一些重要的动作细节。

    The motion of any physical entity is governed at the lowest level by the laws of physics . The physics-based models for graphics not only ensure physical realism of the resulting motion but also allow subtle visually important motions to be animated automatically .

  18. 本文从综合布线系统的规范设计与施工、机房与设备间的环境建设、设备容错及日常管理与维护等角度探讨提高园区网物理实体安全与可靠性的规则。

    This article discussed about the rules on improving the security and reliability of physical entity in campus network from the following perspectives : canonical design and construction of premises distribution system , environmental construction of computer center and equipment room , equipment fault tolerance and routine administering and maintaining .

  19. 将一个“businessValue”属性与表示一个WSDL文件的物理模型实体关联。

    Associate a property " businessValue " with a physical model entity representing a WSDL file .

  20. 深入研究了可信平台技术以及可信平台技术的物理实现实体TPM的结构和主要功能。

    And this paper also took a in-depth study of the trusted platform technology as well as the physical realization of trusted platform technology entities in the structure and main functions of TPM . 2 .

  21. 它把读者的注意力从物理的实体引开。

    It draws the attention of the reader away from the physical entity .

  22. 分析了ITS中特有的物理通信实体以及对通信的要求,构筑了通信网络的层次结构及其分层参考模型。

    Some problems related to the standardization of the communication systems in ITS are discussed in the paper . The reference models , the hierarchy and the current situation are analyzed intensively .

  23. 这些图标可表示AP中某个物理或逻辑实体的状态。

    These icons represent the state of a physical or logical entity in an AP .

  24. 此外,FMS的其它相关物理和抽象实体也抽象为对象。

    Other related physical and abstract entities in FMS are also modeled as objects .

  25. 由于SiBus是一个基于消息驱动bean(message-drivenbean,MDB)的物理实现的逻辑实体,所以没有固有的高可用性和工作负载功能。

    Because the SiBus is a logical entity based on the physical implementation of a message-driven bean ( MDB ), there is no inherent high availability or workload management functionality .

  26. 本文综合应用数值模拟、物理模拟、井下实体实验等方法与手段,对瞬变电磁超前探测机理与技术进行了系统研究。

    A synthetically study means combined with numerical simulation , physical modeling and practical application is applied to study the mechanism and technology of advanced detection with transient electromagnetic method .

  27. 根据这新定义,A也是经典物理中的基本物理实体。(A,)和(E,B)是平等的。

    The new definition of vector potential is presented in this paper According to the new definition , A and are also physical basic object in classical physics and ( A , ) and ( E , B ) are equal in status .

  28. 在物理平面中,包含业务控制功能(SCF)的物理实体执行业务逻辑程序。

    In Physical plane , Service logic programs may be installed into and executed by any physical entity that contains that Service Control Function ( SCF ) functional entity .

  29. 你说,你关于存在着什么的观点是物理主义的观点,即你认为全部实在是由物理实体组成的;

    You have said that your view of what there is is physicalist : you think that all reality consists of physical entities ;

  30. 在信息物理系统中,信息计算过程和物理控制过程彼此之间通过有线和无线网络交互,并且系统也在网络空间中操控物理实体。

    In CPSs , computation process and physical control process interact with each other through wired and wireless networks , and CP-S will operate the physical entities in cyberspace .