
  • 网络price changes;price changing;CPI
  1. 其中,物价变动相关性最高,固定资产投资名义增长、工业增加值增长相关性次之,GDP增长相关性再次之。

    Among which , the price changes have the highest correlation following by the nominal growth of the investment in capital asset and value added in industry , with the GDP growth behind .

  2. 关于期内物价变动核算的初步探讨

    A Preliminary Discussion on Accounting of Price Changes in the Period

  3. 通过考虑时间和物价变动因素,对成本法中旧有房地产估价的折旧方法进行了改进,并应用AHP法来量化影响成新率的各项因素的影响值大小。

    Through taking account of the influences of time and price fluctuant , I mended the old method of discount calculation and used AHP to make the influences quantitative .

  4. EVA公式中资本成本,尤其是股东投入资金的机会成本的测度可采用比CAPM更一般的定价模型,并加入物价变动因素。

    Capital cost in EVA formula could be measured with more general models ( APT , B-S model , GNP etc. ) than CAPM , and should consider general price level fluctuation factor .

  5. 核心CPI是在CPI(居民消费价格指数)的基础上,对暂时的、非货币因素(政府管制、税收政策等)影响的项目进行扣除后,用以反映物价变动中长期的、稳定的趋势。

    Core CPI , which is based on CPI , reflected long-term , stable trend of price after exclusion of the temporary , non-monetary factors ( government regulation , tax policy , etc ) .

  6. 物价变动会计管理模式用于工程项目探析

    Price variation accounting management model used in financial estimate of project

  7. 十一五时期我国物价变动趋势研究

    Study on Price Fluctuation Trend During Eleven Five Period in China

  8. 台湾资产不景气时期物价变动之计量分析

    The Measurement of the Changing Price in the Asset Recession in Taiwan

  9. 企业会计模式的选择,应考虑物价变动的特点。

    Selection of enterprise accounting model should consider character of our country .

  10. 民国时期天津物价变动原因探析

    An Exploration on Price Change at Tianjin in Republic China

  11. 用灰色模型方法预测我国物价变动趋势

    To forecast the changing trend of price by the grey model method

  12. 以物价变动法对存货计价的探讨

    Discussion on Pricing of Goods in Stock by Using Price Change method

  13. 给出包头地区物价变动的连锁反应。

    A series of reaction for price about BAOTOU areas are given .

  14. 这表明货币供给量是导致物价变动的一个关键因素,同货币数量论是一致的。

    These findings are consistent with quantity theory of money .

  15. 城市批发物价变动与近代中国经济增长

    Urban Wholesale Price Change and Economic Growth in Modern China

  16. 物价变动情况下折旧调整方法探究

    Depreciation adjustment methods in the condition of Price fluctuation

  17. 对投资、消费和物价变动的分析

    An Analysis of Investment , Consumption and Price Soaring

  18. 论会计计量模式与物价变动会计

    Expound about accounting measurement model and price change accounting

  19. 论物价变动对项目经济评价指标的影响

    Influence of price variation upon the economic evaluation targets

  20. 我国推行物价变动会计的难点及对策研究

    Strategies and Effects of Price Fluctuation on Accounting Information

  21. 多元分析在分析物价变动主因中的应用

    An Application of Multivariate Analysis to Analyse the Main Factors of Price Fluctuation

  22. 对在物价变动情况下投资方案比较方法的探讨

    The Studying of Comparative Methods of Investment Project at the Condition of Price Fluctuation

  23. 投机商从物价变动中得利。

    Speculators profit from the changes in prices .

  24. 物价变动下项目投资评价指标计算方法的改进

    Improvement on Method of Evaluating Index about Item Investment under the Circumstance of Price Variation

  25. 物价变动系数的确定。

    Determination of dynamic consumption index coefficient .

  26. 物价变动影响的会计核算

    Accounting for the effects of changing prices

  27. 实行物价变动会计的对策

    Countermeasures on Accounting in Price Changing

  28. 折旧应采用物价变动会计模式

    Price Variation Accounting Mode for Depreciation

  29. 试论物价变动会计

    On the Changing Price Accounting

  30. 随着西方国家通货膨胀率的普遍回落和物价变动会计模式的停止应用,人们对物价变动会计的研究热情逐渐减弱。

    With the worldwide decline of inflation rate , the research of changing price accounting gradually fades out .