
  • 网络Interest rate increase;rising rates
  1. 相比之下,利率上升应该会让银行更容易以有利可图的方式配置资金。

    Rising rates , by contrast , should make it easier for banks to deploy money profitably .

  2. 利率上升还会提高偿债成本,可能会引发一波违约浪潮。

    Rising rates will also increase the cost of servicing debt , potentially sparking a wave of defaults .

  3. 利率上升了1%。

    Interest rates have risen by 1 % .

  4. 上周,住房抵押贷款银行家协会(mortgagebankersassociation)的数据显示,30年期抵押贷款利率上升了0.35个百分点。

    Last week , data from the Mortgage Bankers Association showed 30-year mortgage rates rising 0.35 percentage point .

  5. 因此,如果欧元区GDP突然回升,由此导致的利率上升将沉重打击股市。

    Hence any rise in interest rates on the back of a sudden recovery in eurozone GDP would hit equities hard .

  6. ActionEconomics的分析师在一份报告中表示:(汽油)价格居高不下,股市震荡,加之利率上升,似乎都将打压本月的消费者信心指数。

    Lingering high [ petrol ] prices , volatility in the stock market and the jump in interest rates all appeared to weigh on confidence this month , said analysts at Action Economics in a note .

  7. 即便实际利率上升到比如说3%,扣除物价因素后的财政成本也只有GDP的2%。

    Even if real rates of interest were to rise to , say , 3 per cent , the fiscal cost , in real terms , would be a mere 2 per cent of GDP .

  8. 货币市场利率上升威胁到欧元区复苏的前景,劳埃德银行(Lloydsbank)市场战略主管查尔斯迪贝尔(CharlesDiebel)说。

    Rising money market rates threaten the prospects of a eurozone recovery , said Charles Diebel , head of market strategy at Lloyds bank .

  9. 货币供给的较小导致LM曲线向左平移,从而均衡利率上升,均衡产出下降。

    The fall in money supply leads to a left-ward shift in the LM curve , and an increase in the equilibrium interest rate and a decrease in equilibrium output .

  10. 与此同时,美联储(FederalReserve)奋力抑制隔夜拆借市场中的剧烈波动,金融机构竞相拆入资金,推动实际联邦基金利率上升1个百分点至6%左右&为其目标利率水平的三倍。

    At the same time the Federal Reserve battled to contain a ferocious storm in the overnight borrowing market as financial institutions scrambled for cash , pushing up the actual Fed funds rate at one point to about 6 per cent – triple its target rate .

  11. 实际上,美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)不会想看到债券收益率进一步攀升,因为现在利率上升仍然可能扼杀经济复苏的苗头,并且还会破坏有利于增强市场信心的股市涨势。

    Indeed , Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , will not want to see yields climb further as rising interest rates now could still kill off signs of economic revival and , moreover , derail the confidence-boosting rally in equities .

  12. “利率上升和经济增长放缓并存,对新兴市场而言绝对是坏消息,”世界银行国际贸易业务负责人尤里•达杜什(UriDadush)称。

    " A combination of much higher interest rates and slowing growth would definitely be bad news for emerging markets down the road ," said Uri Dadush , director of international trade at the World Bank .

  13. 我国利率上升的替代效应与收入效应

    Substitution Effect and Income Effect of the Rise of Chinese Interest

  14. 由此可见,利率上升并没有延缓经济发展。

    So clearly higher interest rates are not spooking the economy .

  15. 住房市场能轻松适应利率上升吗?

    Will the housing sector adjust easily to higher interest rates ?

  16. 这种不信任本身就会导致利率上升。

    That scepticism in itself could lead to higher interest rates .

  17. 不过利率上升后,这种策略就没有那么大吸引力了。

    The strategy is less attractive when interest rates are higher .

  18. 因此该国未来任何的利率上升都将影响其经济增长。

    So economic growth is sensitive to any future rate rises .

  19. 很多华尔街人士事实上更乐于看到长期利率上升。

    Many wall Streeters would actually love to see long-term rates rise .

  20. 当利率上升时,它们的边缘利润就会崩溃。

    When rates rise , their profit margins can collapse .

  21. 如果银行基本利率上升,国债的价格就下跌。

    As bank base rates rise , the price of gilts falls .

  22. 美国利率上升将会加剧此类问题。

    A rise in US rates would intensify such problems .

  23. 中央银行利率上升还遥远吗?

    Can a Central Bank rate hike be far behind ?

  24. 其结果是国债价格下跌、利率上升。

    As a result , bond prices will drop and rates will rise .

  25. 为了捍卫联系汇率,近期利率上升。

    In defending the linked exchange rate , interest rates have gone up .

  26. 谣传利率上升之后,股票市场价格猛跌。

    Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates .

  27. 然而,即使是最好的情况,监管机构也只能推迟而不是阻止利率上升。

    At best , though , regulators can only postpone , not prevent .

  28. 当房价下跌,利率上升时,宴会结束了。

    When home prices fell and interest rates increased , the party ended .

  29. 但如果利率上升到一定程度,就连收益最高的股票也会蒙受损失。

    But even the highest-yielding equities will suffer if rates ratchet up properly .

  30. 利率上升也是需要考虑的因素。

    There are also rising interest rates to consider .