
  1. 社会整体利益至上是经济法的基本价值取向。

    Public benefit is the basic standard of value of economic law .

  2. 人类利益至上是和谐生态伦理观的价值基础;

    The first question is that the worthiness basis is the human benefit .

  3. 作者对非自愿住院的伦理学一些基本问题进行了探讨,认为生命价值原则、有利原则、无伤原则、病人利益至上兼顾社会公益是精神科临床工作中应遵循的伦理学基本原则。

    The article discussed some basic problems on the ethics of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients .

  4. 我们承诺:客户利益至上,诚信为人做事,专注品质服务!

    Our commitment : Customer foremost , be a person of integrity and focus on quality service !

  5. 它以人民利益至上为伦理基础并进行战略伦理运作。

    With the principle of people 's interest above all as its ethical basement , it carrys out strategic ethics .

  6. 然而该学说对美国救济制度的影响是深远的,美国法院在采购救济过程中坚持政府利益至上的基本原则也是值得探讨的。

    But the doctrine deeply impacted on American remedy system , the basic principle American courts insisted on is also worth discussed .

  7. 本文提出了有关公共行政人员的六种德性,即公共利益至上、慎用权力、责任本位、反思平衡、合理服从和自我节制。

    It includes six parts : public interest paramountcy , carefully-used power , reasonable obedience , reflective balance , responsibility-standard and self-control .

  8. 归根结底,对于一家以客户利益至上的银行而言,这肯定不够好。

    In the end , that is not good enough , certainly not for a bank that takes pride on putting clients first .

  9. 但公司治理理论发展过程中一个核心的思想是要维护股东的利益至上。

    But the core idea in the development process of corporate governance theory is above all to safeguard the interests of the shareholders .

  10. 在市场经济条件下,残酷的竞争使得人们在社会活动中自然而然地形成利益至上的价值观念。

    In a market economy , the brutal competition makes people be interested in the supremacy of values naturally in the social activities .

  11. 国家利益至上是教育输出国和输入国国际教育政策的普遍原则。

    National interest is the highest principle for international education policy , no matter it 's in education export countries or education import countries .

  12. 随着现代公司法的发展,公司法上的制度设计理念逐渐从股东利益至上,转化为平衡公司各参与方利益。

    With the development of modern corporation law , the system designs gradually from the interests of shareholders turn to the balance of various parties interested .

  13. 时至今日,在我国的土地利用、管理及其规划中,经济利益至上、人类中心主义的价值观念依然挥之不去。

    Even today in our country , economic-orientation and anthropocentrism values still occupy the advantage point of the process of land use , management and planning .

  14. 三者的同构性在于:它们都受自给自足小农经济基础上产生的祖权的制约&都必须遵守群体利益至上的祖宗成法。

    The three were all restricted by the ancestor power based on the self-sufficient farmer economy , that is to say , they had to obey the c.

  15. 他的外交实践,促进了民族国家利益至上、天然疆界与势力均衡等一些具有近代意义的国际关系惯例和准则的强化与确立,对于近代国际社会的营建及发挥功能做出了重要贡献。

    His diplomatic practice boosted the consolidation of a series of modern routines and rules of international relations and contributed greatly to the formation of modern international community .

  16. 从理论素养、患者利益至上,诊疗中逻辑思维,艺术性的语言表达等方面论述。

    From the theoretical knowledge , the interests of patients first , diagnosis and treatment of logical thinking , artistic expression and other aspects of language are discussed .

  17. 然而,有些领导干部全然忘记了这一点,他们的个人利益至上的观点严重阻碍了我们党的事业的进程。

    However , some leaders cadre forgot this right-down , the viewpoint with their individual consummate interest is serious block up the process of the career of our party .

  18. 在评价一家企业绩效的好坏时,仅以股东利益至上为目标,并将此目标作为企业绩效评价的唯一标准,这种企业绩效评价方式显然是片面和不科学的。

    When evaluates an enterprise ' performance , the means that takes the stockholders ' benefits as the target and the only criterion would be obviously unilateral and unscientific .

  19. 另外宏观意义上还要在公共人群中培养公共精神、营造公共利益至上氛围、塑造行政组织文化。

    And in macro sense , the approach should also cultivate public spirit in the crowds , build the atmosphere of public benefits first , and shape administrative organizational culture .

  20. 一名在管理咨询公司工作的年轻毕业生告诉我,上司每天都会向他灌输公司总是以客户利益至上的观念。

    A young graduate at a management consultancy tells me that every day it is drummed into him by superiors that the firm always acts in the best interests of the client .

  21. 秉承“顾客利益至上”的原则,以高质量的产品,合理的价格,周到快捷的服务与用户真诚合作,共创辉煌未来!

    Adhering to the " interests of customers first " principle , with high quality products , reasonable price , considerate and efficient service with the user sincere cooperation , create brilliant future !

  22. 在理念的变革中,提出了应当将国有股权的公共属性置于重要的地位,这对于纠正经济利益至上的股权行使模式有着极为重要的作用。

    In the idea innovation , this paper put forward that the Public Property should be placed in an important position , which helps correct the exercising mode of supremacy of economic interests .

  23. 传统公司理论坚持股东利益至上的观点,认为股东是公司利益的唯一享有者,公司只对股东负责。

    The theory Of traditional company views that it is of primary importance of the interests of shareholders and that shareholders are the only interest owners . the company is only responsible for the shareholders .

  24. 在技术创新的发展过程中,由于受传统经济利益至上价值观的影响,也随之带来了一系列负面影响,造成人文价值的缺失。

    However a series of negative effect had been shown during this process , which caused absence of human values , due to impact of benefit first of the traditional values of the economic interests .

  25. 近现代社会,科技不断发展所引发的经济利益至上日趋严重,经济领域、设计领域等各个领域都日益出现了道德主体在实践中的失范现象。

    Modern society , science and technology unceasing development of economic benefits first caused serious economic field , design field , all areas such as increasingly appeared in the practice of the moral main body out-of-standard in .

  26. 一些国家特别是西方国家的军队,不仅依靠优厚的物质待遇,较好的福利保障来维系军队的士气,也很重视部队的政治教育:进行国家观念教育,培养军人的国家利益至上的观念;

    Some foreign armies , especially in western countries , usually use munificent substantial treatment and better welfare guarantee to keep the troops in high moral , meanwhile they pay much attention to serviceman 's political education .

  27. 人民利益至上是三个代表思想的核心,充分体现了全心全意为人民服务这一社会主义的道德核心。

    It is thought that " People 's benefit is supreme " is the core of the " three represents ", which fully embodies the moral core of socialism , that is , to serve the people whole - heartedly .

  28. 经济上的相互依赖性的加强要求国际投资保护规则趋向统一,而主权原则则强调各国利益至上,强调各国的特殊性。

    The development of the economical mutual dependency requires the convergence of the rule of the international economic law , while the principle of sovereignty emphasises the individual interest of the states . The international investment law must take account of both .

  29. 多数大学生都拥有国家利益至上、社会责任感强和个人乐于奉献等优秀主流的价值观,但是也有少数大学生把实用主义和物质利益至上思想等作为自己的价值观。

    Most of college students have mainline values , such as national interest first , improved sense of social responsibility and be glad to dedicate . However , a small number of college students regard pragmatism and material interest as their values .

  30. 因为不稳定已成为一个既成事实,对于像奥巴马那样试图运用权力的人而言,现实主义面对局势的多样性,奉行利益至上原则将再一次被证明是唯一可信赖的信仰体系。

    Because instability is a given , realism which counsels that interests are paramount in facing a multiplicity of situations will once again prove to be the only credible belief system for those who , like Mr Obama , seek to wield power .