
láo dònɡ qī jiān
  • working period
  1. 在农村劳动期间,他养成了写日记的习惯。

    During the countryside working , he has developed a habit of writing diary .

  2. 五一劳动节期间,全世界的工人举行游行,对最低工资、福利以及财政紧缩措施表达了不满。

    Workers around the globe-led have their frustrations over minimal pay , benefits and austerity measures during May Day rallies .

  3. 这四个时期是在2011年冬季节假日前后丶春假期间丶独立日和劳动节期间。

    These time periods begin just prior to and end just after the Winter Holidays , Spring Break , Independence Day , and Labor Day2011 .

  4. 在劳动教养期间允许会见家属,并允许在会见期间夫妇同居,也可以准假或放假回家探望。

    During the period of education through labor they are allowed to meet with their family members , those who are married can live together with their spouses during visits , and they can be granted leave of absence or go home to visit family members during holidays .

  5. 其余人则在2010年朝鲜劳动党大会召开期间才了解到。

    The rest of the world learnt this during the North Korean Workers ' Party Conference of 2010 .

  6. �被判处拘役、有期徒刑以上刑罚的人和被劳动教养的人以及被羁押的人,尚未申请领取居民身份证的,在服刑、劳动教养和羁押期间,不发给居民身份证;

    If persons who are sentenced to criminal detention for resident identity cards , they shall not be issued such cards during the period when they are serving their sentences or undergoing rehabilitation through labour , or are held in custody ;