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  1. 新古典生产函数是建立在f(x)连续基础上,就劳动要素投入必须连续来说,边际分析对中国小农家庭种植业不适用。

    The neo-classical production function is built on the basis that f ( x ) is continuous . With regard to continuity of the labour factor input , the marginal analysis is not adaptable to the family cropping of the small-scale peasants in China .

  2. 全要素生产率的概念许多学者都已经达成共识,是指生产率中扣除资本、劳动要素投入得剩余部分。

    Many scholars have reached a consensus on the concept of total factor productivity .

  3. 劳动要素与其它参与收益分配要素权利平等,所分配份额要大于其它要素分配份额。

    On equal terms , the distribution share on labor should be bigger than that of other elements .

  4. 另外,资本要素对经济增长的贡献度比劳动要素大,地方保护主义只在西部盛行,在东部地区并不突出。

    Besides , capital contributes more than labor , local protectionism is only significant in the western region .

  5. 劳动要素参与收益分配研究思路的探讨

    Approach to the train of thought on the study that the labor essential factors participate in the profit distribution

  6. 若对劳动要素结构进行细分,可以发现不同层次的劳动力具有不同的素质。

    If labor element structure is to be subdivided , we can find that different labor has different qualities .

  7. 从长期的发展趋势看,功能性收入分配比重会愈加向劳动要素倾斜,人力资本投资的公平分配,会使人与人之间的收入分配趋于公平,即教育有助于改善收入分配。

    From the long-term trend of development , the functionality division of income will incline more to work factors .

  8. 中国农村出现大量劳动力过剩不是一种偶然现象,而是以往长期隐蔽于农村社会各种劳动要素相互交织作用的结果。

    The surplus of rural labor is not haphazard , but the result of interaction of labor resources inside the country .

  9. 在我国劳动要素分配系数远低于理论数据的情况下,企业和个人实际承担的缴费率偏高,企业和个人责任偏大,国家责任偏弱。

    The enterprises and individuals ' paying rate is over-high , under the circumstance that our labor factor distribution coefficient is much lower than theoretical data .

  10. 分而治之意味着资本要素收入对劳动要素收入的侵占,而反分而治之则反映了服务业跨国公司发展中注重知识能力的特点。

    Divide and rule implies that capital factor occupies labor factor income , while anti-divide and rule reflects the knowledge-oriented features in the development of service MNCs .

  11. 过去,浙江省最具竞争力的,只能是劳动要素密集的制造业,这是在特定的要素禀赋结构下所难以逾越的阶段。

    In the past , the most competitiveness in Zhejiang Province is the labor-intensive manufacturing , which is a particular insurmountable stage in the factor endowment structure of that time .

  12. 在我国改革开放以来的理论界历次学术争鸣中,所面临的一个重大难题就是如何看待非劳动要素参予分配以及如何看待私有制和剥削?

    In the academic discussion , we face an important problem & how to treat the fact that no-labor factors participating in distribution and how to face private ownership and exploitation ?

  13. 作为地勘行业的煤炭地质单位,如何确立非劳动要素参与分配的机制,是摆在煤炭地质单位劳资工作者面前的新课题。

    As a member of geological industry , how to establish non-labor elements to participate distribution mechanism is a new problem which the coal geological unit labor and management staff faced with .

  14. 而且技术进步对煤炭产业经济增长的促进是一种内涵的扩大再生产,相比资本和劳动要素而言,这一要素更应该引起我们的重视和关注。

    And technological advancement is a connotation of reproduction on the promotion of economic growth in coal industry . Compared with capital and labor , it should attract our attention and concern .

  15. 在理论分析层面,考虑到不同行业对知识产权的敏感度不同,理论模型以单位产品所需劳动要素多少为标准,区分技术密集型行业与劳动密集型行业。

    In theoretical perspective , given that different industries have different levels of insensitivity to IPR , we designate ' labor per unit of output ' as criteria to distinguish technology-intensive industries from labor-intensive industries .

  16. 实证结果告诉我们,剔除技术进步的资本劳动要素比率对我国加工贸易结构升级的增加作用不大,甚至对其的影响很可能是负面的。

    The empirical results tell us , eliminate the progress of technology , the boosting effect of capital labor elements ratio to upgrading of Chinese processing trade is not obvious , this even could likely to be negative .

  17. 公共品较低的供给效率、劳动要素的弱势地位、企业投资的预算软约束等是形成该现象的重要原因。

    In its formation , the low efficiency of the provision of public goods , the vulnerable status of labor , and the soft budget constraint of enterprises ' investment work together to constrain the development of the economy .

  18. 新经济增长理论的研究表明,人力因素不仅可以克服物质资本和劳动要素的边际收益递减倾向,而且可以产生递增的收益,从而保证经济长期增长。

    The research of new economic increase theory shows , manpower factor not only overcome margin profit descending of material capital and labor essential factor , but also produce ascending profit . So it can guarantee economic growth in a long time .

  19. 有别于植根普通劳动要素之上的第一种比较优势,可以将基于中高级劳动力的比较优势称为第二种比较优势,即核心比较优势。

    Unlike the first kind of comparative advantage rooted in ordinary labor element , the comparative advantage based of advanced labor can be called " second kind of comparative advantage ", namely in this article " the core of comparative advantage " .

  20. 随着优势权重的消长和主次地位的转化,中高级劳动要素由隐性变量上升为显性变量,新的比较优势跃居主导地位,成为核心比较优势。

    With the growth and decline of the advantage weight , and the conversion of primary and secondary position , senior labor elements rise from latent variable to dominant variable . A new comparative advantage is in dominant position and becomes the core of comparative advantage .

  21. 试论劳动生产要素参与分配

    On a Talk of Labor factors in Participating Distribution

  22. 劳动等要素在适应市场的过程中显得相对滞后,从而导致就业问题一直是我国经济发展过程中的难题。

    Labor and other factors appear lagging behind comparatively , resulting that employment is always the difficult issue in the process of economic development .

  23. 所有参与具体劳动的要素在劳动财富的创造和分配中都具有公平的地位。

    Each participating " essential factor " creating the " concrete work " has its fair status in the work wealth creation and the assignment .

  24. 但是其经济增长主要依靠资本、劳动等要素的投入,粗放式特征明显。由此产生的一系列问题也严重影响到经济的可持续发展。

    However , the economic growth relies only on capital and labor inputs , which is extensive , a series of questions conducted seriously affect the sustainable economic development .

  25. 文章分析了监禁刑的含义,指出它应该包含剥夺人身自由、时间、特定的行刑场所、劳动等要素。

    It points out the definition of imprisonment and its basic elements : the deprivation of personal liberty , the length and special place of its execution , and labor work etc.

  26. 价值并不是由各种生产要素共同创造的,非劳动生产要素不创造价值,价值的源泉只能是一般的无差别的人类劳动。

    Value is not created by all kinds of common production factors because non-labor production factors do not create value and the origin of value can only result from common human labor without difference .

  27. 内容提要要素市场扭曲会导致农户个体对资本、劳动等生产要素配置扭曲,最终降低农业的总量全要素生产率(TFP)。

    Factor markets'distortion could induce individual household 's misallocation of capital and labor and lowers the aggregate TFP in agriculture .

  28. 三是要寻求劳动收入与要素收入的最佳结合点。

    Third , seek the best combining point of labor income and other factor income .

  29. 农业的宏观领域是一个多层次的复杂的系统结构,具有农业生物、外界环境、人类社会劳动三个要素。

    Macro-field in agriculture is a multi-structural and complex system with three elements , viz . agro-organisms , external environments and human labour .

  30. 我们认为,创建以劳动联合和要素资产联合为基础的中国式现代企业制度是出路所在。

    So in our opinion , the outlet is to establish the Chinese modern enterprise institution based on the united labor and the united factors .