
  • 网络labor rights
  1. 欧美国家妇女的劳动权益及其保护

    Women 's Labor rights and Their Protection in Europe And America

  2. 我国青少年劳动权益法律保护之探析

    An analysis of the law protection for youth labor rights in China

  3. 宣扬保护人类的基本权益,尤其是劳动权益的SA8000是世界上第一个可用于第三方认证的社会道德责任标准。

    SA8000 is in the world first available in the third party authentication social morals responsibility standard , it publicizes protects humanity 's basic rights and interests , works in particular the rights and interests .

  4. 欧盟一体化中的女性劳动权益保护

    The Protection of Women 's Working Rights in the European Union

  5. 高校毕业生择业就业劳动权益保障问题研究

    Preliminary Analysis on Legal Issues of Graduates ' Careers Employment Rights

  6. 和谐社会构建中的农民工劳动权益保护

    On the Labor Rights Protection of the Peasant - workers

  7. 农民工劳动权益保护之思考

    Opinions on the Protection of Peasant Workers ' Rights & Interests of Labor

  8. 我国弱势群体劳动权益特殊保护研究

    Research on Labor Rights , Interests Special Protection for the Weak in China

  9. 市场化条件下的妇女就业及其劳动权益保护&对上海非公有制企业女工的调查

    Problems about Female Employment and Their Protection of Labour Rights under Market Conditions

  10. 20、保障妇女劳动权益。

    Women 's rights to work should be safeguarded .

  11. 三是强化农民工劳动权益执法保障力度。

    Thirdly , enforce the legal power of guaranteeing the labor rights and benefits .

  12. 现阶段我国女工劳动权益保护问题研究

    On the Protection of Chinese Women Workers ' Labor Interests in the Current Period

  13. 在非公有制企业中,侵害女工劳动权益的现象比较普遍。

    In non-public-owned enterprises , the aggression upon women workers'working right is more common .

  14. 女性特殊劳动权益保护的负效应分析及消解

    Negative Effect Analysis and the Resolution of Special Protection for Women 's Labor Rights

  15. 农民工劳动权益的法律保护

    Rural Workers ' Labour Rights and Interests Should Be Placed under the Protection of Law

  16. 用人单位合法劳动权益探讨

    Protection of Employers ' Legal Labor Right

  17. 论农民工劳动权益司法救济的路径选择

    On the Path Choice of Judicial Relief of Migrant Rural Workers ' Right to Work

  18. 企业社会责任实践中农民工劳动权益保护问题之研究

    The Studies of Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of the Rural Labors in Corporate Community Responsibility Practice

  19. 非公有制企业女工劳动权益保护存在的问题及对策

    Problems of and Countermeasures for the Protection of the Working Right of Women Workers of Non-public-owned Enterprises

  20. 关于女职工生育期劳动权益保护的探讨

    Tentative discussion on the labor rights and interests protection of the female staff during the birth period

  21. 造成农民工的劳动权益受到侵害的原因是多方面,保护农民工的基本权利是构建和谐社会的重要内容,必须从理念上、制度上和法律层面上解决农民的劳动权益保护问题。

    It 's the important content to protect the peasant-workers ' basic rights of constructing the harmonious society .

  22. 试论妇女劳动权益保障的国际立法以及对中国的启示

    About the International Legislation on the Protection of Women 's Labor Rights & Interests and Its Enlightenment to China

  23. 提高职工素质,维护职工劳动权益

    Improve the quality of the staff and workers ; Maintain the labor rights and interests of the staff and workers

  24. 在外来工劳动权益的现有研究中,地区差异是一个尚未得到应有重视的议题。

    Current research on the rights of such workers has failed to give due attention to the issue of regional differences .

  25. 解决好他们的社会保险问题,有效维护他们的劳动权益是社会稳定、经济发展的重要保证。

    To solve their social insurance and effectively protect their labor rights and interests of social stability and economic development of the important guarantee .

  26. 核心劳工标准与农民工劳动权益保护要论&在公民基本权利框架下的分析

    Core Labor Standards and the Protection of Migrant Workers ' Labor Rights and Interests & An Analysis under the Framework of Basic Ciril Rights

  27. 为了保障妇女的劳动权益,新中国颁布了一系列保护妇女劳动权益的法律、法规。

    To ensure woman benefit of right to work , The People 's Republic of China has promulgated a series of regulations and laws .

  28. 本文分析了用人单位合法劳动权益受到侵害的现状,探讨形成这种状况的原因,并提出若干应对之策。

    The paper analyzes the status quo of the violation of employers ' labor right and its causes and then provides suggestion to solve the problem .

  29. 中国在经济繁荣的同时,做出巨大贡献和牺牲的农民工劳动权益却相对缺失。

    As China is enjoying the prosperous economy , peasant laborers who have made a great contribution and sacrifice have been relatively losing their rights and interests .

  30. 一是,加强劳动权益保护,维护劳动者的尊严;二是,制定员工援助计划,改善职业心理健康状况。

    One is , strengthen labor rights protection , maintenance workers dignity ; 2it is , make the employee assistance program , improve the professional mental health .