
  • 网络Rent payment;Payment of hire;hire payment;Payment hire
  1. 定期租船合同中包含众多解除权,本文将论述焦点放在租金支付条款下出租人的解除权。

    For the convenience of discussion , this dissertation is concentrated on the Owners right of withdrawal of the vessel under the hire payment c.

  2. 论文根据所要研究的租赁市场中的分成租金支付的特点将实物期权引入到租赁合约中,采取合适的租赁定价模型,探讨租赁的过程中,放弃期权对于租赁定价的影响。

    According to research papers by the rental market in the financing of the operating lease rental payments into the physical characteristics will be introduced to the leasing options contracts and take appropriate lease pricing model .

  3. 第六章从国际航运投资的特点出发,以船舶投资决策为主要内容研究了盈亏平衡分析在航运企业投资决策管理中的应用问题,并对融资租赁船舶租金支付盈亏平衡点确定公式进行了论证。

    Chapter six : introduce the application of break-even point analysis in shipping enterprises ' investment management according to the characteristics of the international shipping investment , which centers around shipping investment management , and discuss the formula of vessel financing lease payment break-even point .

  4. 如果未来现金流能够完全覆盖租金的支付,那么中小企业就可以通过融资租赁的方式获得所需资金。

    If the future cash flow can cover the payment of rent , then SMEs can obtain the funds by way of finance lease .

  5. 第二百一十三条租赁合同的内容包括租赁物的名称、数量、用途、租赁期限、租金及其支付期限和方式、租赁物维修等条款。

    A leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor delivers to the lessee the lease item for it to use or accrue benefit from , and the lessee pays the rent .

  6. 一部分租金由市政委员会支付。

    A proportion of the rent is met by the city council .

  7. 租金以人民币每月支付。

    RMB payment every months .

  8. 简单来说,就是房地产必须要能创造足够的租金收入,用来支付购买及修缮的所有费用。

    In simple terms , the property must generate enough income in rent to pay for all the total costs of buying and maintaining that property .

  9. 在香港开展业务的公司必须接受这样的现实:它们必须支付世界上数一数二高的办公室租金,可能还要支付同样高的住房补贴。

    Companies setting up in the territory have to accept they will pay some of the highest prices in the world for office space and possibly dole out equally large housing allowances .

  10. 其次,对同等条件的审查范围不仅限于租金价格、租赁期限、租金支付方式等,还应包括租赁的方式、租赁物的用途等。

    Secondly , the examining range includes the lease price , the lease time , payment and the way of lease , the use of the house , etc. .