
  • 网络Rental;rent;lease fee;lease rental
  1. 每个月,您支付租赁费。

    Each month , you pay the rental fee .

  2. 租赁费及包括通话费在内的其他费用;

    Rental charges and other fees including call charges ;

  3. 证券公司专项资产管理计划的制度缺失&中国联通租赁费收益计划方案评析

    On System Defects About Specific Asset Administration Plan Of Securities Company

  4. 利用这一工具,您估计每月财务或租赁费。

    Use this tool to estimate your monthly finance or lease payments .

  5. 很多次,相当一部分您的租赁费,可以注销。

    Many times a substantial portion of your leasing costs can be written off .

  6. 仅此一项,该公司就节约了6万美元的租赁费以及4万美元的IT基础设施成本。

    The company saved $ 60,000 in rent and $ 40,000 in IT infrastructure costs .

  7. 另外,网上书店还可省下一笔可观的店面租赁费、促销人员开支等。

    In addition , the online bookstore can save a substantial amount of store rental fees , marketing expenses , and other staff .

  8. 资源费、特许权使用费、租赁费、采矿污染费、赔偿及新增矿山的所有其他费用应由承包商承担。

    Resources tax , royalty , leasing fee , mining polluting charge , compensation and all other expenses for new mines shall be borne by the contractor .

  9. 农用地等别是衡量农用地质量的基本指标,是确定土地使用税、土地征用补偿及租赁费等的重要依据。

    Farmland grade is a basic index to evaluate the quality of farmland and is the basis of making land use tax ? land compensation fee and land tenancy fee .

  10. 但他对华尔街亦有所启迪。华尔街为了赚钱花样百出,广告牌租金收入、手机塔租赁费、文学或电影资料库藏都成为他们的工具。

    But he also helped inspire a pocket of Wall Street that tries to create money out of weird things like billboard rental income , cellphone tower lease payments and literary or film libraries .

  11. 对广大跨国企业免收房屋租赁服务费,1小时内反馈服务信息。

    For multinational enterprises , house lease service charge free , service information feedback in1 hour .

  12. 不幸的是,设备租赁公司想要送货费和整整一天的租金&由于这些设备的类型,这可是一笔不小的数目。

    Unfortunately , the equipment rental company now wanted delivery charges and a full day 's rental & a considerable sum for this kind of hardware .

  13. 每月费用:11000元费用包括:所有的汽车相关费用:汽车租赁费用:汽油费:司机工资包括其各种社会保险:汽车保险:汽车的保养维修费用。

    Monthly expernse : 11000 RMB this expense shall include : all relevant expenses of shuttle car ; expense of car lease , gasoline fee , salary of driver , including all social insurances ; car insurance , maintenance fee of shuttle car .

  14. 提出了建筑施工企业在设备管理中存在的问题,分析了建筑企业实行机械租赁制的优点,并提出了租赁方式、机械租赁费的计算,以及面临的困难和解决办法。

    This points out the problems existing in equipment management of construction enterprises , analyses on the merits of practicing machinery rent system in construction enterprises , and puts forward the renting modes , the calculation of machinery rent fees , difficulties and solving methods .