- 名tenancy relationship

It provides the guarantee for tenancy relationship changes .
The unilateral termination by the parties , especially the owners , is the most common way to terminate the tenancy relationship .
Modern China relations in the form of tenancy and characteristics ?
Due to the different backgrounds , the new tenancy relationship is established .
This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships .
Transaction Costs in Agriculture Tenancy Relationship and the Determination of Fragment Level of Land Property Rights
The relationship developed around the land property is the fundamental economic relation in the traditional Chinese society .
Tenancy Relations as Reflected in the Land Contracts of the Mongolian Banner of Rehe in the Qing Dynasty
A Study of the Relationship of Renting Land to Tenants in Hubei , in the Republican Period ( 1927-1937 );
The worth-studying issues are the roots of crises , and whether it is a monarchy system or a civil relationship of landlord and tenant .
The underestimation of form and procedure , the absence of the statute law and ' good faith ', made transaction safety no to be fully realized .
The profit-dividing and employment system , embodying a kind of capitalist relationship , took place in the tenancy system as an obvious change in the modern Chinese feudal society .
This thesis is not only about the textual research and description of the historical facts , but also about the investigation and analysis of the rights and obligations of the Parties .
A new research method and research subject will bring a great difference in the research content . Therefore , to construct the customary law of the tenancy relationship during the Qing-Dynasty is the basic purpose of the thesis .
Other methods include protecting the interests of the whole village by local guerrilla teams through demanding reduced rent and interest rates , and not slackening any efforts in mediating in each and every problem concerning tenancy debt and employer-employee relationships , and even ordinary civil cases .
The inequality and crisis of the then society has other reasons , and less concerns with the system of land-renting .
The commodity economy of Ming and Qing dynasties is prosperous , land business became the main form of access to land , tenancy contractual relationship was a major form of exploitation , farmers ' relationship to landlord became more and more weakening .