
zū jiè fǎ àn
  • lend-lease act
  1. 立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。

    The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .

  2. 然而《租借法案》并不是这里争论的唯一焦点。

    But lend-lease isn 't the only bone of contention here .

  3. 《租借法案》一通过,咱们马上就给他们运送大量货物。

    The minute Lend-Lease passes , we 'll be sending out a vast shipment of stuff .

  4. 战争期间的精心谋划使租借法案付诸实施以避免盟军内部债务。

    Wise planning during the war had led to the use of Lend-Lease to avoid inter-allied debt .

  5. 不可否认,他们凭借着租借法案从中获利良多,得到了大量的武器和军用品,但人们往往忽视了他们所做的贡献。

    Of course , they also received significant help through the Lend-Lease Act to obtain more weapons and vehicles , but their contribution has often been overlooked .

  6. 对于租借法案的交换,英国不得不接受一些条款,他们不能出口任何得到的从租借法案中得到的物资,英国也不容许出售那些自己制造但是和租借法案中得到的物资相类似的产品。

    In exchange for Lend-Lease the British had to accept that they would not export any Lend-Lease mat é riel and agree not to export British-made products which were similar to Lend-Lease materials .

  7. 不过要是罗斯福有意向英国免费赠送军人,他为什么不干脆站出来直说,何必拿这个《租借法案》来哄骗我们?

    But if Roosevelt wants to send English arms free of charge , why the devil doesn 't he come out and say so , instead of giving us all this lend-lease baloney ?

  8. 罗斯福总统首先放弃中立,这为他向同盟国出售武器大开方便之门,之后又使租借法案通过,允许美国向其他国家借出或给予军事支持,前提是这些国家必须承诺将来要支付酬劳。

    Roosevelt worked first to remove the Neutrality Act so that he could sell weapons to Allies , then he worked to pass the Lend-Lease Act , which allowed the US to lend or give arms to countries who would agree to pay for their use at a later date .