
  1. 欧洲第二战场被开辟而最高指挥部在欧洲舞台两年半的军事优先权被付清。

    The second front was opened in Europe and the military priority which the High Command had for two years and a half given to the European theater paid off .

  2. 二战中,美英苏在开辟欧洲第二战场问题上经历了从立场冲突到妥协合作,直至成功实现诺曼底登陆的过程。

    In the Second World War , The United States ' British and USSR went through the process from conflict to compromise and cooperation on the problem " open up the second battlefield in Europe " .

  3. 邱吉尔来到华盛顿说服罗斯福把在欧洲开辟第二战场的日期拖延下去。

    Churchill arrived in Washington to talk Roosevelt out of an early invasion of Europe .

  4. 我希望霍普金斯先生能利用他的巨大影响,促使现在在欧洲开辟第二战场。

    I hope Mr Hopkins will use his great influence to establish a second front now in europe .

  5. 我不明白霍普金斯先生所说的,这就是现在在欧洲开辟第二战场的真正障碍。

    I cannot see this as a real obstacle to a second front in Europe now , as Mr. Hopkins states .

  6. 斯大林迫切要求英国尽快在欧洲大陆开辟第二战场,以牵制德军,减轻苏联压力,改变战场形势。

    Stalin urged the British to open a second front in Western Europe in order to change the war situation by lifting some of the pressure imposed on the Soviet by the German troops .