
ɡū lì zhǔ yì
  • isolationism
  1. 即便是一度表现出孤立主义思想的兰德•保罗(RandPaul)也说了狠话。

    Even Rand Paul , who once flirted with isolationism , has hardened up the rhetoric .

  2. 罗恩保罗(ronpaul)在共和党总统候选人初选中展现的孤立主义,放大了全球基本上所有地方都在发出的一种声音。

    The isolationism of Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primaries amplifies a tune heard pretty much everywhere around the world .

  3. 他们甚至设立了自己的通讯社来宣扬反孤立主义。

    They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda .

  4. 由于孤立主义、保护主义和反全球化力量的反对,NAFTA南扩计划暂时搁浅;

    Because of isolationism , protectionism and anti-global power , President Clinton fails to spread the NAFTA to South America .

  5. 如果说我们从20世纪30年代的大萧条灾难学到任何教训,那就是避免以邻为壑(beggar-thy-neighbour)的孤立主义政策(尤其是保护主义政策)的重要性。

    If we have learnt anything from the catastrophe of the 1930s it is the importance of avoiding beggar - thy-neighbour policies , particularly protectionism .

  6. 60多年前,45个国家的代表齐聚美国新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林,讨论“以邻为壑”(beggar-thy-neighbour)的孤立主义经济学,这种具有破坏性的经济学导致了二战的爆发。

    More than six decades ago , representatives of 45 nations convened in Bretton Woods , New Hampshire , to consider the devastating isolationist and " beggar-thy-neighbour " economics that contributed to the Second World War .

  7. 他在接受俄塔社(Itar-Tass)采访时表示,保守势力利用乌克兰危机把国家推向孤立主义路线,这与依赖全球市场的俄罗斯企业的利益相悖。

    In an interview with Itar-Tass , he said conservative forces had seized on the Ukraine crisis to push the country towards an isolationist course , and this ran counter to the interests of Russian business , which relies on global markets .

  8. 但是我们必须拒绝孤立主义及作为其同伴的保护主义。

    But we must reject isolationism and its companion , protectionism .

  9. 英美孤立主义对比研究

    A Contrast Study on Isolationism in both America and Britain

  10. 清教的使命观是孤立主义的理论核心;

    The Puritan missionary outlook was academic core of Isolationism .

  11. 美国早期孤立主义的经济因素

    The Economic Factors of American Isolationism in the Early Period

  12. 孤立主义所表现出的特征不同;等等。

    The features expressed are different , and so on .

  13. 如果卡梅伦是一名孤立主义者,那他也是一名蹩脚的孤立主义者。

    If Mr Cameron is an isolationist , he is a lousy one .

  14. 在这背后,藏着孤立主义和希望和平的心理。

    Behind this lay the sentiment of isolationism and a desire for peace .

  15. 其次,当前存在着金融孤立主义的风险。

    Second , there are risks of financial isolationism .

  16. 孤立主义势力对美国远东政策的影响

    Isolationist Forces ' Impact on US Far East Policies

  17. 冷战后美国的新孤立主义思潮述评

    The New American Isolationism After the Cold War

  18. 早在北美殖民地时期孤立主义思想的萌芽已经出现。

    The sprout of isolationism thoughts appeared in the period of North America colony .

  19. 孤立主义一种避免与其它国家建立政治或经济关系的国家政策。

    A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries .

  20. 在国际事务中,孤立主义的鼓吹者。

    An advocate of isolationism in international affairs .

  21. 孤立主义与美国经济现代化

    Isolationism and United States ' Economic Modernization

  22. 论美国新孤立主义自由派的外交政策思想

    American Neo-Liberal Isolationism : Foreign Policy Concepts

  23. 清教排他的地方主义是孤立主义滋生的温床;

    The Puritan exclusive localism breeded Isolationism .

  24. 20世纪以前,美国的外交政策始终倾向于孤立主义。

    Before the 20th century , American foreign policy was always apt to isolationism principle .

  25. 毫无疑问二十一世纪的美国不可能走孤立主义的道路

    It is absolutely true that in the 21st century American isolationism is not an option

  26. 美国早期孤立主义的清教根源

    The Puritan Origin of Early American Isolationism

  27. 我们就会回到历史上洋洋自得的过份开发和阴郁沉闷的孤立主义时期,从而周而复始下去。

    We would be back to our historical cycle of exuberant overextension and sulking isolationism .

  28. 当时它从国家计划和孤立主义转向改革开放。

    When it switched from state planning and isolationism to reform and the open policy .

  29. 他们的参战使他们破釜沉舟永远弃绝孤立主义。

    Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever .

  30. 孤立主义是美国最重要的传统外交思想之一。

    Isolationism is one of the most important traditional foreign thoughts of the United States .